Business screen magazine (1967)

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NEW YORK PRODUCERS VAVIN, INCORPORATED (Video and Visual Information Films) 236 East 46th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212) 682-4624 Date of Incorporation: 19-18 Branch Offices: Paris: 72 Boulevard Raspail, Paris VI, France, Phone: 924-5080. M. lean Pages, Production Manager. Switzerland: 31 Grande Rue, Geneva, Switzerland, Phone: 26-21-27. N. Z. Moreno, V. P. & Manager. Richard de Rochemont, President, Ch. of Bd. Gerald E. Weiler, Exec. Vice-President N. Z. Moreno, Vice-President Joseph Stultz, Vice-President Ruth Teksmo, Secretary, Asst. Treasurer Services: Documentan,', industrial public relations and travel films for theatrical, non-theatrical and TV distribution. Production of closed-circuit telecasts. Facilities: Production and editorial for 16 and 35mm color, b&w, in U.S. and overseas. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Picti-bes: Neivsfilm Series (American Iron & Steel Institute); Newsfilm Series (Soconv Mobil Oil Co.); TV Featurettes Series (Reader's Digest Assn.); Annual Awards (Overseas Press Club of America); Farmers' AImanac-1967 (Simon & Schuster); Pht/IIis DiJlcr (Doubleday). VIDEOTAPE CENTER (Videotape Productions of New York Inc.) 101 West 67th Street, New York, N.Y. 10023 Phone: (212) TR 3-5800 John B. Lanigan, President George K. Gould, Exec. Vice President Nathan Weiss, Treasurer William Boyd, Controller Thomas Tausig, VP/Dir., Programming Charles Holden, Director Production Donald Collins, Chief Engineer Edgar Grower, Commercial Sales Manager Cadwell Swanson, Advtg. and P/R Manager David Byrnes, Manager, Tape Operations Will Roth. Director, Creative Services Philip McEneny, Manager, Scheduling/ Estimating Tack Kell\', Production Manager Paul Pekumey, Tape Dept. Supervisor Craig Allen, Glenn Botkin, Rick Chapman, Joseph DiBuono, Jerry Golden, John McCarthy, Louis Selener, Account Executives Adrian Riso, Harold Stone, Directors Rudy Braunschneider, Richard DeMaio, Glenn Giere, Denis Harrington, Frank Hefferen, Producers Services: TV Commercials and shows color, b/w. FACiLrriEs: Three fully-equipped ground level studios or on location professional equipment and personnel to direct, produce, edit, duplicate and service T\' stations. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Videotaped Commercmls: for Winston (\Vm. Esty); World Journal (Carl Allv); Commerce Union Bank (McDonald & Saussev) AT&T; First Pennsylvania Bank; Plymouth (N.W. Ayer); North Carolina National Bank (Cargell, Wilson & Acree); SheU Oil (Ogiivy & Mather); Florida Citrus (Lennen & Newell); Coldwater All; S&H Green Stamps; Northeast Airlines (Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bavles); Aerowax; Marshall Field; Buick; Nabisco (McCann Erickson); Honi & Hardart (Grey & Rogers); Chevrolet; Baldwin Organs (Campbell-Ewald) ; Gleam (Compton); Ba\er Aspirin; Best Foods; Skippy (DancerFitzgerald-Sample); .'\mazing (Werman & Schorr); Lanolin Plus (Spade & Archer); Chase Manhattan Bank (Ted Bates); ENO (Kenyon & Eckhardt); Johnson & Johnson; Tang (Young & Rubicam); Respond; Arnold Bread (Norman Craig & Kummel); Gillette; Polaroid (Doyle, Dane, Bembach); KVP Paper Co. (Post. Keyes, Gardner); Goodyear (Norman Malone .^ssoc.)'. VISION ASSOCIATES, INC. 680 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10019 Phone: (212) Circle 5-2611 Date of Organization: 1959 Lee R. Bobker, President Irving L. Oshman, Vice-Presilent Helen Kristt Radin, Vice-President Sid Aronson, Production Coordinator Services: Producers of motion pictures, slidefilms, theatrical and television programs. Facilities: Offices, screening and editing rooms and all facilities for production of film, tape, theatrical and audio-visual media. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures; Wings to Italy (Pan American World Airvvays); A Richer Harvest; SelfPortrait; Let's Talk Profit ( 14 language versionsMerck Sharp & Dohnie); The Odds Against (The American Foundation); Someone Like You (Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.); Quiet Victory; Understanding Diabetes (American Nurses Assn.