Business screen magazine (1946)

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Keys to Effective Use of Your 1954 Buyer's Guide: STUDIO LISTING STANDARDS DEFINED THIS Fourth Aiimiul Proiliution Review i>r Business Screen Mafiazine now provides listin<;s of 161 F. S. i)usine>s and television film eoni|ianie>. lU of these firms have fulfilled our -tipulaled niininnnn requirements for nilrqiidlf rvjiTi-iut's under the "recent productions and sponsors" section as evidence to prospective clients of 1*)5,'? activities and the nature of filuis produced. In addition, six Canadian filui producers are represented with couipiele listiiifi data on paf;c> 111-112. Mau\ of the studios listed offer v.xjwrifiiif ilatin;; hack two or three decadc> or more. The fniilllii's i>( the largest e<|ual those of Hollywood's major stiulios: their spt'cial rn'atiic latcnls, Iniiiwd staffs and yrars of spfcinlizi-d nrlivity in fnctiiiil films continue to provide the liuyer with real assurance of film results at economical cost. Equipment and skills availahle in these stiulios will he especially useful during the corning <Ta of coloi television. Man\ individuals and some studio organizations do not appear in these listings. either hecause of failure to respond to listing forms, mail rclurned for lack of proper address, or because of insufficient data suhmitted. However, the 168 companies in these 38 pages comprise nu>re than 90' r of U. S. anil Caeiadian factual film production. W ilh thi> listing data at hand, lilm huyers in husincss. trade associations, government and television can I by jiri'vifuitnil i>i-rsi>i)al insprrliim ) scli'rl those facilities and skills hcsl suilcil lo ihcir needs. iMr^ C2 tm.4ff C2lMr IV EW EIVGLA]^D ('«»nii<-<-(if'u< ,>l€i<t<iiarh 11 •!;)'(<» ■»< ♦ * Kevin Donovan Films 208 Treat Road (ilastoidiurv. Coiuieiticut Phone: MEdford .^789.S Date of Organization: 19.53 Kevin Donovan. Ouiirr Skk\iiks; Molioii pictures and slidcfilnis: |piil>lic relations and industrial. 16 & AS mm. K\cil.lT!i;s: 16mm & .S5mm Mitchells. l()nHii (jiie Kodak. No studio facilities. kp:(:ent prodi ction.s and sponsors MoTiDN PicriKKS: Highlights of the year (Ohio Edison Co. ) : Habcork & Wilcox Open House ( Habcoek & Wilcox Co.): Case History of a Power I'lanl' (Ohio Power Co.) : Be Our (hiest~ (Ohio F-dison Co. I . Sl.IDKl''ll.,MS: The Carlxiii Black Family'' I Plnlli|is Pclrolcimi (.o. I . * Now in prodintiun. Rot, AH Studios ami Ht)t.Ai{ PiioTo-SciENCE Laboratories Walnut Tree Hill .Sand\ Hook, Connecticut Phoiu-: Garden 6-2166 Date of Organization: 1928 Hcnrv Koger. Owner-Director Sh.iUKKS: Specialists in technical and scicntilic camera work. (Consulting on special motion ]ii( ■ lure techniques, photomicrography. develo]Mnciil of oplical. clcclrica! and mechanical devices and camera cqwipmcril and apparatus for research, timing devices, rctnulc controls, special projectors. K\(:II.ITIKS: Sound stage: 16mm and 35mm cameras; dollies; iia<k for trucking shots; lighting cipiipMiciil; magnetic tape recorder. Microscopic motion |iietiiie and time-lapse apparatus: Precision instrument shop: recording studio, proji'etion room with remote control focusing and timing, interlock picture and sound, vibration-proof studio [or macro and microscopic camera work: Projectoscope. sync., disc recorders: o]itical lietuhes: beam splitters: motor generator, etc. UKCENT PRODI CTIONS AND SPONSORS Ahiriox Pkti iii;s: The Shepaufi Hydroelectric I'niji-i-l (The Cornieclieilt Light f^ Power Co.): ('arlioii lihick I'radiiction — No Sooty Nuisance i ( Columbian ( Carbon ( .o. ) : Electron Microscope in the Study "/ (.(irlmn Black I'articles (Columbian (!arbon Co. I . Sl.lDKl' ll.Ms: Series of nil n use of tools ( Stanlev Tools) : The I'owcr Ihnise (The I'nited llluininating (!o. I . JoH.M A. Amity Road Wood bridge, ('onneiticut Phone: New Ha\en Fulton 7-1717 I Not a( ti\e in sponson'd tnotion picture production in U'.S3, 1 I se .\<lvertisiiig; Pages in riiis issue * * * Mold-face stars appearing above listings in this section indicate advertisements accepted from |)roducers for this issue. Bay St.\te Film Productions, Inc. Box 129 Springfield. Massachusetts Ph.uie: 4-3161 Date of Organization: 1944 If ran. h: 80 Bovlston Street. Boston, Mass. Phone: Hancock 6-8904 OFFICERS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS Morton H. Read. President Eugene N. Bunting. V.P. (Prod.) David Dovle. ]'.P. (Sales) xMilton L. lew. V.P. (TV) Harold (). Stanton. V.P. (Disl.) Sermcks: Documentary, sales training. ])uhlic relations and television motion pictures and slidefilms; animation. I'\( ii.]TII:s: Mitclu-ll i> Maurer canuras: lighting; sound stage: portable generator: Maurer 16mm recording; synchronous magnetic recording; Depue printing equipment; 16mm black and white developing; 18 technicians; art and creative staffs. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pkti Rf;S: Fire Defenses Ready (Factory Mutual Engr. D\v.) :The Bird Story I Bird Roofing Co.); The Mass at Christmas (St. John's Seminary) ; Seasoned to Taste (Massachusetts Department of Commerce) : .Automatic Opening Dieliead (Jones & Lanison Machine Co.); Play Vcrniiint I ^ ermoiil Development Commission); Making the Books 11 e Read (The Smyth Mfg. Co.); .Safety R\ (American 0])tical Co.); .Accent on Accuracy (Pratt & W'hitnev Div.. Niles Bement Pond ( o. I . Boston Dekko Film Productions. Inc. 126 Dartmouth Street Boston. Massachusetts Phone: KEnniore 6-2.511 Date of Organization: 1946 OFFICERS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS Jose|)h Rothberg. President and Treasurer Jerrv T. Ballantine. Vice President William Weisberg. Secretary Skrvkks: 16nnu [iroduction services for education, science, industry and television. V \i K.ITIKS: Maurer 16inrn camera and recording unit ; syni-. nuignelic film recording; sound stage; editing and projection rooms; creative staff. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion PicTUKK.s: Peter and the W hifflellound (Libertv Mutual Insurance Co.): Massachusetts Morning ( Massachusetts Society for the Preven(inri of Cruelty to Children): Ultrasonic Inspeclinn (.S))erry Products Co.); The Velocitron (Pneumatic Scale Co.. Ltd.): I'nited Labor Presents ( Lnited Labor Council). • • • Depholre Studios 782 Couuuonwealth Avenue Boston l"). Massachusetts Phone: BEacon 2-5722 Date of Organization: 1935 OFFICERS \M) DEPARTMENT HEADS Joseph l)e|iliiiure. Owner I'lKiard (illrnan Hobert (iilnian Kstelle I). Daxis Skkvi(:k.s: Industrial, documentary, business and ])ublic relations motion |)ictures; slidefilms; tele \isioii slides anil ( unnnercials. BUSINESS SCREEN M \ 0 \ Z I N E