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Industrial Audio-Visuol Association Holds Annual Meeting on February 9
Till ANM'AI, MEEIING ol ilu In iliisliial AudioA'isual Assotialion. iialioiial liliii oii;ani/aiioii ol business and industrial cxtcuiivcs |>i iniarilv tontcrncd with audio and visual mctlia within major L'. S. concerns active in this licld. will be held ai Chicago's Drake Hotel next February 8. 9, 10, 1919. Accoiding to William M. Baslable. Swift and Company film executive who is |>residcnt ol the organization, emphasis will be on exchange o£ ideas and methods among members of IA\'A in panel discussions.
Guest speakeis nie sdiedukcl lo appear at luncheon and dinner sessions onh dining the three day meeting. I he anniral election ol officers and directors will be held on Wednesday, February 9. The new olhccrs will be installed at the annual diinier ol the member ship on Wednesday evening. .Man Lee. .Scars Roebuck ,<: (iompanv. is the piogram ihainnaii in chaige ol all sessions.
The informal program, as arianged by Mr. fate's committee and assisting Chicago mem lx.TS, is as follows:
1 I'E.SDAV, Ki:URl VRV S. i!ll!l
9:30 a.m. Rigisliatiun
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 ;i.iii Opening Session
First Morm\<. .Vksmo.n: .\ (ompaiati\e stiidv of methods employed to seciiie. niaximinn film distribution: Phase One: Internal Distribution.
A. Securing the company audience: employee group showings; deaJer distribution; in-plani showings; paid-time training shows; attitude films, etc.
R. Insining Effective I'se ol linern:d Films: measuring results: training \our meeling lead ers; internal public it\: ducking lompiiiu results, etc.
C. I'hysical methods oi handling iinernal distribution: audience preparation and piescntation; film handling, etc.
12:00 noon: Luncheon 1:30 p.m. to .■j:00 p.m.
.\iTKRN00N Session: Phase f wo; Kxuinal Distribution— Problems and Opporttniities.
.\. Securing consumer and public audiences: piomotional activities. aiKeilising. diied-mail. conespondence. etc.
IV .Measining audience impact; certifying results: pretesting vour films, etc.
C. Physical methods of film handling: ;iudicnce preparation and piisentaiion in iln (onstimer or public field.
3: 15 p.m. to i: ia p.m.
.Member leporls on sjjonsored film acce])tance bv aiidieiue groups: chtnches, connnunity, clubs. Ir:nernal organi/aiions, labor, schools.
WEDNESDAY. FEURIARV 9 9:00 a.m. Sh.vki> to 10:30 a.m.
Tec:iimc:ai. Review Sf.ssions: Phase One: I'holograpln and Commercial Films; new developments and technitpies, including new ccpiipment review. Also color notes.
10:-f.') a.m. to 12 nocjn Phase 1 wo: Recording and Connnerical Films. New developments and techniques; sound slidefilms: Equipment Review.
12 noon: Lt nc iiko.v meeting
1: 15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
\i iiK.Noo.v Session: Producer-Client Relations
3: 15 p.m. to ■1:-15 p.m.
.\\Ni At. IJtsi.vEss Meeting and Election ol
I'H'i Officers and Directors.
0:00 p.m.
Asm ai Di.wer and Installation of Officers.
1 HURSDAV, FEBRUARY 10 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Final .Morning Sf-Ssion: Report of the Tecli nical Coininittee; Equipment Review, etc.
10: 15 a.m. to 12: 15 p.m. "Where Do We Go From Herer " Objective for the 1919 program c>l the AsscKiation. 12:30 noon: Luncheon
special .Meeting ol New Officers and Dircitoi• • •
Chicago Rail Fair Makes Plans for '49
■d Plans are luiclei w.iv lo puseiu .nioihei Railroad Fair on Cihicago's lake-lront next sunnner. .Motion pictures, sponsored bv ilu railroads and used as |>art of their displavs did much to turn last summer's gTeai rail show into the astonishing success it proved to be. .More railroads viith larger displavs aie expected to lake |)an in the MM9 edition ol ihe fair. New display ideas are being sought
SW 7{/c44ed
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likg th« WEIRTON
nil South Boulevard Cole Pork, Illinois