Business screen magazine (1946)

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it;iI ill Worlil \\ .11 II. iu saw air combat bofonir a war of its ow n separate from the laml ami tlif soa. Larry Bell, founder of a famous roinpanv. rriiu'nihcn'd llie aill)!aiie"s role in the eaik Iwcntii's a^ a stunt \i-liiiii' and liarnstipiimr. Kobert (Jross, president of I^ocklieed Aircraft, voiced the hope of the Wright brothers, which still indnies with the men of aviation, \\ir airplane can be used to Iniiij.' people closer together and by so doiiif.'. to briii'j undeislandinf;. (»eneral Benjamin Toulois, at 77. recalled his experiences as the .Armv's one man Air Force — the (lavs when he learned to fly by 1954 PRODUCTION RE\IE« lio^ Knabi;nsi{i E trlb his part i>j tlir (irinlion slory in ''If c Saiv It Happen" IIS lie recollects his days as a balloonist liefine he herame one of the first pilots. correspondence with the Wrights after each cracknp. asking what he had done wrong. Leroy Grumman, appearing at the Bethpage, Long Island plant where his famous planes arc made, told of producing the first shipboard plane with retractable landing gear. \\ illiani lioeing agreed to tell the story of the beginning of the air mail in this country. Igor Sikorsky, whose career in aviation began six years after the Wright brothers' first flight, takes exactlv ten minutes on the screen to trace his career, including such highlights as the design and development of the world's first four-engined plane in 1912, his ocean-spanning clippers of the 1930s and. of course, the modern helicopter he fathered. There are others in this cavalcade of memorable events, men like Admiral Dcwilt Hamsey. early Navy pilot: Donald Douglas who witnessed the Wrights' lliglits at Fort Meyer in 1909 and went nil 1(1 achieve greatness with planes of his uun making: John Northrop, designer of the large flying wing and other aircraft; Glen L. Martin, designer and builder of Martin bombers and trans])orts: Hov Knabenshue. one of the first aviators, who turned from balloons to become a pioneer military aviator. The sagas of Charles Lindbergh and of Amelia Earhart. of Wiley Post and other daring Hyers who pushed forward the horizons of powered flight by their exploits are related against the background of archives' footage. After months of shooting from Boston to Los Angeles was also completed, there were more than lOO.OOO feet of film in the cans. All was not daring-do. Important to the progress of aviation was the pioneering work in aeronautical engineering contributed by Dr. Jerome Hunsaker of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, fust American to teach the new science. Frank Mock, famed for his work on airplane carburetors and Leonard Hobbs, the engine designer who won the Collier (concluded on pace 13 1) 41