Business screen magazine (1971)

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New Miiiti Mcdiit ('ooriliiKilors Multiscreen A/V Control Package A ci'inploic imilli-scrccn audio-visual contrKJ system is now uvuiluhio from Spinillcr &. Sauppc, Inc. for a package price of $3,450. The system includes a 27-channel "media mix' LC programmer, three Dynamic dissolve controls compatible with either .Selectroslide or Carousel projectors, a pouer relay hox for operating up to three motion piclure projectors, and all the necessary acces.sories and patchcords. With the system, four dissolve speeds for slides arc possible. Components may be bought separately at a non-package price. Multi -media Programmer RSVP. Inc. has announced a new fourchannel device to control three slide projectors or dissolve controls and an 8 or 16 mm motion picture projector. The model PD-4 program director, used with a reel-to-reel or cassette stereo tape recorder, can program in sync with the presentation sound track. Solid state circuitry eliminates programmer error or false signals during encoding or decoding. The PD-4 measures 6'/2 inches by 9','2 by four, and weighs less than 6 pounds. Show/Corder Announced A new sojiil si.ile cisscltc sound slide synchronizer, the Show/ (order, has been announced by Tillen Optical Company to provide automated sound, slide shows with existing remote con Fvalurin^ . . . NorelcoPIP The gap between sourul niDlion pictures and slide or film strip presentations has been bridged with a major trol slide projectors. The synchronizer, which is battery operated, loads with standard compact cassettes and remotely activates Kodak Carousel. Sawyers. Aircquip and other slide projectors, Pulser/ Reader, Electronic Crossover Available \\so ne\s models of programming equipment for multimedia presentations and display control systems have been announced by A-V Services, Inc. The Pulser Reader, with any stereo tape system, can pulse and read out four channels or functions. A new electronic crossover can cause two projectors to alternate, advancing one. while the other is lit, thereby eliminating the "black" between slides when one projector is used. It can also be used as a 20 Amppower switching circuit. Kalavox Sound Slide System A new Kala\ox sound slide system, model 391, is now a part of the Kalart Victor Corporation line. The new unit sits atop a Carousel or Ektagraphic slide projector to provide up to one minute of audio plavback for each slide. The new model combines a 2 x 2 inch slide with ten feet of audio tape in a single audio slide cassette. Despite changes in the sequence of cassettes, synchronization is assured. The Kalavox tray holds 40 cassettes and will be a\ailable in late sprinu hrcakthrough from Norclco. The PIP (Programmed Individualized Presentation) Audio and Visual Cassette System uses separate audio tape and Super-S film cassettes electronically coupled in synchronization, rhc tape moves at a constant s|Ked. while the film moves at predetermined sjieeds apjiropriate to the action — fiom one to 24 frames per second. Accordingly, less film per presentation need be used. Separation of sound track and film into cassettes, allows for easier less ex|x-nsive duplication. 1 he system also offers fast forward and reverse controls to advance or rewind the film to a particular part of a program without having to view it in its enlirelv. index to advertisers Animated Productions i Arriflex Company of America 20:: Bebell and Bebell Color Labs.. Inc Bohn Benton. Inc. Byron Motion Pictures Camera Mart. Inc., The Colburn Laboratory, Inc., Geo. W Consolidated Film Industries t DeWolfe Music Library, Inc. / DuKane Corporation Eclair Corporation Eskay Film Service Fairchild Industrial Products Div Fax Company Jam Handy Organization, The Cover Hollywood Valley Film Lab « Holmes Laboratories, Inc., Frank Cover MPO Videotronic Projector Corp. Manhattan Color Laboratories Inc Merv's Animation Aids 4 Modern Talking Picture Service, 'nc Cover' Montage Productions, Inc V Musicues Corporation \ Newsfilm Laboratory, Inc. North American Philips Corp., Training and Education Systems 25-4 Plastic Reel Corp. of America 4 Projection Systems International Rapid Film Technique, Inc. Reela Film Laboratories, Inc. Schuessler Case Co. Sony Corporation of America Technicolor Commercial and Educational Div. Valentino, Inc., Thomas J. Viewlex 44-4 4 5 '31 60 PIICIKircC Cr^DCCH