Business screen magazine (1971)

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A Boost from print media Adaptations of the film were printed in special sections of HOUSEWARES Magazine. Msrj::ssc^J^affiT sores' g WHERE IS COURIVIET GOING? Prints of 35 mm shots were made and Inserted into notebooks which were sent out alone with interview transcripts to each buyer who participated in the film. and tiH>k their bows. This situation hclpcil humanize the presentation. Alter the show, the presentation came to New York w here it was shown before the Aluniiinim Cookware Association. A one-screen version was created for use before smaller groups. Next, a showing in New England before a local housewares club was schcdulcil. It played to one of the biggest club turnouts in recent years, and the Uoston department store buyer who pla\ed a role in the film was on hand to receive congratulations. At each showing. DuPont had supplied a printed program, custom-made for the particular group seeing it. and HousEWARts Magazine printed three versions of it. In March 1971, the periodical printed a black and white rendition showing buyers expressing their views on gourmet as recorded from the tapes. Transcripts of each tape were sent to buyers who participated. A black and white section in another issue featured additional buyers. In the May. 1971 issue of HousEWARiis. a I.Vpage full color section on "Ciourmel ■7()'s"' showed .^9 display photographs from the slidefilm production. Manufacturers of coli>rful gourmet cookware. as well as DuPont, ran full color advertisements in the section. An overrun of the section is nt»w being useil for handouts at other meetings scheiluled througlunit the country. Inquiries concerning the presenta 24 tion keep coming into DuPont Housewares Magazine often, askin how the slide-film can be shown. Di Pont now supplies the presentation Carousel and synchronized reel ta| form, or in Carousel and cassette tap! form, f ree-of-charge to intereste[ housewares groups and buying offio Interest continues to mount. One the country's largest discount-depi ment store chains has scheduled showing. By popular demand, a lai buying group will present it to its bi crs at the year's second Natioi Housewares Hxhibit in July. An abbreviated version of the pi entation can be shown in an office mosphere to advertising agencies an' accounts. The magazine's s;ilesma find it easy to carry the equipmcn and stimulating to show to advertisin prospects. As a token of appreciation. DuPoi supplied each participating buyer wil a personalized notebook of color ph« tographs. interview transcripts, and (t complete presentation in Carousi, form. Now. almost a year after the inilii tion of the idea, the slide film showin is still 'hot". This is one A V cffo that won't be allowed to die. Other A V devices for the prograi are currently being reviewed. Tl modest present.ition could well bcgi) .1 re\i>lution in supplier business maj a/ine user communications — wil A V as the catalvsl. BUSINESS SCREE K }l 1 .