Business screen magazine (1946)

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reference shelf iiiiiii iiiiiiii nil iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii II iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "Color Film for Color Television" Intciuicd tor operating people in both the motion pietiire and television industries, "C'olor Film for Color Television"' by Rodger J. Ross, has as its purpose showing in a praetieal manner how easy it is to produee high quality color televisions with film, It is not just a review of current practices, but shows why television program production with film needs a different approach than motion picture production. Anyone willing to give up conventional motion picture practices should find in the book plenty of ideas and information on how to make film work better in television. The book is SI 0.00. Write for copies to the publisher, Hastings House. Inc., Dept. BSC, 10 East 40th Street, New York, N.Y. 10016. Ampex Data Sheet An information sheet with a description and specifications of the Ampex DR-10 series of portable video disc recorders for closed circuit television medical, educational, industrial, military and government applications is available. Ask for data sheet V265. Write Ampex Corporation. Dept. BSC, M.S. 7-14, 401 Broadway, Redwood City, Calif. 94063. "Handbook of Magnetic Recording" Finn Jorgensen has written this compact volume covering all popular applications of magnetic recording, from audio to weather surveillance data recording. Beginning with the basics, the author explores the differ ences between recorder types, transport designs for specific applications, magnetic head design and operation, plus a detailed explanation on how to judge tape quality, howit's made, and the best type to use for a specific purpose. The book is 224 pages long and contains over 90 illustrations. Hardbound copies are $7.95; paperbound are $4.95. Write to the publisher. Tab Books, Dept. BSC, Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. 17214. Tape Recorder Brochure A brochure is available which describes the Visual Educom 620P portable tape recorder, a professional quality, high-fidelity recorder amplifier/speaker system. It provides reliability and crisp audio reproduction at a reasonable cost. Write for the brochure to Visual Educom, Inc., Dept. BSC, Michigan City, Indiana 46360. High-Intensity Light Systems Xenolite system components for providing high-intensity xenon, mercury, and xenon-mercury illumination are covered in bulletin XE-70 issued by Christie Electric. The bulletin gives features, engineering data, and physical specifications on power supplies, igniters, and lamphouses and includes a special section on matching power supplies to other components. Write to Christie Electric Corp.. Dept. BSC, 3410 West 61th St.. Los Angeles, Calif. 90060. Cassette Slide/Filmstrip Show SYNCHROMATIC AV2000 Simple operation inaudibly synchronizes SLIDES AND FILMSTFtlPS with sound automatically. A total A-V programming center that is COMPACT AND PORTABLE in a self-contained single unit. ■ Record and instant playback ■ Super size daylight rear screen ■ Solid state amplifier ■ Powerful speaker ■ Two track signal/sound system ■ Fits under airplane seat ■ Remote or automatic operation The Synchromatic AV2000 speaks for itself! Let us show you how. ^^^^ Ask your dealer or BSBllll T.M. VISUAL INDUSTRIES, INC./25W. 45th Street/ New York, NY. 10036 r CAMERA STOCKS 16min EKTA Color 7242. 7241, 7255 0525 16mm B & W-7220. 7222,. 7231 OSS 16mm Color Negative 7254 06 35mm Color Negative 5251 10 35mm B & W 5220, 5222, 5231 035 LABORATORY STOCKS 7387. 7253. 7385, 7234, ale, MAGNETIC SOUND STOCK 35 and 16mm New and Reclaimed FILM & EDITORIAL LEADER BlacK Opaque 35mm 18 50 Blacit Opaque 16mm 16.50 Clear Leader 16mm 4.50 Also; Painted, Personalized Printed & Lightstruck. $«liidii> film 4>x4«liaii;$«> 11555 VENTURA BLVD. STUDIO CITY, CALIF. 91604 ^ (213) 985-3303 . A^ SUPER-8 ^ BrnmorlBma, m '^c^ce DUPLICATES Finest-Quality Kodachrome COLOR or BLACK & WHITE ntOFESSIONALS: We ar* Spsciallsh In . . . Imm to Umm Blow-Up$. ir 35mm or l*mn to Imm or Sup«r-8 Reductioni if A k B Roll Prlntlnq. * Smm a l*mm Eastman InUrnagi. ■*• »mm li l*mm Eartman Color Rolaas* Printi. * B t W Ravarial DupM. • Dup Naqs. if I I ^ Positiv* Ralaai* Printt. -^r S\ny» »mm Printing. * Sounditriping, Spltcing, Etc *^ FAST SERVICE en Mail-Ord«rs. j^ Hnest QUALITY Work. t^ GiiarantMd SATISFACTION! if if if Sand for our latatt PROFESSIONAL Prle*-Uil. Writ* Dapt. S *i¥alltfU^<KxeC VAtlEY F/tM LABS. 2704 W. OLIVE Ave., BURBANK, CALIF. 91505 BEST WAY FILE SLIDES Use a Multiplex Slide File Cabinet. You can keep your slides classified by subject matter, date, etc. and protected against loss or damage. Slides are easy to view in place, easy to insert or remove.Capacities range from 720 to 6760 slides, 2"x 2" ... or 240 to 2080 slides, 4" x 31/4". . . or combinations of both sizes. Ask for Bulletin LS-367. MULTIPLEX DISPLAY FIXTURE COMPANY Dept. 085. Warne & Carter, St. Louis. Mo. 63107 SEPTEMBER, 1970 45