Business screen magazine (1946)

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WHERE TO FIND SERVICES FILM TREATMENT <oniimu.l PEDMAfllM INC. 257 P/iik Ave South New Yo.k. NY. lOOlO PhoM: (2121 674 5700 P«ul N Robini. Pre»id«nl Brinch oHica: Permafilm of Culifornia, Inc 8U N. Col* Ave. HoUvwood, Calif. 90038 Sol Cohan (Calil RAPID FILM TECHNIQUE, INC 37 02 27ih Si. long Uland Ci'v, NY. Phonal: 212 7864600 1 23 Branch office: 34 S4 3Sth Sireel L.I. Cily, N.Y. inOI Henry Lloyd, PreiidenI VACUUMATE CORPORATION 427 Wen 42nd Si. New York, NY. 10036 Phana: (212) lO 4-1886-7 Samuel H. Bunchez, Prejident MUSIC FOR THE FILM CAPITOL PRODUCTION MUSIC Hollywood & Vine Hollywood, Calif. 90028 Phona: (2131 HO 2-6252 Cable: CAPRECORD Ole Georg, National Director CINEMUSIC, INC. 300 W. 55tli SI. New York, NY. 10019 Phona: (212) PI 7-3795 Jack Shalndlin, PreJidenI DEWOIFE FILM LIBRARY 25 Wejl 45ih SI Phona: (2121 586 6673 New York, NY. 10036 Fred Jacobs, President EDWARD AT THE MOOG INC 45 W 45th St. New York, N.Y. 10036 Phona: (212) 2475385 E. Robert Vclajco, President SAM FOX FILM RIGHTS 1540 Broadway New York, N.Y. 10036 Phona: (2)2) CI 73890 Cable: SAMFOX Frederick Fo«, PretidenI Branch oMicai: 885 N. Woodward Birmingham, Mich. Esther Frank, Midwest Repreienlaliue 1443 Manitou Or, Bell Air Knollt, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93105 Harry Fox, Jr., West Coast Represent,!live H-R PRODUCTIONS, INC 251 Wast 57lh St. New York, NY. 10019 Phona: (212) 246 5133 Herbert Rosan. PralidanI JACK HOllAND PRODUCTIONS 165 Wast 66lh Si Now York. NY. 10023 Phona: '2I2j 8776165 Jack Holland, Creative Director Branch elfica: Cond. Los Roblas Eap. Las Americas San Juan, PUERtO RICO 00931 Bob Handihu, General Manager 48 DICK LAVSKY'S MUSIC HOUSE INC 16 East 48lh St. New York, NY. 10017 Phone: (212) 758 7773 Richard lavsky. President INC. MUSIC FOR FILMS, 49 West 45th St. New York, NY. 10036 Phone: (212) CI 7-3577 Herman Fuchs, President MUSIC SOUND TRACK SERVICE 1600 Broadway New York, NY. 10019 Phona: (212) CI 6-4687 Theresa M. Craig, President MUSICUES CORPORATION I 17 W. 461h Si. New York, NY. 10036 Phona: (212) 765 1742 Milton 8. Kave, General Manager MUSIFEX, INC. 45 West 45th St. New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: (212) CI 6-4061 £. Robert Velazco, President THE RIVIERA LIBRARY 6610 Selma Ave. Hollywood, Calif. 90028 Phone: (213) 462-8585 F. W. Zens SIRI MUSIC, INC. One Towne Road Boxlord, Mass 01921 Phona: (617) 8878435 Howard M. Lerner, General Manager TRF MUSIC, INC, 501 Madison Ave. New York, N.Y. 10022 Phone: (212) PL 3-3234 louis Nurko, President THOMAS J VALENTINO, INC. 150 W. 46lh St. New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: (212) CI 6-4675 Thomas J. Valentino, President PREVIEW THEATERS ABZ STUDIOS 266 East 78th St. New York, N.Y. 10021 Phone: (212) 628 1310 Michael Roslon, Sludio AUIEO ARTISTS CORPORATION 15 Columbus Circle New York, NY. 10023 Phone: (2121 54I-920O Cable: ALLARTINT Mrs. Gertrude Miller, Screening Room Supervisor CINE METRIC THEATRE CORPORATION 35 Weil 45tli St. Now York. NY. 10036 Phone: (212) 582-5600 Lawrence Plattrili. Preiidtnl COLUMBIA PICTURES 1438 N Gowei Hollywood, Calif. 91335 Phone: (2131 462 31 1 1 Cable: COIUM FILM Robert K. Hagel, Vice President, Facil il>i*t Piviiion PARK AVENUE SCREENING 445 Park Ave. New York, N.Y. 10022 Phono: (212) 581 7876, 7877 Theresa Ramss. Manager PREVIEW THEATRE. INC 1600 Broadway New York, NY. 10019 Phone: (212) 246 0865 Jacqueline M. Carey, Screenirsg Room Manager JOHNNY VICTOR THEATER RCA Eahibition Hall 40 W. 49th St. New York, NY. 10020 Phone: (212) 586 3000 Ext. RR 3058 BOULEVARD RECORDING STUDIC 609 N. laSalle Si. Chicago, III. 60610 Phono: (312) 944 2752 Hal Kaitchock, President CBS COLUMBIA RECORD PRODUCTIONS 49 East 52nd St. New York. NY. 10022 Phone: (212) 7654321 Tom '^an Gessel, A^rsager Nation* Sales SOUND RECORDING 1 I CINEMA RECORDING CORPORAT ^ 21 West 46ili Si New York, NY. 10036 Phone: (2121 582 3745 James G.iffnev, President AERCO Box 171 Pcnnsauken, N.J. 08110 Phona: (609) 663 8154 Glenn B. Farnsworlh, Owner AGENCY RECORDING STUDIOS, INC. 20 North Wacker Dr. Chicago, 111. 60606 Phona: (312) CE 6-3632 John G. Garamoni, President AQUARIUS SOUND TRANSFER WEST 120 West 44ih St. New York, NY. 10036 Phone: (2121 LT 1 0123 Branch office: Aquarius Sound Transfer East 150 East 52nd St. New York, N,Y. 10022 Phone: (212) 371-4626 Bill Blake, President ARIES SOUND INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 245 East 63rd St. New York, NY. 10021 Phona: (212) 838-4940 Steven Wellner, President ARTSCOPE, LTD. 310 West 53rd Si New York, NY 10019 Phone: (212! 265-7420, 265 9727 Branch office: 53 C Satellite Town Guiranwala, WEST PAKISTAN Phone: 4122 Amin Qamar Chaudhri, President, Pro ducer-Director C. D. Chaudhri, General Manager (Pakistan AUDIO TECHNIQUES INC 12 E.isl 46lh Si New York, NY. 10510 Phone: (212) 697 7247 Howard M. Lawrence, President AUDIO TRANSFERS. INC 254 West 54th St. New Ycrk, N.Y. 10019 Phone: (212) 265 6225 Mark Wortreich, President BEll SOUND STUDIOS CORPORATION 237 West 54th St. New York, NY. 10019 Phone: (212) 582 4812 Cable: lECTRO SND-NYK Irv Jerome, Vice Presidanl, S«l<s CUE RECORDINGS INC 117 West 46ih St. New York, NY. 10036 Phone: (212) PL 73641 Bernard Rubenstein, Secretary. Trea urer/Sales Manager FIIMSOUNOS. INC. 128 East 41sl St. New York, N.Y 10017 Phone: (2121 867-0330 itRSII r * 1*1 ti « iHie Norman Kasow GLEN GLENN SOUND COMPANY 6624 Romaine St. Hollywood, Calif. 90038 Phone: (213) HO 9-7221 Jack Phillips, Jan Perikli, Schedulii S.ile-, MAGNO SOUND INC 723 7th Ave. 1540 Broadway 18 W. 45th St. New York, NY. Phone: (212) CI 7-2630 Ralph Friedman MANHATTAN SOUND STUDIOS 460 West 54lh St. New York, N.Y. 10019 Phona: 12121 PL 7-9800 Branch offices: 17 East 45th St. New York. N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212) PL 7 9800 John J. Gord:n, Vice Pros. 4 Manager NATIONAL FILM CENTER 232 East 46ili Si. New York. NY. 10017 Phone: (212) 757 6440 Branch office: National Recorou dios 730 Filth Ave. New York. NY. 10019 Norman Jensen. Sales NATIONAL RECORDING STUDIOS, ^ 730 Fifth Ave. New York, NY. 10019 Phone: (212' PL 7^40 Branch office: 232 East 46th Si New York. NY. 11* KeTi S-in SOD ei:i |^,T, Kefi M Via m OLMSTED SOUND STUDIOS INC 80 West 40il' St. New York. NY 10018 Pho«<: (2121 8683342 Richard 8. Olmsted, President iDiiiiniifil on piiiie BUSINESS SCRI SI H III i.