-National League for Nursing); In Search of Peace (U.S. Dept. of State); Poland: The Factory Against the Farm; Czechoslovakia: The Growth of Industry; Hungary: An Agricultural Past vs. an Industrial Future: Tliailand: Winds of Change; India: The Struggle to Industrialize; India: The Struggle for Food; M'hat Will You Have? Up in Smoke; A Walk in the Park (McGraw-Hill). Slidefilms: Thailand, India, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia (Geography Series-M c G r a vv Hill). TV CoMMERCL'iLS: for Bovs Club of America; Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.; Visiting Nurse Service of N.Y.; Save the Children Federation; National Teacher Corps. VISUALSCOPE INCORPORATED 103 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212) MU 3-3513 Date of Incorporation: 1955 Robert G. Taylor, President Manuel Garcia Rey, Executive Vice-President/ Creative Director Marvin H. Green, Jr., Senior Vice-President Stanford Sobel. Vice-President Karl Fischl, Vice-President, Educational Films Jack Lane, Aecmmt Group Supervisor Robert Stringer, Director/ Composer Thomas McNally, Production Supervisor Services: Audio-visual presentations including the Visualscope, 35 and 16mm filmographs, 35 and 16mm live action, shdes, flipcharts, VuGraphs and spectaculars staged for sales meetings, sales promotions and training, public relations, corporate stockholders meetings, motivational research studies and technical presentations. Facilities: Art department, photographic studio, staff wTiter, projection equipment and editing facilities. Trained personnel for staging and projection of presentations. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Paying by Check; Your Tmon (American Bankers Assn.); Medicare and You (Social Security Adm.); Safe Way to Profits (Raybestos Co.); The Golden Circle (Mobil Oil); How Xerography Works (Xerox Corp.); Super Salesmen (Seagrams). Slidefilms: 1967 Sales Meeting (Van Heusen Co.); Golden Glow (Lever Bros.); Principles of Banking (.■American Institute of Banking); Affiliates Meeting (C.B.S.); They are not Alone (Visiting Nurses Assn.). Industrial Shows: Annual Meeting. I.R.I.; Plans Conference (Xero.x Corp.); The Conquest of Space (Sara Lee); Spirit of 75 (.Acme Supermarket); NAB, The Look of Tomorrow (ABC); Worldvision (.ABC International); The Maze (Woman's Day). E.xtra copies of this 17th Annual on request while supplies last. Enclose $2.00 with order. VPI PRODUCTIONS, INC. A Division of Electrographic Corp. 321 W. 44th Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: (212) JU 2-8082 Subsidiary Companies: Video Editors, Video Opticals and Video Prints, Inc-, 321 W 44th St., N.Y. (212) JU 2-8082; Video Programs, Inc., 145 E. .52nd St., N.Y'. (212) 758-1846; VPI and Video Prints, Inc., 1515 N Western Ave., Hollywood, California 90038. (213 1 HO 6-8691; Video Editors of Illinois and \ideo Opticals of Illinois, Video Prints of Illinois, 450 East Ohio, Chicago, III. 60611. (312) 787-2.500; VPI of Atlanta, 1140 Peachtree St„ N.E., Atlanta, (404) 873-2848; VPI of Florida, Inc., 925 N. Lake Drive, HolKwood, Fla. (305) 927-3369. George Tompkins, President Sheldon B. Satin, Executive Vice Pres. (Corp) A. J. Miranda III, Exec. VP in Chg. of VPI N.Y. Operations Peck Prior, Exec. VP in Cliarge of VPI Calif. Operations William E. Huston, Vice President & National i Sales Manager | Robert C. Winkler, President, Video Prints Robert Sinise, Vice President, Video Editor > of Illinois RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS I TV Co.M.MERciALS: for Allen, Anderson, Niefield & Paley; N.W. Ayer & Son; Ted Bates, Inc.: 1 Benton & Bowles, Inc.; Buchen .Advertising; Campbell-Ewald Co.; Leo Burnett Co., Inc.; Compton Advertising, Inc.; D'Arcy Advertising, Inc.; Dovle-Dane-Bembach, Inc.; W. B. Doner &Co. ROGER WADE PRODUCTIONS, INC. 16 West 46th Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: (212) Circle 5-3040 Date of Incorporation: 1946 Roger Wade. President iMartin J. Mclnhre, Vice-President in chg., Photographic Dept. Florence Hewitt, Secretary, Production Co-ordinator Edward A. Bendell, Account Executive Services: Planning and production of hve-action and animated motion pictures, sound slidefilms (single and double frame format), VuGraphs, slides, multi-media sy.stems and materials. Slide development in specific-application audio-visual equipment and presentation materials. FacilrriEs: Studio; art department; editing; darkrooms: Oxberry 16-35mm animation stand; special slide and shde-film shooting stands; special cameras and cop\ing equipment; slide-laminating equipment, machine shop and electronics shop. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictltres: Titne, Tempo, and Money (Univac Div. Spern. Rand); Parents Buy Much More— Children Make the Difference (Parents' Magazine); The Story of Shell (SheU Oil Co.); A Spy, A Thief, .4 Detective, 4 Clues and You (Nas.sau Libran,' System); General Claij-TV Spot (Radio Free Eurone). Slidefilms: Five Minutes More (Calvin Bullock, Ltd.); The Conde Nast Group (Pampel & As.sociates) ; Residential Services Program (General Tel. & Electronics). ROBERT WARNER PRODUCTIONS 7 East 7Sth St., New York, N.Y'. 10021 Phone: (212) RH 4-7979 Date of Organization: 19.59 Robert NV'iirner, President Services: Li\'e, film and tape programs and commercials. Facilities: For even. tvpe of photography, special effects and editing. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: Five new films tor the .American Diabetes .Association. 150 BUSINESS SCREEN • 1967