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Business screen magazine (1967)

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ROSE-AAAGWOOD PRODUCTIONS, INC. 72 West 45th Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: (212) TN 7-S020 Date of Incorporation: December, 1961 Branches: RMP Productions of California, 1380 N. Van Ness Ave., Hollywood, Calif. 90028. Phone: (213) 446-8561. Jim Rose, Ex. in charge; RMP Productions of Chicago, 203 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Phone: (312) 372-8683. Ken Drake, £.v. in charge: RMP Ltd., 233 Jarvis St., Toronto, Canada. Phone: (416) 366-7917. Z;ile Magder, £.t. m charge: RMP (U.K.) Ltd. 3.5 Curzon St., London, W. 1, England. Phone: 493-5773. Jack RtfVTiolds, Ex. in charge. Jim Rose, President Howard Magwooi. Executive Vice-President Nat B. Eisenberg. Director Ernesto Caparros, Director of Photography Da\id Schermerliom, Production Mgr. Frank Kratochvil, Supenising Editor Leon Romaner, Comptroller Richard Mabli, Head, Print Dept. SER\acES: Production of TV spots, business, industrial, sales and training films. Facilities: Offices, studios, editorial and distribution facilities in N.Y.C.; branches in Los Angeles, Chicago, Toronto, and London. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS TV CoM.MERCL^LS: Chemsirand Island ( Burlington Industries-Doyle, Dane & Bembach); Carlings Beer Break (Carlings BrewersJack Tinker & Partners); Ford Cetawaij (Ford Motors-J. Walter Thompson); Utica Club Vignettes (Utica Club BrewersW'ells. Rich & Greene); Alha Seltzer Acid Test (Miles Laboratories-Jack Tinker & Partners ) . ROSSMORE PRODUCTIONS AND SELLING METHODS, INC. 50 East 42nd Street. New York, N.Y'. 10017 Phone: (212) MUrray Hill 2-3625 Date of Organization: May, 1959 Branch Office: .54 Rossmore .\ve.. Bronwille, NY. 10708. Phone: (914) SP 9-5786 .\nne Koller. Producer M. G. Baas, Creative Director G. L. Hesse, Production Manager Services: Creation and production of motion pictures, filmstrips. slides, flipcharts and presentations for training, sales promotion, and merchandising. Facilitie-s: Photographic and art studios; research, development and creative depts. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Live Shows: (with visualizations) Tlie Fashion Equation (National Shoe Retailers Assn.); Outerwear Everywhere (National Outerwear Sportswear Assn.); Suing With London; Go-Co Britain (Associated British Industries). Slidefilms: Fiin in Trinidad: Tohago for Relaxing, lie. (British West Indian .Ainvavs); The \hominahle \o-Man; The Abominable .Vo-iiian Coes on Record (Amprobe Instruments Corp.); The Customer on Your Horizon (E. I. duPont de Nemours); Easy as One, Two, Three (Rudco and Moore Business Forms). Ross Roy, Inc. 500 Fifth Avenue, .New York, N.Y. 10035 Phone: (212) 565-3200 William A. Walker, Executive Vice-President F. Henry Larsen, Vice-President & Acct. Exec. (.See listing in Detroit. Mich, area) The Most Complete Studio Reference • These pages of detailed producer reference listings comprise the world's most complete buyer reference source to business and television film tape reduction facilities in the U. S. and abroad. f KEN SACO ASSOCIATES, INC. 777 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212) 688-2015 Date of Organization ; 1957 Ken Saco, President Curt Lowey, Executive Art Director Services: Design, create and supervise production of films, filmstrips and slide presentations. Facilities: Design studio. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Evolution of Management System (IBM); MGM Kaleidoscope (MGM); Mechanization of Aerial Photography; Physics Shotv; Pennytevie (Ea.stman Kod.ik). SANDAK-COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS, INC. 4 East 4Sth Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 Phones: (212) 688-2460 Date of Organization: August, 1937 Victor H. Sandak, President Harold J. Sandak. Secretary-Treasurer Services: Industrial and educational audio-\isual presentation program producers; planning, writing, design, photography, slides, filmstrips, sound slidefilms. Facilities: Art and photographic studios; processing labs; Oxberry stand. