Business screen magazine (1971)

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BOB SEYMOUR Publisher LON B. GREGORY Editor & Assistant Publisher 0. H. COELLN Founder & Consultant AUDREY RIODELL Advertising Service Mgr. TWILA JOHANSEN Editorial Assistant OFFICES East: Bob Seymour 757 Third Ave. New York, N.Y. 10017 Ph. (212) 572-4853 Midwest: Lon B. Gregory 402 W. Liberty Dr. Wheaton, Illinois 60187 Ph. (312) 653-4040 West: H. L. Mitchell 1450 Lorain Rd. San Marino. Ca. 91108 Ph. (213) 283-4394/463-4891 HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH PUBLICATIONS I JOHN B. GELLATLY ; President :, RICHARD MOELLER K Treasurer LARS FLADMARK ^ Senior Vice President I HARRY RAMALEY I Vice President aiTOM GRENEY J Vice President !^ JIMGHERNA I Vice President I EDWARD CROWELL 3 Director of Marketing Services Buslpess Screen THE VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE JANUARY 1971 VOLUME 32 NUMBER 1 15 83530 Cleveland Public Library features FILMS HELP SELL MICHELIN TIRES Automatic cartridge projectors at point-of-purchase 21 A-Vs ON A BUDGET Multi-screen rooms for less than $3000 24 A NEW FILM EVALUATION FORM Useful new form for rating, evaluating films 26 THE 1971 FESTIVAL PLANNING GUIDE A guide to leading nontheatrical film competitions 28 1970's MOST HONORED BUSINESS FILMS Annual "consensus selection" of most awarded films 31 departments GLEANINGS By Lon B. Gregory 7 RIGHT OFF THE NEWSREEL Late news reports 9 THE AUDIOVISUAL CALENDAR Upcoming events 10 THE SCREEN EXECUTIVE Personnel notes 12 PARADOX By Stanford Sobel M COMMENT: FORECAST 71 By Tom Hope U PICTURE PARADE Film reviews and previews 35 NEW PRODUCTS REVIEW New equipment and services 38 BUSINESS SCREEN MARKETPLACE Classified advertising 40 THE NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF AUDIOVISUAL DEALERS 41 REFERENCE SHELF Helpful books and literature 42 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE *2 READER SERVICE CARD For more information 43 EO] A HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH PUBLICATION ^% nu^lNESS SCREEN ii oubliihad monthly by Harcourt Brace Jovanov ch Publicat.oni. Corporate offit««: 757 ThiTd Ave New York N.Y. 10017. er,d Editorial office.: 402 W. Liberty Dr. Ill 60187 Accountino end circulation oif.cei: I Eail First St.. Duluth. *.finn«»ote 5S802 SjbKnptloe raiei one veer J5 two y»er», $8; lhr»e yeari. SIO in the U.S. and Canada. Ottier eoun'ret JIO par year ' Single co'piei: 7S« in U.S. and Canada: all other countriet $2. Controlled circulation po<««9« oaid' at Rochelle lllinoii ilOtS. Copyright 1971 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovch Publ.cj-oni Addriu correspondence >'o BUSINESS SCREEN. Wl Wert Uberiy Dr.. Wheelon. III. UltJ. Poftmetter: PImm tend Form 357? fo BUSINESS SCREEN. I Eait First St.. Duluth Minn. 55802 JANUARY, 1971