Business screen magazine (1946)

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A BUSINESS SCREEN special report AUDIOVISUALS IN TRAINING nPHE LAST HALF of the 1960s witnessed -■■ the greatest surge in the use of audiovisuals for business and industrial training ever. The increase in A-V usage between 1966 and 1968 will probably never be equalled, but the growth continues. Today, there are more films, slides, filmstrips and videotape training programs in use than ever before. The sudden increase of audiovisuals for strictly business and industry employee training at all levels came as the result of several developments during the past decade. Despite tremendous improvements in software in the actual programs that were available and that could be made, it was the development of new, less expensive, easy-to-use hardware that spurred the increase in the usage of audio-visuals in training. With the advent of the Super 8 format, improved less expensive videotape equipment, cartridge projectors, better rear screens, synchronized tape systems for use with slides, more compact sound filmstrip projectors and many other devices, came the means of economically delivering specialized audiovisual training programs and materials to employees at all levels. More importantly, effedive audiovisual training programs could be delivered on an individual basis. Compact, rugged, easy-to-operate projectors could be used at any time by the individual to be trained. He could learn at his own pace whenever he had time. It was during this time that single concept films, conceived earlier, became a reality. And, we have not reached the ultimate yet in this area. The advent of all this hardware also spurred tremendous improvements in readyto-use audiovisual programs and custommade programs. As corporate and government training departments became aware of the success, effectiveness and economy of audiovisual training, more and better films and A-V training programs were being developed by specialists in this area. On the following pages are several specific examples of the use of audiovisual training materials at all levels. Companies not presently using one or more of the plethora of audiovisual training systems and programs available should be considering it. There arc literally hundreds of ready-made films, filmstrips and slide programs avail The last half of the 1960s saw perhaps the greatest Increase in the use of audiovisuals in business, industry and government training that we will ever know. As the growth continues, both equipment technology and the software programming becomes more sophisticated and available. able for employee training at all levels. Everything from sales training, executive decision-making, motivational and personal relationships to appearance, diplomacy and safety is available. In addition, any business or industry can now afford to make their own tailor-made training programs on any subject, no matter how detailed. In fact, most companies cannot afford not to consider the audiovisual training medium. The articles on the following pages are examples of what is being done in the area of employee training by many companies. In response to a number of inquiries on the subject and as a guide to those wishing to take advantage of ready-to-use audiovisual training programs, the companies listed on this page specialize in providing excellent training programs on various subjects. In addition to those listed here, certain sales, management, motivational and other training films are available from the various national film distribution firms such as Modern Talking Picture Service, Association-Sterling Films, and United World Films. A-V TRAINING SOURCES Better Selling Bureau, 1150 W. Olive Ave., Burbank, Calif. 91506. Specialists in business and sales films. Programs custom made for individual clients. BNA Films, 5615 Fi.shers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Wide variety of business, management and motivational training films. Close/Plenum Productions. 2020 S'aii Carlos Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Fla. 33931. Wide selection of management, sales and employe training audiovisuals. Films, filmstrips, slides, etc. Dartnell Corporation, 4660 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60640. Specialists in sales management and sales training films and programs. Edutronics Systems IntcriKitional, 3345 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1007, Los Angeles, California 90005. Specialists in audio\isual training and education programs in computer and information sciences. International Film Bureau, 332 S. Michigan A\'e., Chicago, 111. 60604. ImIhis for business education, distributive education, dress and vocational counselling. The Jam Handy Organization, 2821 E. Grand Blvd.. Detroit, .Michigan 48211. Ready-to-use and custom made film, filmstrip and slide programs for all training needs. Journal Films, 909 W. Diverse) Parkwa\', Chicago. Illinois 60614. \'ariet\' ot films, filmstrips for specialized business industrial training. Roundtable Films, 321 S. Bevcrlv Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212. Specialists in management and executive training films and programs. Urhiversal Education and N'isual Arts, 221 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003. Distributors of comprehensive sales training film series. Universal Training Systems, 7101 N. Cicero, Lincolnwood, III. 60646. Suppliers of custom-made training materials and distributors of selected prepared training materials and equipment. MAY, 1970 21