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Slidefilms: Span of Time (Time, Inc.); Attitude (Nabisco); Leapt/car for Selling (Armstrong Cork Co.); Metropolitan Comic Books (Solow Wexton); Timeless Art (Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. ) . LEW SCHWARTZ/DEL SOL INC. 440 East 57th Street, New York, N. Y. 10022 Phone: (212) PL 2-0923 Date of Organization: September, 1964 Lew Sayre Schwartz. President Ed McNIahon, Vice President James Cronin, Vice President /Secretary Services: Film production, exhibitions, design, visualization and consultation, graphics, slide presentations. Facilitie,s: 5.000 sq. ft. of workshop space (carpentry shop), art studio — sewing machine, motion picture editing facilities, insert stage; slide & motion picture projection equipment, slide libr,iry, animation camera stand facilities. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS T\' Com.mehcials: Peanuts (Peanuts .\ssociates. Inc.); Donbtc-Dividcnd Days ( Chevrolet /Campbell-Ewald Co.); Family Essentials (."Vvon/ Dreher Advertising); Birds, Bees & Italians (Seven .Arts .Associated Corp.); .Manhattan Fund (Grey Advertising, Inc.). MICKEY SCHWARZ PRODUCTIONS, INC. 419 East 54th Street, New York, N.Y'. 10022 Phone: (212) 421-7440 Date of Orgimization: 1962 Branch Office: Academy T\' Film Productions of Canada, 433 Jarvis St., Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada. Phone: (416) 92.5-5997. Mickey Schwarz. Owner. Producer-Director Eugene Chirk, Executive Producer Janet Plucknctt, Production Manager Arthur Weiss, Editor Services: Scripts, writing, artwork, ston,boards, layouts, complete animation, live production, editing. Facilities: Stage with permanent cxclorama. screening room, cutting facilities. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS T\' Co.MMEiiciAUS; for Timcx Watches (W;irvvick & Legler); Primatcnc (Ted Bates & Co.); Drcwry's Beer (Doyle, Dane Bembach); Respond Hair Spray (Norman, Craig & Kummel); General Electric (Clyne, Moxon). NEW YORK PRODUCERS SCREEN PROJECTS, INCORPORATED 880 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022 Phone: (212) MU 8-5255 Date of Incorporation; 1965 William Nojes, President Patricia Keane, Safes Representative Services: Motion picture, filmstrip and slide presentations for industry and T\'. Facilities: Facilities available for location or studio photography ;(nd sound recording. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Look at the Bright Side (WOR-TV); Festa Italiana (RKO General Productions); A World in Communication (ITT World Communication Inc. -Foreign language versions). Slidefilms: Welcome to Jefferson City (Chesebrough-Pond's-Fenga & Berkovitz. Inc.); Impressions of Excellence (McCall Printing Corp.-Comart, Inc.); Happenings 1967 (Paul Bradlev, Inc.-Visual Marketing, Inc.); Go Go Gilbert (A. C. Gilbert Co. Visual Marketing, Inc.). SENECA PRODUCTIONS, INC. 21 West 46th St., New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: (212) LT 1-0480 Date of Incorporation: 1961 Robert Gaffney, President Robert I. .McCarty, Secretary-Treasurer/VicePresident SEH\^CEs: Motion pictures, including the production of features. F.^ciLrriEs: Casting; sound library; editing; recording: 70mm. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS MoTio.v Pictures: Nuclear Potver for \ew Jersey (Public Seri-ice Elec. & Gas Co.); American Field Service; Atoms on the Move (.\EC/Benni Korzen); 70mm Directing/ Photography unit by Robert Gaffney for Netherlands Expo '67 and Canadian National Railways Expo "67. SHOW ASSOCIATES INC. 150 West 55th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 Phones: (212) 581-5420/5732; 245-5618 Date of Organiz.ition: 1963 Rodney C. Chalk. President Stan LoPresto, Vice-Pres-ident Sidney Eagle, Secretary-Treasurer Sandra Horn, Peggy Friedman Services: Production of theatrical, training, TV, industrial and public relations films: still pictures, slide .ind lilmstrip productions. Facilities: 3.5/ 16mm color, b&\v: still photography 4x5, 120, 35mm. Equipment inclucles .\uricon, .\rriflex, Bolex, Nagra, Linhof, Rollei, Nikon. Location shooting, also undenvater, aerial and macrophotography. Studio and screening room. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion PktuhI-s: First Miseries; In the Beginning (CBS-TV); Fiesta Europa (.Veronavcs dc Mexico); Chaoui Faces His Future: Two Brazils (United World Films); The Good Life (United Presbvterian Church); Our Language and Culture (The University of the State of New York). 7lh PRODL'CTION REVIEW SKYLINE FILAAS, INC. 501 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212) 986-1737 Date of Inc-orporation: 1963 Joseph F. McDonough, President Divici Saperstein, Vire-Presidrnt Charles S. .\doniey. Vir(-rrc.M'</rii( Mrs. Wanda Wot/.l Editorial Suprrx-i.'ior .Miss Catherine, Prm/iicfion Services Services: Motion pictures, television commercials, sliclefilms and all areas of business communication including graphics. Facu-ITIES: E.x 147