Business screen magazine (1946)

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Correction Our product rcpuri on tlic Vandcrlcclie magnetic single systems sound conversion unit described in this column last month incorrectly stated that the system could be used on Bach Auricon cameras. The system is designed tor use with the Paillard Bolex HI 6. Details on the system may be obtained from Vandcrlcclie Film Systems, P.O. Box 8092, Universal City, California 91604. Repeat-Corder L is Valuable Teaching Tool Canon's Repeat-Corder L features a repeat button which allows the user to repeat any phrase or section of the tape continously and automatically. A second cassette in which a two track tape is coiled in an endless loop records continuously from Tape recorder features repeat button (inset) which allows user to repeat any section of tape. the first so that a predetermined length of material is always available for repetition. For more information contact the Repeat-Corder Division of Canon U.S.A., Inc., Dept. BSC, 64-10 Queens Blvd., Woodside. N.Y. Maier-Hancock Announces Portable Hot Splicer The Model 1635 professional portable hot splicer accepts 35mm and 16mm A or B wind film, sound or silent. Designed for heavy-duty use by film editors, studios and labs, the unit features two fixed pins for 35mm and two sets of retractable pins for 16mm A or B wind film. It has a built-in life-time carbide scraper blade that springs back out of the way when scraping operation is complete, hardened chrome steel cutter blades, and narrow, low visibility weld Maier-Hancock portable hot splicer accepts 35 mm or 16mm film. at frame line. More information is available from Maier-Hancoci< Sales. Inc.. Dept. BSC, 14106 Ventura Btndevard. Sherman Oaks, California 91413. Coxco Sound/Slide Unit Uses Slide and Cassettes Coxco's Sound Slide portable rear projection imit employs readily-available 35mm slides and standard audio tape cassettes. It is available in record/ playback and playback-only. Programs are created by loading slides in the tray and recording both voice and slide-advance pulse in a single pass. Slides appear on the self-contained 8" x 10" rear screen as recording is made. Slide-change pulses can The Coxco Sound/Slide unit weighs approximately 17 pounds. also be recorded independently allowing erasure and/or replacement without erasing voice track. Distribution is being handled by Howe Folding Furniture. More information is available from Co.x Communications , Inc., Dept. BSC. 915 Howard Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94103. Sony Announces Large-Viewfinder Camera Sony Corporation has announced its first large-viewfinder camera for monochrome video tape recording. The camera, Model AVC 4000A, has a 7-inch electronic view-finder which also serves as a playback monitor, and a convenient single-rod zoom control positioneil at the rear. A special rack adjustment moves the entire \itlieoii yoke assembly for extreme close-ups and for sharp focusing in zoom shots. Features also include 2/3" separate-mesh vidicon, head phone jack, tally light, C-mount, internal/external sync, RF output, AGC and completely solidstate circuitry. Three models are available: without lens, with 5: 1 zoom lens, 47-47 Van Dam St., Long Island City. N.Y. mo I LaBelle Expands Line of Commpak Caitridge Units The Tutor 16 filmstrip/sound projector is designed specifically to serve when the audience is Sony's new studio-video camera. and with 10:1 zoom lens. Technical specifications are available from .Sony Corporation of America, Video Products, Dept. BSC, The Tutor 16 will fit under your airplane seat. beyt>nd the limits of a self-contained projector. It the third in LaBelles line of 3-Way Commpak Cartridge Systems. The cartridge is a continuous loop 16mm filmstrip and magnetic audio tape featuring no rewind, no turn over, and instant replay of 250 visuals and 20 minutes sound. For more information, write LaBelle Industries, Dept. BSC, 510 S. Worthington St., Oconomowoc, Wise. 53066. rc^^ Make sales training more effective witti DuKane Cassette lYIicromatic Tape Cassette snaps in — sound and filmstrip work together automatically to help your training and selling efforts. The Cassette Super Micromatic tape sound filmstrip projector is the most versatile unit ever developed. Easy-to-use. High quality reproduction. Program Hold Control stops and restarts program instantly. Also projects 2x2 slides. SEND FOR FREE LITERATURE D U ^E C O R P OR ATI ON AUDIO-VISUAL DIVISION Dept. BS-gO • St. Charles, III. 60174 ^.^ SEPTEMBER, 1970 39