Business screen magazine (1946)

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rig-gan (reg'en), n. 1. writer. 2. poet. 3. producer. 4MJirg,g;|:QiL»5. another reason for filming in Dallas . i^i^ If you need to communicate, maybe you should come to Bill Stokes Associates and hire this man. In the past five years, eighty-five people have. And the resulting films have won thirty-five festival awards including a 1970 Cine Golden Eagle. If you were to ask Marshall Rifrgan, our Creative Vice-President, why his films have been so well received by his own industry, his clients and their clients, he would tell you three things: First, to approach the project as if you were paying for it out of your own grocery money. Second, to prepare the film as if its only audience would be a single, intelligent and feeling human being. And, third, to produce the film with a group of aware and talented friends who care a great deal about what they do. That's the way we all feel about things at Bill Stokes Associates. To see what we can do, write for one of the films listed below. To sec how we charge for what we do, write a few of the listed sponsors and ask about value received. DOCUMENTARY. This Sailcar Was Made With Love. Interpretive documentary fur Antioch College; 1970 Cine Golden Eaple .Award. EXHIBIT. Tour Fourteen. Motion picture tracing man's search for God in the Western Hemisphere: produced for the Texas Baptist Convention: First place U. S. Industrial Film Festival; .Silver Medal, NewYork International Film and Television Festival. SAFETY. How Motorcars And Other Living Things Can I'^ind Happiness In The DaMas Freeway .System. Safety film with Mel lilanc newly released for the City of Dalla.s. TR.VINING. I Rather Like You Mr. Bell. Film for Southwestern Bell Telei)hone Company starring Bob Newhart; Special .Award for Creative Excellence. U. S. Industrial Film Festival; Gold Medal, New York International Film and Television Festival; First Place, Public Relations .Society of .America; Chris .\ward, Columbus I'''ilm Festival. EDUCATIONAL. A New Look At The t)id .Sauce. P^dncational film on the effects of alcohol; produced for Texas Commission on Alcoholism; First Place, National Visual Presentation Association; Bronze .■\ward. New York International Film and Tele\ision Festival. MEDICAL. Questions. Thirty-minute drama ]iroduced for Mayo Clinic as patient education film; completed July, 1970. INpUSTRI.\L. Varo. Corporate film for Varo, Inc., for presentation to financial analysts. RECRUITING. Right Man For The Job. Recruiting film for Campbell-Taggart; Bronze Award, New York International Film and Television Festival. FUND RAISING. The Far Side Of The Garden. .A I'J-minute theme film for the 19()9 Dallas United Fund Drive. Bronze .Award, New York International Film and Television Festival. BILL STOKES ASSOCIATES, INC. ■ 5642 DYER ST. ■ DALLAS >14/363-0161