Business screen magazine (1946)

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.TsTERRIFIC! IF IT'S FOR VISUAL PRESENTATION! IF IT'S FOR EXTREME PORTABILITY THEN YOU'LL WANT TO KNOW ABOUT '•FAST-FOLD PROJECTION SCREENS I'M I i;i \^ \\ AWARD WININEK PORT-A-STAGE STAGE EQUIPMENT ROLL-A-LOCK PROJECTION TABLES Write (or OlSCItlPTIVC CmCULAK COMMERCIAL PICTURE EQUIPMENT CO. FIRST WITH THE MEN WHO BUYIS BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE or 16mm. Film — 400' to 2000' Reels Protect your films Ship in FIBERBILT CASES Sold ii leadirg dealers •K Gt^iierai iV'truleuni (Corporations 27-nunute rolor motion picture If here Roosler-Tiiils Fly recently received first place Paul Bunjan Award of Merit in the category of promotional campaigns bringing greatest national recognition to Seattle in ly52. The film, which tells story of Seattle's colorful annual Seafair celebration, was produced by Charles Ferryman of Seattle under supervision of West-Marquis. Inc.. General Petroleuiirs agency. F. C. Meunier. GP advertising manager (left) and R. Giske. Seattle district sales manager (center) are shown with Welles Wiley, WestMarquis" Seattle vice-president ( far right ) . "Home at the Wheel" (CONTIMEI) FRO.M 1>.\GE FORTY-SIX) made inside the car. An even stranger sight than a cameraman in a trunk occurred when the action was shot through the windshield of the car. The cameraman stood on a tinv platform attached to the front bumper and axle of the car. General Motors did not intend Home ai the Wheel as a driving lesson. No 14-minute film can convey more than one or two points successfully. It is hoped that the film will make women realize that they can acquire self-confidence about their driving and relax while they are behind the wheel. It is the self-recognized, relaxed driver who has the fewest accidents and highway safety is the GM goal. Beyond that, the gals mav well remember GM as a friendly driving coach, and that new Pontiac is a beauty ^ SEE the Selectroslide ■^^^ hL. FuL rap Con For Ask y aulomalic projector * * * 48 2x2 8 acily 750-lflflO watt projector • • • Rem irol. personnel instruction, sales meetings, sh us and Customer Service presentotic for a demonstration and be convinc Oe/o^ SPINDLER&SAUP y. 2201 BEVERLY BOULEV/ 'i''**fi**o*t LOS ANGELES 4, CALIFOR ide etc ed. RE *,RD NIA The Mark of Excellence in Commercial Films GATE & McGLONE Films for Intluslry 1521 CROSS ROADS OF THE WORLD HOILYWOOD 28, CALIFORNIA RE-REGORDING PRECISION 16 MM. OPTICAL/MAGNETIC .iVoii pel top-norrh scrvire on all types nf soun.l iranafer! Magnelir tape to film optical track or reverse, sync or non-synr. Any type of re-recording now can be done to Precision standards. All the skill of MAURER sound and professional 16inm. tnntion picture equip, mem and enpineerinp, combined wilh the finest in tilm laboratory processing for which PRECISION is famous! Take advantape of ibis unbeatable combination! Let Precision fill yoor rcrecording needs! PRECISION FILM LABORATORIES, INC. 21 West 46th St., NewYork36, N. Y. JU 2-3970 JZll BU.SINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE