Business screen magazine (1946)

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PICTURE PARADE Underwater Film Special Set for Chicago May 1 "Our \\\>rld — LthIl-i water", a day long svniposiurn am) lilin Icsiiva! will he held M.i\ I at Chicagii's Mediiiah Icmplc. SpDiisorcd h\ the VM( A Mclropulilan Council of Skin anil Sciiha (luhs. ihc main Ihcnic ol the e\cni is the niainlenanee ol our natural resources and Ihc spreading of thoughtful altitudes toward diving. Philippe and Jean-Michelle C'ousteau will he among many renowned experts on hand to share underwater films and exploits. The symposium will consist of two sessions: "Man's Adventures Beneath the Surface": and "How Man Can Survive Underwater — How the Waters of the World Can Survive Man." Included in the evening film showings will he the world premiere of Stan Waterman's adventure film 77)c Gnai M7i//< Shark. Tickets ($5.00) and information mav he obtained bv writing Our World-Underwater. P.O. Box 643^. Wheaton. Ill fi()|S7 ASSOCIATION-STERLING FILMS H7i< n /).! If, do I nun Hcic? The struggle to help New York's aging subway and commuter railroad network recover from decades of financial malnutrition and the planning and construction i>f 52 miles of new subway routes and other major transportation improvements are the subject matter of this 27 minute film produced for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority by Spectrum .Associates. F-ree loan. KokoH likii I'uinis AiIcimiict gives rare glimpses of the surprising relationship that sprang up between the impressionist painter, Oskar Kokoschka, and Ciermany's first postwar Chancellor when the elder statesman sat for the artist in 1966. TTiis W/i minute film in color is from the German Information Center. Free loan. Ctiinillc. The Road Back, sponsored by the American Trucking Associations, tells the story of the trucking industry's efforts to prevent the disaster of Hurricane Camille from becoming a catastrophe. 15 minutes. Color. Free loan. Invilaliun lo Taiwan encompasses oriental history and culture of what Portuguese explorers aptly called "Island Beautiful" (Formosa). Presented by the Tourism Council of the Republic of China. 26' i minutes in color. Free loan. The Presentence Invesiifiarion Report . . . A Tool of Justice is a filmatic study of an important weapon in the arsenal of justice, the presentence re Do you have a place to put me? Q •• 'm the new Noreico Synchroplayer. I play cassettes. I synchronize slide presentations. Put me in a carrying case with a slide anywhere. Or projector and you can have an audio-visual presentation SSf^pl study carrel build me into a desk, table or ^(^^yi training, sell and I'll be part of your furniture. I'm designed for •ng, demonstrating. Either individual or group use. You'll find me very reliable. compact, easy to handle ... and not expensive. But, remember, I'm a flush-mount component. You must have a place to put me. For all the lads plus mtormation about what other companies are doinn with the Noreico Synchroplayer. call us at 212-697'3600 Or write to us care ol Depi BS-1 , 100 E. A2nii St . New York, NY. 10017 Noreico IKAIMNC AND (Ol \ AIIDNi^illMS SdlllM AMIKIC *S ('till IPS t < »«M}«Atl(>N circle 123 on reader service card 10 port. A CCM Films Presenlalum. 15 minutes. Color. Sale or rental. Who Am /.'. a CC M Films Presen tation, is a training film concernin the role of correctional officers an personnel towards *>l lenders and ho' they best function within a system dc signed to rehabilitate. 15 minutes i color. Sale *>r rental. The Wonderiui World of Wine. 2i minutes in color, presents the magic potion that has accompanied elaborate dinners of I'uropean royalty, been used for medicinal purposes and haute cuisine for centuries, and alwavs been a pleasure for people the world over. Presented by the Wine Advisory Board. Free loan. National Membership Contest .\ concerted drive to bring profes sionals together for exchange of ideas, ethics, and practice is underwajj through the end of April 1971. New applicants must be sponsore by a current member, either at-large.| or a chapter member, and then they themselves become eligible to recruit A prize is offered for every new member obtained. Applicants mus qualify and be actively engaged in thi profession in some creative, technical or managerial capacity. Disciplines in dud,; non-theatrical filmmaking, tele vision, and multimedia audio \isua specialists and communicators. Members should check with eithe their chapter membership chairman, o the National Nice President Membership and Chapters East or West, P.O. Box 1470. Hollywood, Calif. 90028 for contest information and mcniK'r-| ship .ipplicalions. Need A Program? Does \our chapter, lodge, society, club, or service group need an outstandin program? 1FP,^ has a couple of ideas for you: I) I-ach \ \ou ma\ select a| "Cindy Award Winning Film," oi the cindv library. Thes..' films h.ive been] "tested, judged, and recommended" to provide entertainment and informa lion of wide and general interest. Films are loaned with an inspection mailing, and handling charge of S2.5 each. 2) Reel tape or cassette recordings of lectures and present.itions by leailing experts and specialists in audii communication recorded at| II PA National CiMiferences can he borrowed for replay. .1) Reprints ol major presentations for IFPA Con ferences will be available April 1, 1971. Tliese contain 15 speeches ranging from: "Fthics and I'r.ictice" to ■\idco Tape and C.issettes,'" and sell for SI 0.00. Thev include bt>th .ind creative inli<rmation avail, iblc only through this means. Write to IFI'A "Cindy Library," or "Proceedings." P.O. Box 1470. Hollwvood. Calif. 90028. circle 102 on reader service card BUSINESS SCREEN