Business screen magazine (1947)

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G-E Proiection Lamps ALL SIZES ^ 1! \ now red jily available! ^^ M ^?25=S Don't let a burnout spoil your show! See your dealer for "spares". All sizes of G-E Projection jector has a spare G-E projection lamp for lamps are now in good emergencies. Call your dealer and order the lamps you need. And it pays to insist on G-E . ... to be sure oj: • more light • more uniform screen brightness • uniformly dependable performance • constant lamp improvement and development supply . . . both the lowwattage sizes used in many slide projectors and the higher wattage sizes for movie projectors. And there's a G-E lamp for practically every type projector. Don't let burnouts spoil the presentation of your story. Make sure that every pro C E LAMPS GENERAL^ ELECTRIC ISUSlNtSS \\l) IXDIMRIM Kl \1)1RS; I SI Ol R 1 Rl 1 RlltRliNC;E .StR\ K.ESI • l'ro|KTlv a(<icdii«l (()m|j;in\ ic|jrr«niaii\cs Siicei. C:lii<an<> 1". Iiu|iiiries will lie handled are invited lo address source iiu|uiiifs. rclcri-iuc pionipih. WhcK ((insiilerahle reseaidi is re it<|uesls and otliir ileitis Id the Reader Servite (|uiie(l, time (haige esliinates will lie supplieil liuieau i>l HiMNKss ScRtKN. 8lli N. Dearborn on ie<|iicsl. Wriie lor our piililiraiioii lisis. "A Miracle for Nfrs. Smith" Released 1)) Wesiern Electric ♦ .\ new two-reel sound molion picture, .\ Miraile h'or Mrs. Smith, has been released by the Wesiern Electric Company lor disiribuiion b) the o|>eia(iii); telephone toiiipan ies ol ihe ISell Ssstein. 1 he {ilcuiie demonsliales ilie close uorkin^ ielaiioiislii|j between llie Hell SNsleins leseanh orfjaiii/alion (Hell telephone Laboratories), its niaiuilacimiii^ and supph unit (Wesiern Electric) and the o|x'raiing telephcjiie companies. The combined elloris ol these three (■roups, the picture indicates, produce the "miracle ' ol piisent-clav telephone coinmiinications which Mrs. Smith, 'her majesty, the .\iiicrican housewile," has come lo take lor granted as an indispensable tool of modern lixiiig. Ihe hliii was prcKluced by Wilding Picture Productions. Inc. The piciuie lakes its audience into ilie laboratory to shcjw the iiiteiisi\e research that lies behind each piece ol ec|iiipmeiit that coiiiributes lo telephone ser\ ite. Ihe camera visits Western Electric's plains, focussing in the precision man ulaciure which helps make telephone communication what it is icHlav and on the asseiiiblv line lechnicpies that during I^Ki. turned out a greater \oluiiie ol ec|uipment that in anv single year since the telephone's inveiilion. .1 Mixulc 1(11 .Mis. Smith points up, too. the Western Electric Clompany's coiuribulion to Bell System "logistics" llirough its centrali/ed pur(h.isliig cipei.itioiis and its naI inn wide cli.iin ol distributing houses. Wesiern Electric i:isialleis arc shown at work in ic'lephone network. In graphic loiin the picture relates Western Electrics main liiiiclions manulac tiiriiig, piireliasi:ig, clistribtiiion and iiislallalion in the elhcienc\ .iiiel eionniiiv nl IW II Sxslein le-lephiine se-i \ ice. • • • 4 I be liisi edilioii ol Thf S/i«i/», Kf< inilion anil AtliIrtii I'iliii (iiiiilr. listing HIM) motion pictures and himsnips is now available Irom Hi M\l ss Sc Kl IN. SOc. BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE