Business screen magazine (1947)

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WllMS so SI u AHOl 1 I HI MSJONr ./ /''//) (illllOX lllllU iiihinnly (Inlliiiuj^hl ) loii-iiisl trlci'iscil lliriihr jx-rliiyniiiiK is ifilli iliis "hti-nzi-d liiillftiiiii IrnmjXDlfd Id tlir h.'iUi^ xiiitii." I IKK HESrSKI.I.ING hisloiicil liU'ialiirc. motion pit ■^ uiiis .111(1 sliilclilins liiii make no<jd iisi.' ol liisloiv lo inakc I he strccii iiicssaj»f more roiiianri(. inn-resting atui siilciililr. Man has shown a (onsiani iiUjuisiiiM' iiitciisi in liistorical ilci^iil. Mis loriaiis have IXC ax and (ilics. piled ihiii w,x\ into pManiids and diliphcicd picliiic lanmiancs in an I Molt lo (|ii(iiili ihcii ihiisi lor liisioii<al knowlcdnr. And lluMiiKss (il the "licjicxcitoi iioi" iliiiiii 111 IIo(mIs ol iu\\spa|)(i and liook IcatiiK's is not based oti a mile passing whim oj the |)iil)li(. Ill l;ii liial lilm pioiliii lion, one ^ood liiik is lo lapilali/e on ihis liisioiiial (iiiiosit\. Inleicsiin^ aiK'idoies and details ahoiii a piodiui's (II iii(liislr\'s past laii keep an aiidienic iiientallv aleii and ill a re<epli\e inood loi a sales inessaK"'. I hen anaiii, historical roniparisons can be used to ' Niablisli a mood o( profjTtss. \(Uiali\. ilure is a ucalih ol iiiie\i)loi((l lomaiuc liehind mail) |)ro(lu(ls, Iheii eaih discovery, laiiiih antecedeiiis and liisi :i|i Pictorial History for Business Films .•\s Kild 111 the idiidis cil Uiisiiicss .Scrt't'ii l)\I)i . Oili) I he lieiiniaii \i(hi\e =. T^~-r-. Vi^ This k.ari.v bii of rirai. iiimok puturrd Ihc idea oj the eletlrU milker as pretty funny. "Gosh! Things is a good dent easier since these here machines rnme in. I tell yexv!" plications prov ide some good tales. Take the prosaie siibjeci ol salt. .\ c()m|)an\ boosting iis piddiKl \i:i ih( mcdiimi ol a sales Imi'Kcivvii WAsiiiNr. maciiinf patented h\ Thomas /. Meroney «/ Xorlh Carolina. Where ran \ou gel one today that will also steam and hoil grain and t'egelabirs for slnrkf (Urea ISS2. lilm rould add a good deal of piineh to the picture b\ sprinkling a banel-liill of interesting saltdata throiighuiit the lilm. For instaiire. salt was used in ancient Rome to pav state olfieials for services; our woul "salarv" tomes from this piat lice, .\gain. vears ago. salt lias considered so precious that it was mentioned, along with jewels incl heirlooms, as a speeial Ih'cpiesl in the wills ol the rich. Sail was exeii m.ide the subject ol price xiiiiiol ill e.irlv \eion.i. KislAKCII \ C:c)sti\ I'rch'.fss t )l course, a gcHitl deal of spe(i.di/ed research is necessary to dig liistorical information out ol the various .inci \olumiiious liistor\ books, diaries, old newspapers, eic. I he task becomes even more dilliciilt when pictorial evidence ol a product's or indiistiA's past IS the objeei of the researeh. .\n electrical rompany pniclaims its l!M!t sio\e a miracle ol elliciencv. .ind I hen seis out lo 30 BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE