Business screen magazine (1946)

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People like to watch television. And closed-circuit television systems of various kinds have been used for years totrain,tosell,tocommunicate. But the television systems available have been too cumbersome, too complicated and too costly. Until now Now there's a system for displaying audiovisual materials more economically and more conveniently than by either optical projection or videotape techniques. And they can be shown in normal room light. The system. . .CBS Electronic Video Recording. The EVR System stores up to fifty minutes of monochrome pictures with sound, or 25 minutes of color pictures with sound, in a 7-inch circular EVR Cartridge. The cartridge is placeaon the EVR Player, where it threads itself automatically at the touch of a button. The EVR Player connects directly to the antenna terminals of >bur salesmen might bring in extra business if tney spent more time watching TV