Business screen magazine (1947)

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National Audio-Visual Convention Opens in Chicago on August (jth Une o{ mail) illustrations of successfully iraiiiferring a company "show" to film is seen in Armour and Company's series of "Cook jjj.i;«.iJ.!.m. of ihem in as manv years. The latest to be announced is Pantry Meal Magic, produced in Kodachrome with dialogue. It is built around the Armour canned meat line. Prints have only been out a few weeks, but distributors report that Pantry Meal Magic, as well as two previous films, already has a long waiting list of consumer audiences. , . . You Can Al.most Taste Thk Fi.avor No one has succeeded yet in putting "taste" into a I6mni 61m, but the producer, Associaicd Filmakers. proved in Pantry Meal Magic that you can come close to doing just that with good photography and the new commercial Kodachrome. Close ups of food dishes in this picture are guaranteed to stimulate an appetite. . . . Films Reach 100 Times More People By the end of the present season, more than 5,000,000 people will have seen the .\rmour consumer service pictures, according to company records. This figure is probably 100 times as many as could be reached by personal appearances of Marie Gilford and her associates in the time they have available, luiic Thr«. Volume Nine BusincM Srmti Magaiinc. Our aim is to make, not the most, but the BEST films in the 16mm commercial fie/d. ASSOCIATED FILMAKERS INCORPORATID 45 ROCKEFEtlER PLAZA. NEW YORK 10, N. Y. Phon.: Columbul 5 B335-6-7 9ISJ SUNSET BIVD. HOtlYWOOD *6. CAIIF. Phon«: Cmitviaw 5-IIM-S-6 SHOWING DOES IT . , and Quicker NAvri) tr vnr snow wn meetings OIIIK RIM \lSlTt)R VITRAtTIONS M\\\ 1 1 l..M>> nV I.N I I.RIM lo 111 siNKss Screen readers will be Icauiictl at the National .AudioX'isual Convention, which will meet at the Sherman Hotel in C^liica^o. .\iisiisl fill. I91S. The lon\cnlii)n tenters aioiinil the annual .Naveu coineiitioii. l)ui ihis year the ineelings ol the Eiliiealional I-'ilni Library .\ssocialion. Film C;oiiiKil t)l .\merita, and the Midwest Forum on .\iidio-\'isua! Teadiinf^ .\ids will be aildetl to make one (omplele national meelinj^ embracing the entile autlio-visual held. .Serving as a lotus of interest lor e\cr\one attending any of the meetings will be the large Naved Trade Show, with nearly 100 exhibit booths in which all makes of Ifimni and iiilui audio-visual et|iii|)mcnt will be shown, as well as the latest lilms. filmslrips and other I)i()(liiels. The equipment exhibits will include wire, tape and disc recorders, souiul cameras, motion picture projettois, slide and o]).i<|ue projedors. o\erliead projidors. souiul s\stems, room darkening materials, screens, and many other prodiuls. I'.xhibits ol liliiis and materials will be especially interesting this year l»cause, for the first time, exhibitors will be allowed lo slagc showings in their exhibit booths. One enterprising exhibitor (International Film Huieau) has engaged three booths in a row and plans to pui in a "theatre" lor regular him showings. I.AROISI Tradi Sudu Is I'rumisiii All ill .ill. iiKasmx<l in tirms of si/e and ol numbei ol lompanies |xii litipating, this year's show will be the largest aiulio-visiial trade show e\er assembled. I Ik joint schedule <>l meetings begins with the annual meiiingol the .Miilwesi Forum on .\udio\ isual leaihiiig .\ids. whiih will lake place on F'ridav and Saturday, .\ugusi ti and 7. The Forum is an "oldiimer " among audiovisual meetings, and it aiiraeis a comparalivelv large aiKiiil.oK < nl educators from the Mithveslern ai\,i. It piii\idcs an opporlunil\ lor school administrators, curriculum specialists, auclio'\isu,d directors, producers ol teaching materials, and ollieis lo discuss their problems on a more or less inlormal "loium " li.isis \ iiMi(|ii< plan iinoUing selection i>l picigi.iiii lupus li\ \oic' ol those attending iiisiiic'S disc iissioii 1)1 \M)i ih-w hilc topics. Em cAi ION At I'liM I.iiikarians Id .Mti-i Second naliciiial meeting on the scjiedule is ihe annual meeting ol the Ediualional Film Library .Association, which will open in a joint meeting with the .Midwest Forum on Salnrday, .Augiisi 7. and contiiuie iinlil .Monday iiiorning Aiigusi 't. Ihe EFI.A program is iK'ing planned Iin a special coinmillee under the able diicclion ol llaiiv Siiaiiss ol (!hica Oi-suN .\M)IRsc)N. I'lciidiiit of llif Satwual Assotiation of I'isual Education Dealers. go, and nianv c|iiestions of im|>oiiance to evervoiie interested in lilms will Ik discussed. Some ol the topics lo be discussed in panels arc, "Film Calculation Techniques and Problems": "Planning Institutional Film PrcKlutlions"; ".-Xdministering and Siqiervising a Film Program"; "L'siiig Films in .Adult Cirotips"; (PLEASE T t; R N TO PACE T E .N ) for price iiiul cjnti/ity COMPCO precision iiiiinnpictiireJ STEEL FILM CANS AND REELS Tempered steel reels hold to width . . . eliminate film rubbing and binding. Cans protect your valuable films from damage in shipping and handling. Reels and cans are lustrous, baked-on, hammertone gray finish. Srr Your Vigital Education Supplv Dealer ni Writ. r..' ■"■ ■ '\ ■. f :•'.: >-,„ntiov. COMPCO CORPORATION 2253 W. ST. PAUL AVE. CHICAGO 47, ILLINOIS BUSINESS SCREEN MAGA7INE