Business screen magazine (1946)

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|>i>ilfil liv f)0 of till 111 "key" coiiipaiiifs In this SiiivcN : of ihcsc ()(•'. were niiidr in color. I'lilNI lil olJKI minis: uilli some of llii l.iif;t>l [)rO(luri'is as yrl iinrf|ioitiil. a lolal of 'ii.dOII 16mni prinis wrii' rcrniin'd for lillrs |iro(liiii-il la SO (■ompanics rrtiirninix first iiport>. \ii ail(lilioiKll lolal of l.SlcS .'55niin niolion pirliinprinis well rrcpiircd liy I'licnls. IJ. Total inirMliiM' of -<ounil -liil('lilni> aii<l print* prixlurcil in l*)5S: 61 I . S. ( iiMi'VMKS KiiMiHTiNi;: I'arlv rcUirns sluiwi il a total of 792 somul slidrlilni programs prodnciil 1>\ tluse companies in 195.'x Aliont 350 of llic^c profjranis were |iro(liiceil in color. I'hIM KkoI IKt \tKMS: liccaUM of uiiloplcail use amonf; national dealer orsiani/ations. print orders for soun<l slidcfdins were large. For only 61 of tile 1 II "key* companies in this Survey, a lolal of ()'^^.S7■^ sets of prinis and recordings were ordered In 195H. Vi ith conlinned im|)rovemenl In sound slidefdm e(|uipnienl and recording melhods. there was a c(Miliniie<l trend in recordings for liotli lonii-|i!a\ and "'anloinatic" reproduction. Questionnaire Returns on Standard Producer Film Sales Practices •¥ Several questions asked of Imsiness film pro ducers concerned standard practices on hehalf of .sponsor clients. For example: 1. Do yon require progress payments on new produotions? 61 U. S. CoMP.^MES Reporting: of this number. 55 companies said "ves" they do require progress payments during the course of film production. Only 6 companies replied in the negative. 29 of the comjfanies requiring progress payments said .'5.3^;i'r was their accepted practice, with that amount required on completion of script, etc. 16 other companies reported 25%. some on completion of treatment outline or on completion of script. « * # 2. Do you give cash discounts? 60 U. S. CoMP.iMES Reporting: of this miniher. the vast majoritv 1581 reported no cash discounts on production and only 6 gave cash illsconnt> on prints. e * i; SlMMxHi : IS out of 60 conqianics reporting in answer to the question "Do vou have professional equipment for magnetic recording'.''" replied in the allirmative. 11 out of 63 companies answering the query ahout lahor organizations in their studios reported from one to 13 crafts represented among the >kill> used. This sur\ey data will he continued in later issues during the Spring as further returns arc made availahle. There is good e\idence. however, that a reliahle pattern of 1953 production trends has heen cstahlished in this third consecutive year of statistical researih out of the four years in which the Production Review issue of Busi.NESS Screen has heen [)ubllshed. l^' 1 >) '> 4 P R O U L C T I O .N K h: \ I K \S ri^lit off the reel A COLUMN OF FDFrORIAF NOTES AND PERTINENT COMMENT Till \\II.I<I( \\ .AsSOCIATKiN of I'iini I'rodiiiers. organized in 1953 with a nicmhershlp of 16 film companies in such areas as (Chicago. Detroit. Cleveland, Atlanta. St. Louis, .St. Paul and Philadelphia, went Into its second year of activity on February 15 with the election of Mercer Francisco, veteran filmmaker as president. James Kellock. Wilding Pi(lure Productions. Inc. continues as vice-president: Joseph Betzer. Sarra, Inc. is secretary: Lawrence Mominee, Atlas Film Corporation, treasurer and directors-at-large are Harry Walts. The Jam Handv Organization ; Reid H. Rav. Reid H. Rav Film Industries: and Fred \iles. Kling Studios. Ketiring first president of the organization is George Becker, formerly of Vogue-W right Studios and newly-appointed to the executive staff of Gene K. Walker Productions in San Francisco. Second Annual If tilni .SertiVe Aivards Shared by Industry Comixinivs -K Two "firsts' in television commercial film production went to Sarra. Inc. last month as that studio won top honors as the producer of "highest qualitv"' commercials In 1953 and another first award for the "speediest job" in 1953. regardless of type of commercial. The awards are sponsored by Billbo.ard, newsweekly of the amusement industrv and were announced on Januar\' 30. Kling .Studios and (Caravel Films. Inc. both won third place awards, respectively, in the above classifications and Kling won another third award for the "most economical job" in 195.3. Among television film processing firms. Consolidated Film Laboratories won first honors for "highest qualitv service" in 1953 with Pathe Laboratories sweeping ? second award in this classification, a third in the "speediest service" category and the first award among film processers for the "most efficient service" during 1953. .\cme Films won second honors in the "speediest service" and "most efficient service" classificationfor Bii.i.iiOARD honors. Public I tility Films Rpvicucd ■¥ Speaking of awards, it is again the pri\ilege of Bi siNESS Screen's editor to ser\e as a judge in th( motion picture classification of the Public I tllitv Advertising Association's 31st annual Better Copy Contest. The oldest continuous competition conducted within the advertising profession, this award program serves to upgrade standards of film production in a field where motion picturi's are performing veoman service in public and employee relations. Outstanding Editorial Fcalnns In Hiublifilit March [ssiii' of Business Screen M The results attained b\ Pan American World ■Airways in the first year of Its worldwide visual training program will be a "lead"' feature of the iievt issue. Matching honors are a highly useful directorv of local visual equipment service roiniianies. a review of the past year's outstanding film programs (too extensive for this crowded issue) : other pictorial features include the new Alcoa preview theatre facilities at th<' companv's Pittsburgh headquarters and the first installment of a new film program survey covering the clothing industry. A Foreword to the Producer Lisliuf: Pages Is This Definition of "Qunlity"' ■¥ We are indebted to Wilding's PR man. Jack Krieger. for this original piece on the subject of qualitN. soiuething each sponsor and producing compaev should keep before them in '51: Nothing speaks so well of a product as qualityAm] qiKilily doesn't just happen it is planned. It is nnieh more than just a mixture of materials. It 'rets its >tart in the manv instances of "think" fir.-t. It rnav be found in the constant control over details. It i-^ the follow through. It is one's attitude toward his job. or That vital element of enthusiasm. It is doing right things at the right time. That is qualilx — and more than any other one elemenl in a product. (,)l vi.iTV will shout vour wares from the housetops. ■¥■ .And with this, we bring vou the recordbreaking pages of the most comprehensive review of dependable film production resources available to the buver of factual films. — OHC ^