Business screen magazine (1967)

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IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST IT'S RARIG FILM PRODUCTIONS • For complete productions • For topflight writing • For superb photography • For sound stage • For Westrex Sound Recording • For art, layout, production & animation • For expert cutting • For library scenes • And now, for NEW UNDERWATER FILM CAPABILITY RARIG'S, IIMC. 5510 University Way • Seattle 5, Wash. • LAkeview 2-0707 Filmex Forms Tapex Division to Provide Color Videotape Media Tape,\, Inc., a new division of Filmex, Inc., New York, has been formed to provide a total production service to the advertising community, it has been announced by Robert 1. Bergmann. president. Tapex is film-oriented and offers the experience of Filmex personnel from the creative, production and completion departments for the shooting of videotape commercials on Filmex's staces. NEVWr! ^^ WATT 1/!^K^^ B| SLIDE PROJECTOR l@ ^|l t^k WITH reversible\^I^^^^ Rt SLIDE CHANGER ^^^ _> FOR 31/4" X 4" SLIDES This professional slide projector Model SM3-65 has a 3.000 watt, IC tungsten lamp and projects a% much as 6.000 lumens on the scree or front projection, 3 '/i" x 4" slides, glass mounted or PolaroidPrice $1 Ask for the .l.ustra.ed Catalog * ?"'""';" "^""^' f^^^hang which describes other models of ' SP3 Conttnuous Automatic fo Genarco 3.000 Watt Slide d'splays and outdoor advertisin Proiectors • ^'^° Electric Slide Changers to on 3)1 makes of 3'A"x 4"slide pre btNAKl/U irii/B 97-04 SUTPHtN BLVD., JAMAICA. SUBSIDlARv OF BOeiNS INDUSTRIES CORP Telr Slide Projectors Division 215 0 houi* n. Rear .914,00 er large g mount jectors. N. Y.1143 65S-58E \ 5 0 Herb Horton: supervises Tapex Unique operational procedures allow directors and cinematographers complete freedom of expression. With the use of the latest electronic equipment, including Plumbicon color cameras and high band recorders with velocity compensators. Tapex is producing and delivering color commercials the same day of taping. For more sophisticated approaches, from two to five days are required. Tapex has installed round-robin multi-channel circuits from sound stages located at 240 East 45th Street to Filmex"s receiving and sendinc antennae atop the Pan Am building to penthouse offices at 300 East 46th Street. Taping services are available at Filmex. West in Hollywood, and at Filmex. South in Fort Lauderdale. Herb Horton has joined Filmex as vice president and director of Tapex. Previously, he was Herb Horton (ctr) chats uifh Marschalh v.p. Vincent lole (at left) at shooting of Sprite T\' commercial. with MGM-Video Tape Center as producer, director and account executive. Before that, he was senior producer with J. Walter Thompson. The new company has already produced spots for the Agency for International Development (for McCann-Erickson ) and the Coca-Cola Company (Sprite — for the Marschalk Co. ), The Tapex staff includes; Paul Minor, vice-president, sales: Peter Griffith, vice president, production and Steven Kambourian, vicepresident, completion. • Tuttle Named V,P. in Charge of Production Service at Filmex .: Frank Tuttle has been promoted to vice-president in charge of national production services at Filmex, Inc.. New York. Previously he was vice-president in charge of Filmex. West in Hollywood. Before joining the company in 1964 he headed his own Hollywood production firm and before that was commercial production supervisor with Procter & Gamble. • * '. -^ R. |. Rubin Is Vice-President, CM at Rose-Magwood Productions Jim Rose, president of RoseMagwood Productions. Inc.. has announced the appointment of Robert J. Rubin as vice-president and general manager. Rubin, a long-time assistant to Barney Balaban. former president and new board chairman of Paramount Pictures, was also vicepresident of Paramount Film Distributing Company and more recently assistant to Columbia Pictures president, Abe Schneider. The company has also announced the formation of RoseMagwood-Doheny. Inc.. with Larry Doheny as president. In addition to his duties as head of the new organization which will be active in the fields of industrial and educational films, Doheny will be on staff at Rose-Magwood Productions as a producer-director. • * * * Charles Adams Heads VPI Sales ■^ Charles F. Adams has been appointed vice-president and general sales manager of VPI. a Division of Elcctrographic Corporation. He has been an executive in the television industry since 1958, and comes to VPI from the Videotape Center where he was vicepresident in charge of commercial sales. Prior to that he was an account executive with MGM, 20« BUSINESS SCREEN 1967