Business screen magazine (1947)

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this /^^^M^ kind of PORTABIE Projector "El for I6fnm. sound pictures offers you these ^ big features The Ampro Compact has been built for those who need a portable, single-case quality projector at a popular price. It is a basically new type of portable projector which brings you : 1. New Amazingly Compact One-Case Unit A complete full size 16mm. sound picture projection outfit — including projector, amplifier, detachable 8" speaker and cord, plus room for extra 400' reel and film — all in one portable case. Measures only 15" x 21 ''2" X 9%". Speaker can be instantly removed and set up near screen for best sound reproduction. 2. New Remarkably Quick Set-Up Through new counterbalancing mechanism, projector swings up into operating position in one easy movement. Permanently attached reel arms swing quickly into position — and in less than ten seconds the Ampro Compact is re.idy to thread, connect and operate. 3. Full Professional Quality Projection The many Ampro quality features, tested in thousands of projectors over many years and through millions of performances, are fully maintained. Not a new untried unit — but rather an ingenious adaptation of a proven 16mm. sound projector. Unusually quietrunning. 4. 100% Availability for Quick Servicing The entire chassis of the Ampro Compact can be removed quickly and easily from the case. This is the only portable onecase 16mm. sound projector that offers 100% convenient availability for both mechanical and electrical servicing. Plus New Lower Price and many other new features Including a new free flow streamlined cooling system — and special cushioning to protect projector mechanism against shocks. An ideal unit for both silent and sound projection for moderate sized audiences where compactness, ease of set-up, portability, quality of projection, are important factors. ' ^ ' ^ • ^^;r:;"">efuUae.3.UWpnceoithe.«-P'o : Compact Ptoiectot. iiiu^rated booklet -The . ^ »„,,ni! Story ot lonii". T__,.v,in(.. Amazing Tool tor Teaching. g;::r ;".;:;---"«-' S^enci for (/S>oohicls Mail coupon for full details on the new Ampro Compact. Also send for interesting booklets "The Amazing Story of I6mm. Sound Motion Pictures'" (the illustrated story of how sound pictures are made and projected) — "A New Tool for Teaching" (the story of sound films in the classroom) — "Toward a Better World" (how churches are utilizing sound pictures). These informative booklets will be mailed to you postpaid for lOc each. The AMPRO CORPORATION • CHICAGO 18, ILL. • A general precision equipment corporation subsidiary Name ,^1I M-J %