Business screen magazine (1971)

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GEORGE A. GLENN EditorinChief BOB SEYMOUR Publisher EZRA PINCUS Publishing Director and i/ice President MICHELLE BENDER Senior Editor 3. H. COELLN Founder & Consultant STANFORD SOBEL Columnist DIANE WICK Production Manager 'AULINE DAVIES editorial Production JIM JOHNSON Circulation OFFICES East: Bob Seymour 757 Third Ave. New York, N.Y. 10017 Ph (212) 572-4853 West: Jerry Starkman J. J. H. &S. Inc. ; 1901 West Eigtit St. i Los Angeles, Calif. 90057 Ph (213) 483-8530 HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH PUBLICATIONS JOHN B. GELLATLY President RICHARD MOELLER Treasurer LARS FLADMARK Senior Vice President ROBERT EDGELL jVice President THOMAS GRENEY Vice President iEZRA PINCUS :Vice President JIMGHERNA Vice President, Production EDWARD CROWELL .Director of Marketing Services Bustoess Screen THE VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE MAY 1971 / VOLUME 32 / NUMBER 5 features AUDIO-VISUAL TAKES A HOLIDAY Holiday Inn chain is burgeoning . . . And with it, its audiovisual assets AUDIO-VISUAL: THE BATTLE GROWS Wrap-up of AECT Show in Philadelphia — Trends and Directions for A/V IFPA Journal — Special four-page section 13 22 29 departments UPFRONT — by Michelle Bender 7 FEEDBACK — readers react 8 COMING — A/V calendar 10 ACTION — news of the nrtedia 12 FINDS — new literature 32 NEW — products and processes 34 CURRENTS — people and companies on the move 37 PARADOX — by Stanford Sobel 40 SCENES — new films 42 THE NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF AUDIOVISUAL DEALERS 45 ADVERTISER INDEX 46 ||:l| A HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH PUBLICATION ABP BUSINESS SCREEN is published monthly by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publications. Corporate offices 757 Tfiird Avenue, New York. New York 10017. Advertising and Editorial offices: 757 Third Avenue New York, New York 10017. Accounting, Ad Production and Circulation offices: 1 East First Street, Duluth, Ivlinnesota 55802. Subscription rates: one year, $6: two years, $10: three years, $13 in the United States and Canada. Other countries: $12 per year Single copies: $1.00 in the United States and Canada: all other countries: $2.00. Application to mail at controlled circulation rates is pending at Duluth, r/linnesota 55802. Copyright 1971 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publications. POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to BUSINESS SCREEN, P,0. Box 6009, Duluth, Minnesota 55806. MAY, 1971