Business screen magazine (1946)

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reference shelf HELPFUL BOOKS AND LITERATURE Directing the Directors Thi \\in\ of th Film Director, by A. .!. Kcviurtson. Available Hardbound ($13.50) or soft ($7.5't^ FiibliMhed b\ Hastinj^s House. I') E. 401h St.. New ^ ork. N.V. A mi)dern. rlmnst avant-garde look at the work of the film dirertor. More than a functional description of the director, this book concerns itself considerably with the aesthetic"^ of the film itself from the specialized position of the director. For the newcomer, it provides a useful source of information on technique, nicely relating those of the past and very present. A useful glossary in the back adds to the usefulness and understanding. For the experienced director, the book offers a progressive discussion on time design, sound, composition and characters. And, chapters on "Directing Today" and "Directors and their Public'" proffer some pithy thoughts for constant consideration. Above all. The Work of the Film Director nicely ties together the relative importance of both the technical and creative aspects of the job, — LBG circle 250 on reader service card Brochure Describes Eclair NPR A brochure on the Eclair NPR points out the many possibilities this camera provides for the cameraman. The first half of the brochure describes the fundamental design innovations of the NPR and the sort of filmmaking made possible by those innovations and is directed to the writer, director and producer as well as the cameraman. The second half describes the camera's physical characteristics in detail. For your full illustrated copy, write Eclair Corporation of America, 7262 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles. Calif. 90046. circle 251 on reader service card High Speed Cameras A 6-page brochure describes the Red Lake Labs line of high speed cameras and their application in DECEMBER, 1970 manufacturing, research and development, and education. Included in the brochure are four filmstrip "case histories" of specific hiuh speed photography applications. Red Lake Lahs. Inc. circle 252 en reader service card Association-Sterling Catalog Association-Sterling I'ilnis has released its 1970 71 catalog covering the largest library of educational and entertainment 16mm motion pictures in its sixty-year history. The catalog describes hundreds of films on such diverse subjects as economics, science, health, conservation, addictions, ethnic issues, law and order, sociology, technology, travel and sports. Most are available for free-loan. AssociationSlerlinf> FUdis. circle 253 on reader service card Audiovisual Programming Manual Spindler & Sauppe's "Media Mix Programmer" proves that instruction manuals need not be dull even when the subject matter is complicated. An occasional use of humor takes some of the "scare" out of the subject of programmers and programming. This is important because of the major trend toward the use of programming in relatively uncomplicated multi-media presentations. Single copies of this very interesting manual are available to readers. Spindler & Saiippe. Inc. circle 254 on reader service card Carousel Film Catalog Carousel has recently completed its 1970/71 catalog of sales/rental 16mm educational and social documentarv films. Carousel Films. Inc. circle 255 on reader service card Commercials Available for Study Product category reels of over 2.^,000 top television and radio commercials that were entered in the eleven annual American CommerContintied on ne.xt page ANIMATORS! TWO FIELDS-ONE DISC Both 12 and 16 fields are yours v^ith the only disc having accurate, positive magnetic bar positioning: MAGNABARS). Three fell North and South positions . . . easy movement . . . thumbscrews eliminated. Intriguing? So is the price: $135.00. For more information write or call Hubbard Hunt FAX COMPANY 475 S. Santa Anita Ave,, Pasadena, Calif. 91107 213/681-3084 Interested dealers— write today. circle 129 on reader service card 1HE NIDEO QISETTE MN^ET What IS it? Where is it going? How will it affect business . . . communications . . . education . . . home entertainment? A definitive report on this dynamic market is now available. Price: S250. For details, contact: Edubusiness, Inc., 1 1DE, 31 St., N.Y. 10016 Phone 21 2/889-2450 circle 149 on reader service card 49