Business screen magazine (1947)

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sponsored Film Pi(>i»rams For Employee Audiences (Co N I I N V K 0 F R < » M V.\t,K IS) ;i|>|i(-ii/iMK iiicnK i)iiitkl\ ^iiiil (-t4>iiuiuK;ill\ I hi' |ikiiite picM'iiis a large variety ol iIk'nc (jiiiikh preparcil meals. S|>onsoreil \>\ Aiiiioiir J^ C:o. Pr<^rcss in PrudmN (23 inin) Loan. Modern. • Man's (lisio\ei\ of new ways to nuKiifv inaleriaU anil proihue niaiiv of the ihiiiK'' needed for nKnlern livhig. Nutrition, tal (tries and the determination of difiereni food values are discussed. Margarine is used as an example of a new prodmi employing new methods. Sponsored l>\ (lot tun CoiMicil Sc Soybean .Assn. Quicker Than You Think (25 niin) Loan. Modern. • How to select, prepare and serve ap|X!ti/ing. balanced meals in a matter of minutes, with suggestions for preparing cpiick allraciive meals fur various occa sions with minimum effort. Sponsored b\ .Armour & Co. Strange Hunger |33 min) Loan. Modern. • A reenatiment of the discovery of nicotinic acid and its application in the trealmenl and prevention of pellagra. The importance of other v itamiiis and the seven basic foods is also discussed. Sponsored liv National Vitamin Foundation. We Decorate Our Home (32 min) Color. Loar.. Modern. • 'Ihc step-by-stcp and rooni-byitx)ni transition of a "Cinderella house" — vim age 1920 — into a colorful home, well planned, convenient and modern. Spon sore<I li\ ritisburgh Plate Class Co. Yc*sterday, Today and Tomorrow (30 miin Loan. .Modern. • 1 he story of the failures, successes and diiicoveries encountered during the years of seardi that preceded man's discovery of sfienlilic ways tu preserve fmjd, and an explanation of the basic pi Inciples of fiMKl preservation. Sponsoreit by H. ]. VISUAL INSPIRATION Our America (32 min) 1^'aii. MtHlern. • A summing up of the attributes of lit>erly; an explanation of the things we hold sacred and u|K>n whose foundations the L'niled Slates was founded, built, and upon which it has grown. Sponsored by I)<Hlge Motui Co. .Song of the Pioneer (27 iiiiu) Color. Loan .Modem. • I he founding and development of the hrst railroad west of Chicago is depicted as well as much lailroad pioneei ing in the West. Sponsored b) Chicago Jic Ninth Western Railroad. How lo Obtain These Films • All I if the abo\e prugi.nns and manv olheis may l»e secured free, except for iianspiirialion charges, from Nlodern I alking Picture Service. Write head (piailers al K Rockefeller Pla/a, New York 20. lit Id ilu iniiluesicin ulhie al 112 K Onlaiiii Street in Cbitagn. Kxihanges arialM) listed at .Mlaiila 3. lUnioii Iti. Hnlbdn 2. Ccdur Rapids. In.. Cleveland II. Dallas I. DettcNt I, Harrisbuig. Pa., Indianapo lis I, Kaiius C:ily fi. Mo.. U-xingion 31. Ky., Los \ngrle?i 7, Milwaukee 3. Minne a|« 2, New Orleans 15, New York 10. Oakland *t. Cab, Omaha 2, Philadrlpbia 3. Piltsbuigh 22. Si. \AHti% .'». Salt I.ike Ciiv 2. and S<-altle 'i. Wasli, Oibei MiMlrin exchanges at Charlmie. N <: . and \\.l^h ingtoik B, D.C. A-V PRODUCT REVIEW Bodde Screen Company Develops Rear Projection Screen for Video ♦ A iiansliicciu R-ar projeclioii sciicn may prove to be the ke\ lo low production costs in television. The costly erection o( background sets could be all but iliniinated by the successful application of the rear projection ic<hnii|ue lo video. .\ccording to the liodde Screen Co. of Los .Angeles, by using their background projection set-uj), wliich includes screen light source and slide projector, a TV producer can change the background lor his video show merely by (hanging the projected slide. IJodde has developed and manufactured a translucent screen espei ially adapted to television. The color temperature, contrast and ileluiition best suited lor the tele\isi()n camera were all carcfullv considered in developing the new screen. IJesides being tested sucloslullv in the laboratory, the liDildi background projedion outIx is now being used by W'CB.S, VapOrate Names Colburn Laboratory for Chicago Film Services ♦ Ihc \ apOrale l.onipain Inc., .New York sole sales agent for the Va<uumale process which gives lilm lasting protection againsi luigermarks, sciatches, oil, water and climatic changes, announces ill. 11 iliis lilm irealment is now ,i\.iilal)le in the Ci hie ago area ihrough Colburn I^aboratory Inc., Hil North Wacker I)ri\e. .So many recjuests have been made for \'acuuinate, the Super \ap()rale. that a complete Vacuinnale installation has been made lo service dealers, producers and indiislrial concerns. For more ilian 1^ years, I'he X'apOrate Co. Inc. has enjo\ecl I lie jirivilege of scuing thousands ol film users. Victor Relocates Los Angeles Hdq. ♦ Wcslern ollices ol ilie Xitiok .\ni.\iaic)(;kai'H CioRpoR.ATioN ha\e iiKAed lo a new localion in llie Cine Man Ituilding. (i'.IIL* IlolK W(M,(I I'.Kd.. Hollywood 28. Calif, Chicago Address of Coffey Co. 4 III l.isl lllillllh's ,lltl(l( III! till new |,im llaniK lilm, I'hr riiiiiiis I'idjilr Wnut. we piiixided llie former address ol the |a<;k (.. CciiFfv Co., which has excliisi\c clisiribiilion rights lo the film in ihe l'niled Slates, lis possessions and Canada. The Colley Coinpaiiv's new address is 20,"> W. \\ .ic kc I l)ii\e, Ciliicago 0. 'Winning Ticket" Sales Show Is Radiant Presentation to Dealers ♦ The Winiiitig Ticket, an original election-time . sales presentation prepared by Radiant Ma.siFAC-iiKi.NG CoRf.. screen manulactuiers, is enjoying a popular reception in countrywide showings icj phoiogra])hic dealers. A great portion of the enihiisiasin is due to the iJiogram's ncnel ajiproach— the use of an overhead projector, sound track, and the narrator's own contributions. The latter are projected on a lilted screen lor the audience to see. However, the visual presentation's main appeal lies in the sound merchandising practices covered. 1 liese include a review -Ir/./Z/i/i WrTlhrimrr. Radiant's vicepresi(friit, mtirhidrs a trernt ihtiwin^. of proper salc-s demonstrations. New 16mm Equipment Catalog Is Offered by Neumade Products 4 1 he new lOmm lilm ec|uipmeiu catalcjg of NtiMAot Prodlcis Corp., New York City, is now available on rei|uest to .Neumade. i he booklet includes such items as lile and storage cabinets, lilm (leaning machines, editing and (lilting tables and spliiers. Dunningcolor "Animatic" Entirely New Filmstrip Projector able if slep-by-slep (jperalion is being shown. Frames can be advanced almost as fast as the button can be pushed, giving, if desired, the illusion of motion. .And when the same object is shown in succeeding frames there is no jiggling on the screen. The .Animatic is said to have a (ompletely scratch-free gale, since I here are no pressure plates lo s(iai( h ihe lilm oi spioi kels lo tear perforations. Ihe push-button swildi on the .Model .\ may be o|H'iaie(l al anv (lisiance from the |>roje(lor willi an extension cord, so that the teacher or speaker may be his own projectionist even when in from of the room facing the group. Other features ol ihe .\iiiinaiii include the fact ihal il will laki anv length strip up to KKMI liaines. or a continuous IcKip of 1(10 frames. .Msci. and a verv impni lain feature for a Hiinin projedoi. the .\niinalic takes a 7.')(l wan lamp, which pours as iiiikIi light onto the screen even with liimm liliii as the conventional lowei pov\eied 3.'>mm projectors. This is made jxtssible by the patented priiuiples incori)oraied in ilu cooling system. Ihe 750 w a i i lamp (an projed a single fraim indelmiiclv vvilhoiil liiuning oi hiislciing ihe liliii. Snips liir ihc piojedor (an In m.ide l>v iIh Dunning color lab (iralorv now. eilhei Iroiii (olor lianspareiu ies or Iroin old .l.'imni snips. Oilui lliiniii lories will iindoubiedlv be abli lo make prints icmi as demand grows. Ihe Model .\ .\niiiia(i( weighs 13 lbs.; .MckIcI B. Hi^ lbs. ♦ .\ radicallv new lilmstrip projector using lOmiu lilm is being put on the market by the Oi nmnc COLOR CoRTORATlO.N, Hollvwood. The Animatu:, as it is called, is available in two models— Model .\ is pushbutton controlled: Mod1 1 li is auKjinatic and may be set loi ;iMv time intervals between 1,4 and 15 seconds. Model 15 is parti( ularlv suited for coniimious pro jedion using a repeating lilm loop, and may be used in any speciallv built displav. or in a cabinet. Cabinet .Model U's are also being maiiiitadiiic <l In ilie Dunningcolor Ciorp. Heretofore there have been several problems that prevented the successful use of Kinim for still projection. The major advantage ol lliinm lor lilmsirips is ihegreaiIv reduced prim cost especiallv hir color. For example, a 50 Iraine .'t5mm color strip would cost aboiii .SI). 50. In lOnmi a .50 liaiiie strip could be made for S2.00 or less. F'or large print orders the Kimm versions would save a verv subslaniial amount. Another advantage that has been incorporated in the .\niinaii( is the inslanlaneoiis pull-down. Frames are (hanged in less than I 200 ol a second. This is theoretic allv possible in a !55inin projecloi. bill ihe more than lour limes gicaier weight and inertia of 35miii lilm III. ikes ihe engineering pioblem that iiiudi greater. Ihis Inslanlaneoiis Iraiiie diaiige withoiil the use ol a shinier gives no .ippaieiil daik scieeii lime. Frames .ire pilot-pin reglsieicd. so that lluv are in peileci alignmeiil. Ihis le.iliiie is paiiiciiLirlv valii