Business screen magazine (1946)

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GOVERNMENT NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE AOMINISTRATION Office of Public Affairs — Audio-Visual Program Washington, D.C. 20546 Clayton E. Edwards, Audio-Visual Officer, Room 811, Reporters Building Phone: 962-2757 James B. Etheredge, Chief, Motion Picture Production. Room 811, Reporters Building Phone: 962-2757 Henry W. Detrich, Jr., Acting Chief, Distribution and Depository, Room 811, Reporters Building Phone: 962-4341 Activities: These branches supervise the agency-wide production and distribution of films, TV and radio programs, and other audiovisual materials on space and aeronautics; and coordinate requests for NASA assistance from media producers and the public. Facilities: Production requirements are fulfilled, primarily by contractors under a "call contract" or basic ordering agreement system, with some in-house production. Distribution: NASA films, tapes, and production aids are available on free loan; stock footage and transparencies may be purchased from agency contractor laboratories. All requests for assistance in film and TV productions should be sent to Mr. Edwards. Requests to borrow NASA films or other TV materials should be sent to Mr. Detrich. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Office of Headquarters Operations Motion Picture and TV Branch, HQ-450 800 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590 Phone: 962-5693 John A. Nugent, Chief, Motion Picture and TV Branch Activities: The Motion Picture and TV Branch produces motion pictures and television programs designed to meet the needs of the Services and Offices which comprise the Federal Aviation Administration. Facilities: The FA.\ uses both in-service capabilities and commercial contracts with industry in supplying its motion picture services. Film Distribution: Distribution of FAA films is handled through the Aeronautical Center Film Library, AC-921, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125. Federal Highway Administration William F. Hall, Chief, Photographic Section Phone: (202) 426-60835 Activities: This Bureau produces films on subjects pertinent to highway development, safety and related subjects, sometimes in cooperation with other government agencies, state and local highway departments, and other interested organizations. Facilities: In-house capacity. Distribution: These films are available on a loan basis, with borrower paying return transportation, from Chief, Photographic Section, Federal Highway Ad ministration, Washington, D.C. 20591. Films may be purchased by responsible organizations, by inquiry to same address. United States Coast Guard Washington, D.C. 20591 Phone: (202) 426-1587 H. E. Whitwer, Chief, Motion Picture & TV Branch, Public Information Division Activities: The U. S. Coast Guard produces information and training, as well as recruiting films. The majority are in 16mm color-sound with running time of 3 to 28 minutes. Coast Guard films have consistently been selected by the United States government for entry in foreign film festivals, and have won a number of awards. Facilities: In-house capability. The Coast Guard has limited in-house writing, directing, shooting and editorial capability. Additional production services as well as all processing and printing are contracted for as required. Distribution: A catalog of U.S. Coast Guard films is distributed by film libraries in Washington, D. C. and at District offices in Boston, New York, Portsmouth, Miami, New Orleans, St. Louis, Long Beach, San Francisco, Seattle, Juneau and Honolulu. Productions: Current productions include training films, public information films and TV spots. U, S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Washington, D.C. 20224 Internal Revenue Service Phillip S. Home, Training Production Coordinator, Phone: (703) 557-2933 Charles M. Lammond, Visual Information Officer, Office of Public Information. Phone: WOrth 4-4037 Activities: Film for public and internal use are prepared by the Internal Revenue Service. Motion pictures for public viewing are produced by the Public Information Division, those for employee training or orientation by the Training Division. The Training Division also produces filmstrips, slide/tape programs and videotapes for internal use. The Information Division also supervises production of television spot announcements for use during each tax filing period. It has also recently begun the production of films in Spanish, partly to extend its taxpayer information in the U.S. and partly as an advisory aid to Latin American countries concerned with Federal government cooperative programs. Distribution: The 58 district offices, and several of the larger local offices, distribute Internal Revenue Service film productions. All clearances and releases have been obtained for general showing of Internal Revenue Service films. U. S. Savings Bond Division Treasury Department Promotion Manager, U.S. Savings Boinis Phone: (202) WOrth 4-5702 • A variety of films telling the story of U.S. Savings Bonds is available suitable for community audiences of all kinds. Many are inspirational, some humorous, some informational. They were made available to the Treasury through the generosity of patriotic volunteers. Their showings take place under volunteer auspices as well. The Land We Love, 16mm, sound-color, 23 min., cleared for television. 24 Hours in Tyrantland, 16mm, sound-black and white, 30 min., television rights by special arrangement only. Grampa's Inheritance, 16mm, sound, black and white, 16 min., television rights by special arrangement only. Star Spangled Salesman, 16mm, sound, colro, 20 min., not for television. Riley — Savings Bonds Salesman, 16mm, sound, black and white, 19'/2 min., television rights by special arrangement only. Wilbur Gets the Message . . . About Payroll Savings, 16mm. sound, black and white, 20 min. Rally 'Round The Flag, 16mm, sound color, 12 min., not for television. The Story of Old Glory, 16mm, color, sound, 16 min., not cleared for television. THE UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY Washington, D.C. 20547 Bruce Herschensohn, Director, Motion Picture and Television Service Phone: 755-1890 Services And Facilities: USIA produces, acquires and distributes abroad motion picture and television films for the overseas information and cultural program of the U.S. Government. The USIA audience numbers several billion televiewers in more than 100 countries plus around one billion persons who annually see USIA films in theatres and private showings. Output ranges the full gamut of both media — from brief newsclips to feature length motion pictures and hour-long television programs. These products are released in as many as 75 foreign languages. Lately, USIA has gone into satellite telecasting. This is expected to be used more and more frequently in the future in order to reach USIA's audience overseas. THE PEACE CORPS Washington, D.C. 20525 Kenneth Skirvin, Special Assistant Phone: (202) 382-2333 Information regarding films produced for the Peace Corps may be obtained by writing directly to the Peace Corps. THE CANADIAN FILM INSTITUTE National Office: 1762 Carling Avenue, Ottawa 13, Ontario, Canada. Officers: Jean Clavel, President: Talbot Johnson, Robert Anderson, Vice Presidents: Peter Cook, Treasurer: Gordon Noble, Secretary, Executive Director. Divisions: Canadian Film Archives, National Science Film Library, Business Film Service, Reference and Information Center and Film Study Centre. Purpose: To bring together Canada's educational, scientific, culutral and community interest in the field of films and to encourage and promote the study, appreciation and use of motion pictures and television as educational and cultural factors. Activities: Film Services — National Circulating Film Library (12,000 titles in special subject collection); Importation of films from other countries (Special services in the fields of business films, scientific films, films on art, medical films, etc.); Reference and Information Center — information on 100,000 feature and short films, newspaper clippings; book and periodicals library, etc.; Canadian Film Archives preservation and study of films; National Film Theatre, Peter Morris, Curator; National Science Film Library — programmes, information and distribution in the area of science films, Steven Rothwell, Programmer, Director. 44 BUSINESS SCREEN