Business screen magazine (1947)

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I III Diliy \Ctniiii "tiiiiiliiin" U.S. Army Signal Corps Lauds DeVry I6inin Projectors ♦ Niiiioiuil |)it« |>iil)Ii(it\ w;is f>i\c'ii la.s( inuntli In an otliiial itltasc by ihc plinlograph l( hiaiuh of the U. S. Ariin Signal C^orpb laboratories aiiiioiinc iiif) ihr loiiiract reccnih awarcicti llic DeVry Corporation, C^hicago. for "new and improved designs" of Kimm sound niotiuii picture projection equipment to be supplie<l the Army in cjuantity this \car. 1 he Army's eniluisiasni for the new "Super" and "liantam"" designs is based upon superior ilhiMiiiiation on the screen and "tile sound (juality of ^'jiiiin ecpiip nient of the si/e generalh used in public theatres." .New optical designs, matched with fast new projection lenses, ate key factors in the new DeVry ecjuipment. Similar contract awards from leading industrial (onccrns have increased the conipan\"s pioductifjii demand to the laigest in peacetime history. I'he "Super l(i" is the finest tvpe ol professional ecjuipment available in the company's line; the DeV'r\ ""Bantam" was especially designed lor the growing held use of projectors by dealers, salesmen and trainers as well as for school classrooms and the home market. It has many of the same optical and sound advantages hut weighs onlv .SI pounds complete with projector, amplifier, speaker and screen in (jiie (ompact <ase. Ainiounced list price ol the ISaniam" is S.'{2">.0(1. Victor Animaiograph \pj>uinis Five .Special Representatives ♦ In keeping with \'i<:i((r ,\,\|. Msioi.RM'ns recenih announced progiam ol^eneial expansion, the Davenjjorl, Iowa, lorporation has added five new speiial lactorv lepresenlatives to the sales depail ment. I'he new men W. A. Giilim. John GitrrNwiioii. Dan .Stoki i INC.. JoH.\ C<).\ti).N, and Si'tLl.£ii<.n-will assist \'iciordeal ers and dislribulois in the pionin Along the Projection lines tion and sale of company equipment. Gilluni, who handled alloca tion ol 35nmi film for the War I'loduction Board during the war, will concentrate his efforts in the C;hicago metropolitan aiea, with Greenwood coveritig the .Midwest Sales l)i\isioti. Stoelling will headquarter in San Francisco but will tra\el tlnoughout the Western Sales Division, and C^otilon, who has been assigned to the East Coast, will work out ol the \'i( loi jji^mili office in New York. Spelletich will remain at -Sales Department headquarters in Davenport. .\I1 these men have been given extensive factory and sales training during the past 18 months. U. S. Steel Corporation Now Producing Major Company Film ♦ Chicago aiea steel workers prepared to become motion picture actors this month as a camera crew arrived in the city to begin photographing locatioti scenes for a new United States Steel Corpolation him. The crew includes (amerameii, stage hands and elecIritians and was accompanied by a iruikload ol lights and cameia e(|uipnient. Schedided for release sometime in .May, the film will present the story of U. S. Steel's reconvetiion activities from \'-J Day to the present. Three crews will cover mills from coast to coast, shootitig scenes of construction work, newplants, and production and employee activities of U. S. Steel. Pathescope merchandising films... All Pathescope merchandising films are individually produced to meet specific problems for both manufacturer and retail outlet . . . IL Merchandising your goods to your customers . . . Merchandising your policies and methods to sales personnel. Call Merchandising Production Department Pathescope Productions, PLaza 7-S2()0 for counsel and showings of Pathescope films already made for other clients. m PATHESCOPE PRGDUCTIONS The P«tli«Mef« CMnpony of Aiii«rl<s, Inc. "Pitnttr in ImJuttrUl ami EJucalitmnl Fitmt" 580 Fifth A»eoue, New York 19. New York The lu»wuy J.iltif diaut" Forway Industries .\nnounces "Little (iianl" Ibmm Projector ♦ I'npublici/ed to date because of the pressure of back orders contracted by large industrial and institutional accounts, the new lightweight Kjmm sound projector manulactuied b\ Forwav Industries, (Camden, .New )erscv has now been lormalK ainiounced. The new projector. dubU-d "the Little Giant" by its users, is said to combine the output of larger models in a lightweight, compact unit. I'he overall si/e /i^" x yi/j" X 1,")" and weight of onl\ 27 pounds are notable features. .■\n engineered 4-stage audio amplifier, dual ball-bearing mounted sound drum and fivwheel, and an exclusive svstem of sound track scanning are also noteworthy. .\ light optical svstem called "Perismatic" promises to combine brilliant screen illumination with a comparativeh cool aperture plate in an effort to lediice liliii brittleiiess and buckling. .All operating controls are centralized and another exclusive Forway feature is the removable lilm gate which facilitates cleaning ol the aperture and lilm channels to reduce film damage. Reel arms mount above table level and sizes up to 2,000-foot are accoiiiiiindaled. A patented sell-adjiisiing gra\it\ clutch takeup sNslenis insures iinilorm lilm tension. .Miciophone and phonograph input are also prox idcd. Sjiecial (i" AInico ."> speaker is set in a base reliexed cabinet of heavy pKwcHKl which also serves as pro jector carrying case. 2" F l.ti coated lens is standard equipmeni. The "Little Ciiani " has a solid cast aluminum liame litiished in platinum hammeiione. It lists ai S.'^lili.OO with all sales iHiiig made lliiougli the Fi)rwa\ Cor|H>raiii>ii. 21,i West .");-)tli Street, New ^olk John Lewis Forms Cinemath ♦ |.ilni lewis, receiiib wiili KB I iliiis. has .innoiincecl the loiinaiioii ol Ciiiem.ilh leclinical .-\niIllation Studio in New \ ork Catv. New technical achaiiiages are piiimisc'd lilm users. 24 BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE