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Business screen magazine (1946)

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Wherever you go, whatever the shooting situation, CINE 60's exclusive Power Belt gives you the power you need to run every professional camera on the market. Plus the all-important mobility to go where the action is (how do you think recent skiing and motorcycle movies were made?). The Power Belt is as convenient to use as it is foolproof. Available in voltages from 6 to 30V, this handsome, easy-to-wear unit features high capacity, rechargeable nickel-cadmium cells. With its built-in charging unit, the Power Belt is ready to go. And wherever you go, you'll find its sealed, trouble-free design means day-in, day-out reliability. In the event of a short circuit, a built-in automatic overload switch disconnects the batteries, resetting when normal conditions are restored. Why put up with awkward battery cases and long cables? Or bulky boxes that tug your shoulder and keep you off-balance? Especially when you can have the CINE 60 Power Belt— now the standard power supply worldwide. For increased maneuverability, an accessory 6-foot coiled power cable (11" retracted) is available for use with Arriflex and other cameras. CINE 60 has a number of other exclusive time and money-saving products for the professional filmmaker, including: The Vacu-Platform suction-actuated platform which can be posi tively fastened to any smooth surface (car tops, floors, etc.) without marring. Especially use■ftC^ ful for low-angle work, W it mates with standard <9 tripod heads. The Single Universal Shoulder Pod the "unipod" is a lightweight shoulder mount that accepts all cameras. Easily removable between takes, it keeps the camera in the ideal shooting position while offering the maneuverability of singleshoulder construction. Used with the CINE 60 Uni-Eclair Mount, this is the only practical pod for the Eclair NPR-16. For details on these and any of the other products in our line, please call or write: V V ^ H In I ^=1 Ijj X I NCORPORATEO Film Center Building/B30 Ninth Avenue New York. NY. 10036/Tel; (212) 586-8782 INSTANT POWER @ U.S. Patent *3274476