Business screen magazine (1967)

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"Space Highlights of 1966" (CONTINUED FROM THE PRECEDING PAGE 37) lunar surface, the beautiful pastoral-like motion picture images of Earth made from Gemini XII — the photography of a solar echpse taken by an astronaut in space. There is a moment of exultation, recorded from the faces of NASA scientists as the results of the nation's first soft-landing attempt on the moon were flashed to the control room at Pasadena. The beauty of the solar system, recreated through the medium of animation, contrasts with the stark but amazing low-altitude photography of the Sea of Tranquility, taken by cameras on Lunar Orbiter 11. Progress Report on a S2 Billion Program This is a factual report to the nation, condensed by necessity into 30 minutes of film time, documenting progress made in a S2 billion national space program that had many great moments of accomplishment and a brief heart-rending hour of tragedy. During its completion, film editor George Dr. \'emor Suomi: of the Vniienity of Wisconsin. Merriken and writer-director Byron Morgan had to follow both program results and their production schedule from NASA's November and December launches and experiments right down to the deadline. Highlights of 1966, by great teamwork, was completed on schedule and is now being released by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration. • Music and Images Take Soaring Flight on "Wings to Italy" Camera TSork, .>IemorabIr Score .4re Key .\ssets of a Fine New Pan American Film YjO' IDE -Spread Favorable Response to Pan '" American World Airways' strongly musical Wings to France last year has brought forth a sequel, just released, Wings to Italy, from the same producer, Vision Associates, of New York. Once again, director Lee Bobker has plotted his trip with a highly romantic point of view, and utilizes the skills of top-notch cinematographer, Herbert Raditschnig, to great advantage. The team of director, cameraman, and as sistant director, Ann Eisner, move about Italy from Sardinia, Amalfi, Capri and Sorrento, north to Assisi and Florence, the lakes of Como and Maggiore, the Dolomites, and finally, Venice. The camera moves, captures the quality of the land and the people, in the best modern fashion, but doesn't forget to reveal the colors and physical beauty of Italy. Captures the Fragile Beaut\' of \'enice Some shots of the film are especially notable, such as a long, hand-held rock-steady pan, beginning on the spire of the Cathedral St * SiB fflfflSB iJJ] --^ K'.. f''^ ^i^^i^f ^ " ? "f "^ *'* * W^ Harbor scene at Capri in film "Wings to Italy" Colorful Sii nun is vUifcd in this film sequence. Marco in Venice, and swinging over the c and down the Grand Canal. Music in This Film Especially Notable One of the most interesting things abc: the film, as with Wings to France, is the choii of music. Eschewing the conventional approa, to travel film scores, Bobker and music edit Morton Fuchs have, as they did with Fran and Germany, chosen a score representati of the musical history of the country. When Vision first did this, it was not wit out trepidation. The company was aware th there would be those who were not prepare for a fully "classic" orchestrated score. But with the full support of Michael Kru nick. Pan Am's Manager of Special Featurt and Murray Barnes. Director of Advertisin' Vision has proceded in the German at French versions of the film to evolve an ai thentic style in music for films. Infusing Picture \\'ith Pace and Rhythm The results of the first two pictures ha\ more than vindicated this judgment and thei have been many requests for record versioi of the supporting music scores. Vivaldi, A binoni. Verdi, Tosti and others give the n^ film a drive and a rhythm that is a major la tor in its undeniable attractiveness. In addition, Bobker had Guiseppe Scarol/ the great Capri folk singer, write and perfon a song especially for the film; obtained pe mission to utilize a San Remo Festival wii ner, Una Rosa de Vienna, which Bobker rt corded live in Italy for the film; and as tf, absolute piece de resistance, the film ends wit a succession of spectacular images of Ital;| accompanied by Placido Domingo, the brilliai! young lead tenor of the New York City Oper Company, singing Paolo Tosti's Ideale. Musi experts have called this the finest rendition ( this song since the death of the late lamente, Jussi Bjoerling. Another Fine Addition to Pan .\m Librari. In discussing his approach to the musii| Bobker said, ""The biggest problem with trav( films is always how to give a first view of fi miliar material . . . how to take it out of thi cliche class. This means that the film must b infused with pace and rhythm and a sense c| vitality that the film maker must achieve i his own attitudes toward the country. "This approach puts an added burden oi the director, cameraman and editor. Th! photography must be more than well exposei and colorful. It must be free, moving, am abo\'e all. evocative. TTie directing must be in cisive and must reveal an eye for detail no commonly available in the average travel film The zoom lens has become a crutch for e\er bad travel film being made. ■"With the light, mobile equipment we hav( today, with the great quality lenses, there i: no excuse for an endless procession of pic ture postcards. The editing, too. must have style and structure, and I rely heavily on m: editor for original ideas as to how to handle special sequence." There Should Be an .\Ibum of This Score Wings to Italy will serve to give Pan American another superb motion picture in what L' probably the best library of travel promotiot The Dolomites form high barrier in North Italy. A scene in ancient Herculeum in "Wings to Italy" pictures currently available. 3t BUSINESS SCREEN)