Business screen magazine (1971)

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Trade and Professional Organizations Serving the Film and Audio-visual Industry THE ASSOCIATION OF CINEMA LABORATORIES, INC. Office: 901 N Washington St., Alexandria, Va. 22313. Officers: Garland C. Misener (Capital Film Lab. Inc.) President: Bruce Jamteson (Jamieson Film Co.) Vice President: F. F. Sack (Ree)a Film Labs, Inc.) Treasurer; G. Carlton Hunt (Oeluiie General) Secretary; Preston B Berlin (Association of Cinema Labs. Inc.) Executive Secretary, Board of Directors: Terms expire Fall 1971: Class A — Bruce Jamieson (Jamieson Film Co.); Class B — William H. Smith (Allied Film Lab., Inc.): Class C. — William D. Hedden (Calvin Communications): Central Region — George W Colburn (Colburn Lab , Inc ); Northeastern Region — John Kowalak (Moivelab. Inc.); Southern Region — James K. Anthony (Capital Film Labs); Terms expire Fall 1972 — Leo Diner (Leo Diner Films); Class B — Frank M. McGeary (Motion Pictures Labs. Inc.): Class C — Robert M. Smith (DuArt Film Labs., Inc.): Canadian Region — Finley J. Quinn ((^uinn Laboratories. Ltd.): Western Region — Sirney P. Solow (Consolidated Films Industries). ASSOCIATION OF MOTION PICTURE PRODUCERS AND LABORATORIES OF CANADA Office (Of the President): 19 F.iirmonI Ave. Ottawa, Ontario: (Of the Executive Secretary): Suite 512, 55 York Street. Toronto 1. Ontario, Canada. Officers: Tom F Glynn (Craw/ley Films Ltd.) President: Henry Michaud (Steltart Drege Audio Ltd.) V. President, Robert C. Crone (Film House Ltd.) Honourary President, Directors: Mr Reg. A Batten (Rabko Tele vision Prod.); Pierre Brunet (Comorehensive Distributors Ltd.); Lew M. Parry (Lew Parry Film Productions Ltd.): Gunter Henning (Western Films Ltd.): Herald S. Kedey (Motion Picture Centre Ltd ); Findlay J. Quinn (Quinn I aboratories Ltd.); Ed. Zemla (Rose-Magwood Productions Ltd, Canada): C. Lynn Meek (Modern Talking Picture Service Inc.). Membership: Canadian firms, proprietorships, corporations and agencies engaged in motion picture production or laboratory work are eligible for Active Membership. Persons, firms or organizations acceptable to the membership and interested in the furtherance of the motion picture industry in Canada are eligible tor Associate Membership. Prcs ent membership: 59 Active Members; 10 As sociate Members: Total 69. Purpose: To promote the common interest of those engaged in the motion picture production and laboratory industries in Canada by maintaining the highest possible standards In the production of motion pictures for industrial, commercial, theatrical, or television release; to represent the industry in Its relations with government, other associations and the public at large; to encourange government agencies to have their films produced t}y private producers ASSOCIATION FOR EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY (A AffilLitr of the National Education Association) Office: 1201 16th Street. N W.. Washington. D C 70036 Howard Hitchens, Jr , Executive Director. Purpose: The improvement of education and the public welfare through the use of educational communications, aducatlonal technology, aducalional madia and adulovlsual materials and methods. Membership consists of media directors and specialists in county and city school systems, colleges and uni versities, and state daptrements of education. School supervisors and administrators, classroom teachers, librarians, and audiovisual specialists in the armed forces, in industry, health, and religious groups are ,»lso included in membership. Conferences: Annual national convention, Minneapolis, Minn, April 1621, 1972; Las Vegas, Nev.. April 8 13, 1973: Atlantic City N J , March 17-22. 1974; Dallas, Texas, March 9 14. 1975 Lake Okoboji Educational Media Leadership Conference, August 197? Activities: 1971 1972 AECT (formerly the Department of Audiovisual Instruction) adopted a new name in 1970 along with a new constitution reorganizing the association as an ■iimbri-lla" organization taking in a number of divisions and national affiliates representing special interest in the broad field of instructional technology. Through divisions ■ ind committees, AECT continues working in these areas of concern; developing and revising standards for media programs in schools and universities, evaluation of instructional materials and systems, definition -ind terminology, information sciences, legislation, instructional development, design of educational facilities, equipment, and materials, visual literacy, media and contractual negotiations, research in educational technology, certification and training of media personnel, telecommunications, urban education and international projects. Awards and Scholarships: AECT Memorial Scholarship of $1,000 awarded annually for graduate AV study: loint AECT/EBE award for in-service education programs in K-12 institutions (11 awards — 10 regional and 1 national): joint AECT/EEBE award for inservice education program in college-level institution. AUDIO VISUAL SERVICE COMMITTEE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL ADVERTISERS, INC. Office: 155 E, 44th St.. New Yorl<. NY 10017 Officers: Peter W Alloort. president: William D Kistler. Vice President: Anthon C. Lunt, Administrative Secretary. Audio-Visual Service Committee. Membership: Chairman: James G. Damon Jr. (IBM World Trade Coro ): Committee Members: R. W. Bonta (General Electric Co.); Wi|. liam J Connelly (Union Carbide Corp ); John Flory (Eastman Kodak Co.): John K Ford (General Motors Corp.); Pat Friesner (Pan American World Airways); John P Grember (United Air lines): Herbert D. Johnson (3M Co ): Frank Rollins (E. R Squibb & Sons); lohna Pepper (Ford Motor Co.). Purpose: The committee initiates and executes projects which will provide the "AudioVisual Interest Group" members of the ANA with cost, technical, distribution and other information about audio-visual materials and techniques. CHICAGO FILM COUNCIL, INC, Office: 208 South la Salle St Chicago III 60604. Phone: (312) 263-0497. Officers: Robert Konikow (Abelson Frankel, Inc ) President: Jack Lusk (Modern Talking Pictures) Vice President: Gordon Hempel (Audience Planners) Secretary: Robert Dovie (US Steel Corn.) Treasurer; Dan Bjick (Illinois Bell Telephone Co.) Program Chairman Directors: Wil Anderson (Promotional Enter, prises): Frank Bronwell (Chicano Cinema Club); James Bruce (National Connress of P T A.s): Robert Burnett (Acme Film and Videotape Lab): Jerry Curto (Santa Fe Railway); Robert Edmonds (Columbia College); Lon Gregory (Caterpillar Tractor Co): Allen Hilliard (George Colburn lab): Bernic Howard (Academy Film Prod); Paul Hults (Eastman Kodak): Darryl Miller (American Dental Association): Carl Nelson (Studio Seven): Rob ert Seipp (WTTWTV): John Thompson (Technicolor Film Services): Robert Zeller (Allstate Insurance Co.). Purpose: The purpose of the Council is to promote, improve and extend the use of films and other audio visual materials for commercial, informational, cultural, and so. cially constructive purposes and to seek constructive purposes and to seek progressive methods of film production, disrtlbulion. and effective use of films. THE EDUCATIONAL FILM LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Office: 17 West 60. New York, Now York 10023 Officers: Carolyn Guss, President: Abraham Cohen, Vice President: Penny Northern, Sec retary; Esme J Dick. Administrative Director (at headquarters). CommlMeas: Esme Dick. Festival Chairman: Penny Northern. Nominations Chairman; Jill Ippee Membership Chairman; Abraham Cohen, Evaluations Chairman, Membership: (ConsliuenI) — 706 non-profit ed institutions; (Service) — 94 commer cial organizations and intarastad individuals; B tub*membarshlps and 161 parvonal mem berships. Magazine 605. for a total enroH. ment of 1.574 Purpose: To encourage and improve the prO' duction. distribution and utilization of eduC9< tional films, EFLA conducts a film evaluat service. THE FARM FIUM FOUNDATION, INC Main Office: 1425 H St , N W Washington DC 2005. • Officers: Dr Charles E Palm (Cornell UniwJ President; Edith T. Bennett. Executive Viet President; Lewe B Martin (Pope. Ballard t Loos) Senior Vice President; Marie L Taylor, Rosalee M, Sampson. Vice President: Rogar Fleming (Am Farm Bur. Fed ) Treasurer; Webster Tenney (Future Farmers of America) Secretary; C. Dana Bennett. Special Consulta Julian B. Heron. Jr. (Pope. Ballard & Loi Counsel, Board of Trustees: Mrs. Edith Bennett. Exac! V.P.: Richard J Babcock (Farm Journal); Harry O. Bercher (International Harvestarl Co.): William J Brake (National Gr,inge): Anna Breckenridge (Potomac Grange); Rogarl Corbett (New Mexico State University): John H. Davis (Agribusiness Consultant); Rogar Fleming (American Farm Bureau Federation):' James Gibson (National Archives); Howard Harris (CPC International. Inc ): H. G. Hawes (Maine State DepI of Agriculture); Patrick Healy (Natl. Milk Producers Fed); R M,' Hendrickson (Pfizer Inc ); Karl 0. Loos (Po Ballard & Loos): G. C. Matthiesen (Alli_. Chemical Corp); Charles E. Palm (Cornell Univ ); Lloyd E Partain (Soil Conservatioi Ser); James Roe (Jim Roe and Associates Inc.): Vernon Schneider (American Institute ol Cooperation); John W. Scott (Nations Grange); MelvIn E. Sims (National Council ol Farmers Co-ops): Virginia Smith (Women, Committee American Farm Bureau Federation): D Stuart (Quaker Oats Co ); Webstei Tenney (Future Farmers of America): R N, Whipp (Natl Assn. of County Ag. Agents) Meetings: The Trustees meet each year iij June. The Board of Consultants meets td screen films on call of the Executive Vicel President. Purpose: The creation of betteil understanding between rural and urban Amer| ica through audio-visual education. Activities: (1) Distributes through its mail office and cooperating depositories 16mn motion pictures found suitable by Board oi Consultants for Foundation endorsement. Disl tribution is principally to rural America Ther^ is no cost to film users except for return postage. (2) The Foundation, through itd contacts with all phases of rural America! makes available a unique consultation serv| ice to film sponsors and producers. THE FILM COUNCIL OF GREATER COLUMBUS Offices: Center of Science .ind Industry. 28 E. Board Street. Columbus. Ohio 43215. and Office of Columbus Film Council Kresg^ BIdg.. Room 408. 83 South High St.. ColumI bus. Ohio 43215. Officers: Dr D F Prugh (Director. Franklin County Historical Society) President: Nil^ Lindquist (President Lindy Productions) Exe cutive Vice-President; Mary A. Rupe. Seer tary-Treasurer. Film Council ol Greater Col lumbus. Trustees: G Roger Cahaney (President. Ster| ling Movies USA): Dr. Edgar Dale (Research Associate of the Bureau ol Education. Ohid State University): Carl M Lenz. (President^ Modern Talking Picture Service); Dr Rober M Wagner (Chairman. Deot. ol Photorr.iphv| Ohio State University): Chartes W \l • • (Director of Communications Arts t^ment. Xavier University): Dr Robert W.iii'u (Chairman. Dept of Photography & Cinemal Ohio State University) Purpose: To promote a greater interest • production and use of films by scho' universities, public service organization groups, and business firms and ind The use of films by these organizat the Columbus area and the state stressed. A new obiective is the pron. nf lilms in all fields produced bv studentsj This is the second year for student entries ir^ the Columbus Film Festival. THE UNIVERSITY FILM ASSOCIATION (Formerly University Film Producers) Office (of the President): Dr Ernest D RoseJ Professor. Radio TV Film DepI . School Communications & Theater. Temple Univerl sitv. Philadelphia. Pa I Officer Ernest D Rose. President; Edward Pl McCoy (Radio-TV-Film Dept . Temple Univarl sity). Executive Vice President; Robert Wl Wagner (Dept ol Photography. Ohio StallT Univ ); Editorial Vice President: Marshall LovJ rien (Motion Picture Unit, Univ ol lowa)J Conlerence Vice President: J Sol Wrenn JrJ (Film Production Service Vn St. Bo.' Education). Treasurer; Kaye Finch i '.' Picture Unit. Univ. of Iowa), Secretart mond Fielding (School of Communic Temple Univ i. Past President Board of Directors: Dennis Lynch (Um. of Iowa): Peter Dart (Univ. of Kansasi; ^. ford Gray (Univ. of So. Dakota); Donald 44 BUSINESS SCREE^