Business screen magazine (1946)

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THE CAMERA MART Audio-Visual Line can put your ideas on the right track with a complete selection of specialized equipment including opaque projectors (for the projection of nontransparent material), stop motion analyst projectors, 16MM Xenon projectors (for brightest and long distance projection), 16 & 35MM double system sound interlock projectors, overhead projectors, strip film sound projectors, background slide projectors and projection accessory equipment. Everything is available for rent, long-term lease, or sale. And to keep you running on schedule we can also provide completely packaged programs. For further information and/or reservations call or write Mr. Bob Roizman (212) 757-6977. the screen executive Association-Sterling Films has named Tim Wholey group vice president in charge of promotion, TV distribution and client services . . . Richard R. Peterson is the new marketing vice president at Telemation, Inc., Salt Lake City; he was previously California district manager . . . Production 13 in Grand Rapids, Mich, has named Linda Dejong account executive for the production arm of the TV station . . . Richard D. Higgins is the new vice president of Bell & Howell's International Group . . . Reela Film TheCamera Martmc. 456 W. SSth St.. (Bet. 9th « 10th Aves.l New York. N. Y. I00I9 Phone: f 212) 757-6977 circle 116 on reader service card IS HIGGINS Laboratories has appointed C. Robert Miele plant manager of the Miami firm; he formerly was technical director at Movielab . . . The Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers has awarded Gordon Sawyer, technical director of Samuel Goldwyn studios the Samuel L. Warner Memorial Award for 1970; the award is for outstanding contributions in the design and development of new and improved methods for sound-on-film motion pictures . . . Ray Gaul is the new vice president in charge of West Coast production for DeLuxe General Incorporated . . . CBS' EVR Division has appointed Vincent J. Capuzzi director of special projects; he was formerly a vice president at Sterling Movies .. . Lewron Television director of operations Tony Masucci has been elected to the board of directors of the Videotape Production Association . . . Bell Television has named James Gore president of its subsidiary, Reliance Audio-Visual Corporation ... In changes at WRS Motion Picture Laboratory, Robert Kaiin has been promoted to production manager; succeeding him as manager of Timing and Special Effects is Tom Haley; and Rick Brahim has been promoted to manager of the Optical /Tide department . . . New at Manchester Color Labs are Harold A. Stroud, Jr., and Steve Zucker; Stroud will supervise the lab operation and Zucker will serve as production manager . . . Joseph T. Dougherty, for 40 years with E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. has joined the New York division of Technicolor, Inc. . . . New sales executive at Lewron Television is Garth Gentilin . . . Kenneth Baldwin and Sherman Beck have been named to vice presidential posts at RMP Associates, industrial and documentary subsidiary of Rose-Magwood . . . The new director of the Alan Gordon Enterprises Audio-Visual division is Robert Kotula; the promotion came as a result of expansion of the division . . . William Wadsworth has been appointed a producer-director at Milwaukee's Omega Productions . . . heading this year's International Broadcasting Awards for the Hollywood Radio & Television Society is Gerald J. Leider, president of Warner Bros, television . . . Robert G. Crane has joined DuArt Film Laboratories as vice president of administration; he is the former president and founder of Color Service Co. . . . William H. Madden has been promoted to marketing director for 3M Company's Magnetic Products division . . . Consolidated Film Industries president Sidney P. Solow has begun his 23rd year teaching at the University of Southern California; he conducts a course in motion picture processing . . . New marketing director for 3M's Visual Products division is E. T. Thompson, formerly sales and marketing manager for the company's Industrial Special Products division ... In Chicago, Terry Kahn has been appointed a vice president at Fred A. Niles Communications Center and Joe Callan has become vice president of VPI, Inc., whose windy city holdings include Sarra, Astro and VPI Services. BUSINESS SCREEN