Business screen magazine (1971)

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slip in... that's all! A/V programs sparkle and come alive . . . LA BELLE 3-WAY'' COMMPAK CARTRIDGE Continuous loop 16mm filmstrip and mj^netic sound lap« permanently synchronised and combined in a single cartridge No rewind — no turnover — instant replay* Fast sequence animated scenes suggest motion, with the economy of slide films Up to 250 visuals plus 20 mmute audio. Eiistlng slide/sound programs easily adapted Cartridges interchangeable among laBelle Series 16 "audience rated" projectors: • 1 LA BELLE COURIER^ 16 (shovm In illustration) — Portable attach^ case style Take to audience for personalized communication AC operated ♦2 LA BELLE SENTINEL 16 — Self contained Looh^ like a table television set. Cartridge slips in front for instant program changes Ideal for dis plays, small groups or carrels •3 LA BELLE TUTOR 16 — Projected image. Ideal for groups, meeting rooms, etc. Lightweight. Re tractable handle. Clear images and crisp, convincing sound. ^ Gft thf (JC|5 now . . . call 414/5C7 55?7 or wrilt: LA BELLE Induaferiee S Wonhington St , Oconomowor, Wl 5306G Easy to identify . . rasy to file . . easy to mail ^ E|Sle|l^[ilE[i|Br Perfect professional splices... every time! |i|i|s|iii|e|i e ir MMM Aik about lh« M-H profeatlonal ^^^B hoavy-duly M Y 16mm >p— ^ Vlower/Edllor y, I now availabl* lijJ^ with ' ^-=i=^^-^ haloflon lamp. with the only Portable Hot Splicer featuring built-in. lifetime patented Carbide Scraper Blade Model ei6, $264.00 for emm and all 16mm Model 8I6.S. $314.00 lor 8, Super 8 and all 16mm for the professional and serious amateur Outstanding features include: low-visibility splices at frame line, precision, full-fitting pilot pins, thermostatically heated blades, hardened chromesteel cutting blades and unconditional 5-year guarantee. With over 22,000 in world-wide daily use, the M-H original splicer is the accepted standard wherever professional films are produced. In addition to many standard and special combination models that handle all 8, Super 8, 16 and 35mm film configurations, M-H can design a splicer to suit your specific requirement ... no matter how unique. See your dealer or ser)d for complete literature ilH since 1946 Maier-Hancock Industries 1321;' Hayiiicr Gtroul, Dopl. II North Hollywood, Calif. 91602 (213) 764-0280 62 n6WSr6Gl continued had a different and coniplemen| record of growth. The new orgar tion will bring together the stren that each organization has separaj developed. These include differem gions of the country, combining sa |0| local with national structure, and working relationships with niani^J^I turers and service companies." Musicues' New Headquarters Facilities Musicues, a division of Cue Rec ing. Inc. serving the music need: the film and auditvvisual industry, moved to greatly expanded facil at II 5b Avenue of the Americas, f York. The new studios, control roc duplicating rooms and audio casi packaging facilities have resulted f 20 years planning, and arc desigi particularly for service to the in trial and educational market. Musicues, which is the sole ' distributor of Chappell Recoil Background Music Library, has j expanded its stocks with several h^ of new material. Super 8 Lab Expands Super 8 City, wholly-owned subsid of Capital Film Laboratories, has i. bled its space and moved to larger cilities in northeast Washington, I The new facility, at l.^O."* Gallaii .Street. N.E., will enable the Sup* staff to utilize additional projeci and rewind machines as well asi creased loading space and platf area. Humidity control and filtc processes are added pluses, accon to CFL President. Peter Boyko New Super 8 Teleplayer Announced in Japan I 11)1 I'Ih>io film C onipany has nounccd, in Japan, a new Supi teleplayer. model CV.SOO. which > nects to any conventional color b/w TV set. A flying spot scanning systei used which converts Super S (or Fi own Single 8) picture and (opii sound into electrical signals wl are then fed to the TV set. Slow tion and tree/e frame effects are sible. as well as remote control. Film cartridges of .^ and 1 1 i utes length, as well as .^0 minuteopen reel will be utilized. Resolution is said to be .^IK) 11 or more during stop action, and lines during regular run. . It is expected that the C V5()0 I player will be marketed first in Ja] No infi>rni.ilion is a\.iilable on » il m.iy become available in the U.' BUSINESS SCRI