Business screen magazine (1947)

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Are We Overlooking (he Filnislrip? • SIMPLE BIT EFFECTIVE TOOL AW VITS lUMNtSS • LVS 1 \K\1< iIr Coiiiiiiiiuion I'.dLuaiion, Chaiubci ul ■ Oiiiiiincrcv ol ihc L'niicil Slalfs. irkasril two |)aiii|j|ilcls ciiliik<I "Educaiioii: An ItncMiiicni ill I'loplc." ami "licliualion Slips L'|) I.ixiiif; SiaiuUinls. " Here again is ladiiul data rcvt-aling the dose i'clali(inshi|> between tlie general level (if education and the economic uell-bein(» ol the |x'0|)le wiiliiii a cciuniry. This relalionshif> has been and conliiuies to be a challenge to American Industry. A (ontiniious acceplanie iiilisl be on hand! Sponsors, piiKliueis. and clisII ibulois ol all soi Is ol ediicational aids— especially visual aids— liaM attempted an acceptance ol ihis (liallenge. And in glaiuing through lists ol free materials that are available tci educalors it is admitted that American Industry has made a pretty fair attempt mi far. Glancing a second lime through ihe lists it is noted ihat the Mimm Idm has played and is contiiuiing to play a leading role. Ihis is piimaiih due lo the coupeiation ol c|ii.ililiecl iilm |>io ducers. leading educalors. and the large iilm distribiiling oigani/alions. and a potent medium. Most him pniduceis have lapidh been expanding new production because ol geneicjus and opporiu nity-minded sponsors and the ready availability of distribution. Credit should be given lo those Hoards ol liducatioii ili.ii li.ivt not shown a narrow minded apa ihv towards the "business sponsored type of aid." Production should be increased still more as business realizes iis oppoiluniiv lo do an eNceilent public lelalioiis job (iioi to overlook ihe lad thai .111 unc|uestionalily satisfactors "advertising" job is done) as wc II as an ap]ireciaicd public service. Returning to the lists of free aids nientioned above, it is signilic.iiu lo Hole thai some sponsois have used thai oluii iiiisuiulii stood slepchikl ol ilu lilni woild —the lilnistii|j. Signiluant? .\lisunderslood slepcliild" Some miglil very well ask whv this leriii is used. Let us apprcjach the latter sialenieiit lirsl. loo many people, many of whcjni should know belter, are not familiar with the fdiiistrip as a tool ol the educator. .Many look upon the strip as a substitute lor the motion pictuie. Ihis, in spite of the lact that it has been said over and over that the snip mighl veiv well be com plemenlaiv and or siipplemen larv to the motion picture or atiy iitlirr eduttitionat tool. Some s\stcms have used stri|)s only instead ol motion pictures but on delving into the facts one linds that this is a linancial substitution not a pedagogical one. Remember, a good motion pictuie projecloi siill costs manv times more than a good lilmsirip projeclor and llu laiio lor ihe sales price ol release prints is still higher. .Main users ol the strip do iioi gel ihe mosi iilili/alioM oiil ol one. This is especially true ol the silenl lilmstrip. The teacher has (diiiplele ciinliol al all limes. Il lan be used in v\ bole or ill p. II Is. I'. II Is not wauled can be caslK passi-dovei. Like any other educational tool it is a motivating force, not a panacea. Hut il it appeals that we are lalling into a trap by setting forth arguiiienis lor one tool as against another, let us say now that the lilmstrip is a visual aid that stands on its own feet. It has its advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to motion or emotion, the lilmstrip has static cpialities that handicap it. liiit manv educational subjects are not cdiicerned with either. .\nd some subjects have sections that are not concerneci with these problems. Ihe advaiuages cjf the filmstrip bring us back to the use ol the word "signihcant". Industry, like our Boards ol Education, is op elated bv budgets. Expenditures ol hard-earned capital are entrust ed to heads ol departments who are ollen out to gel the most lor ihe least. .\ncl verv |ir<ibablv thev .lie absolutelv correct. The mosi dilhiull "giver iippeis" are the Iliads ol the Public Relaiions Department and the .\clveriising .Manager. .\ncl this, wc might sav. is "sigiiilicanl". For here is a tc«)l ih.ii cin Ihmost eoinomicallv |)idclucecl. Release prints, even in color, aie now so reasonable that distribution is ( c: (1 N I INI V II o \ I' V c; i II) The Fonda TopFriction Drive oli III ill a I OS film slack Film slack is the number one problei.. . film developing. FiindaV patented clriv Iiieriiaiiism completely eliminalcs this problriii . . . in:ikiit^ the F(iii<la d<*veloper the most eflirieiit and most eeonoiiiieal vet desijiiied. Stainles.H steel coiistnieticin . . . " almost unv speeil range... proeeRnes ;inv tvpe film: .{.'iiiiiii. Kiiniii. blnek .111)1 vvliile. positive, negalive. reversal or mirroriliii. Pel«nt*d Top-Fr!cl>on Oriv* Mvchonitm Send for FREE descriptive booklet: (!oiii|Kirr \\\v hniiila inarhinr uilh un> <i(hiT iiiiikr l» "cnclin^ fi>r \onr i-iiiii|>liincnl.'ir> <">(»> "f ihr ijrw illii'>lrulril lionklft (;ivin^ roiiiplrtr <)i-l;iiU iif the Fnmla Film }*riH r*ft<ir. ViMrroo Koiiil.1 Divi-iun. Solar Vinrafl < :«» . --^H rarilir lli^ih^av San Ww^u \:. Calif. F4»M».% Fll.>l l*ll<»<>:SSI\«; l^:4H l>*»>-'^T l»IVISI4»> STAINLESS PRODUCTS San Diego 12, Calif. . . . 60 E. 42nci St., New York 17, N. Y. BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE