The San Francisco Dramatic Review (1908)

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ebruary 7, 1914 THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW 7 M EYE R S AKE - UP guaranteed: best made. E X O R A P R E P A R A T I O N S A R E B E S T Meyer's Exora Preparation YOl MUST MAKE UP SO MAKE UP WITH THE BEST MAKE=UP MEYER'S Grease Paint. "10 and 25c a stick" Exora Powder, Boog'e. Cream, Cerate, Balm, Brllliantine, Sbampoo, 50c. If your dealer will not supply you, we will, and pay all charges. 104 W. 13TH ST., N. T. C, Meyer's Grease Faint 3DAILY TRAINS to Portland Tacoma and Seattle SHASTA LIMITED TBAIK DE LUXE—EXTBA FARE $5 L,v. San Francisco (Ferry Station) ....11:20A.M. Ar. Portland i 2:.30P. M. Ar. Tacoma ', Next Day 7:40 P M Ar. Seattle ) il :00 p. M Drawingr Booms Observation Car Stenographer Valet Service Compartments Iiadies' Parlor Stock Beports Iiadies' Maid' Three-Boom Suites Library Barber Shops Hairdressing' Berths and Sections Dining' Car Shower Bath FIBST-CLASS TICKETS ONXY PORTLAND EXPRESS Lv. San Francisco (Ferry Station) 1:00 P.M. Ar. Portland. Next Day 10:30 P. M. Ar. Tacoma, Second Day 4:45 A. M. Ar. Seattle, Second Day 6:15 A.M. Standard PvUlman and Tourist Sleeping- Cars, Observation Car. Dtningf Car to Portland ALL CLASSES OF TICKETS OREGON EXPRESS Lv. San Francisco (Ferry Station) 8:20 P.M. Ar. Portland, Second Morning 7:20 A.M. Ar. Tacoma, Second Day 1:40 P.M. Ar. Seattle, Second Day 3:15 P. m! Standard PuHman and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Dining- Car to Portland f ALL CLASSES OF TICKETS SOUTHERN PACIFIC The Exposition Line—1915 Correspondence ,^.\LEAI, Week of Jan. 25—Hlio-h ( liligh Amusement Co., T. G. Blig-h, nic^i.). First half: The popular I-rank Rich Company, number two, tn bior business. Last half: Pictures arid exclusive vaudeville acts to g-ood l'll^iness. Globe: Feature pictures and Mabel Ford singing popular ^"iigs; business good. Grand Opera ff'Aise (Salem Amusement and Hold- ing Co.)': 29-31, Edison's Talking Pictures to good business. Ye Lib- erty fSalem Amusement and Hold- ing Co.) : Famous Players Company pictures to good business. Wexford (Salem Amusement and Holding Co.): Pictures and the ever-popular Colonial Players in The Police In- spector and Mrs. Temple's Telegram to capacity business for the week. Some popular company and are booked for the Wexford indefinitely. ALBANY, Week of Jan. 25.—Al- bany Opera House (H. R. Schultz, mgr.) : Linn County Fair with a cast of about two hundred and fifty local people, was presented here under the ausjjices of the Ladies of the St. Peter's Guild, 28-29, to big business. This musicale was well presented un- der the direction of Miss Andrews. Edison's Talking Pictures arc booked for Feb. 1-2. Bligh (Bligh Amuse- ment Co., F. D. Bligh, mgr.) : I'^irst half: Pictures and The Nashville Stu- dents to good business. The Nash- ville Students are a clever bunch of entertainers. Last half: Exclusive Mutual program and the Frank Rich Company, number two, in musical comedies. This company is po])ular and plays to capacity business where- ever they go. Company includes Por- ter Warfield, Jack Flcmming, Harry Aucrbach, F. W. Budd, Buelah Ben- ton, Rubv Lang, Marion Rochester, and a chorus of eight. All produc- tions are .staged under the direction of Shirley Lewis and the music is un- der direction of A. H. Cokayne. The Rich Company will play a return date here February 9-n. Coming Febru- ary 1-2, The Siberian Pictures; 3, The Rosary; 4-5, The Jolly Entertainers. Rolfe (Geo. Rolfe, mgr.) : The Vic- tor Donald and A\. H. I lallctt Play- ers for the week to big business. This company i)resents tabloid dramas, and changes bills nightly. One of the best dramatic companies ever .seen here and will no doubt play a return date in the future. Dreamland (Lyle J, FOR THE BEST SCENERY FOR VAUDEVILLE THEATRES, OPERA HOUSES, VAUD- EVILLE ACTS, ETC. The Ghas. F. Thompson Scenic Go. 1529 FRANKLIN STREET, OAKLAND, CAL. Scenic Advertising Curtains WANTED WILL ADVANCE FARES FRANK A . THORNE DRAMATIC STOCK CO. TO OPEN IN GLOBE, ARIZONA, FEBRUARY 23rd TWO BILLS A WEEK. People in all Lines: Good Looking Leading Man, Comedian and Soularette (those doing singing and dancing specialties given pref- erence). Must be A I and good dressers. Money guaranteed. Will pay good money but must have the goods. Send programs and recent photos. Vern Layton; Adelle Higgins; Edesse F"owler; Ray Berger; wire. I CAN BE SEEN PERSONALLY IN LOS ANGELES FEB. 17- 18—TWO DAYS ONLY—BETWEEN 11 A.M. AND 3 P.M. AT THE ST. GEORGE HOTEL, 3rd AND MAIN STREETS. BE- FORE OR AFTER THESE HOURS PHONE WILSHIRE 4915 OR \yRITE OR WIRE FRANK A. THORNE DRAMATIC STOCK COMPANY, EMPRESS TFIEATRE PHOENIX, ARIZONA Ficklin, mgr.)': Closed, remodeling. Hub (Searls, mgr.): Universal pro- gram. Third week of Baby Contest to fair business. HONOLULU, Jan. 30.—Hawaiian Opera House: Yvonne de Trevillc, soprano, in co.stume recitals, January 31 and Feb. 5. Spaulding Cfmi])any open in musical comedy, at liijou, Febn.iary 5. LARAMIE, Jan. 31.—Opera House (H. E. Root, mgr.): Mutt and Jefif last night won hearty ap]:)roval from a large house. Madame Sherry Feb. 2nd. JOHN WATT. CARSON CITY, Jan. 31.—Grand Theatre (W. S. Ballard, mgr.)l: Feb. 6, The Rose Maiden by the Glee Club from the Nevada State University. Carson Choral Club has been organ- ized with fifty members and J. A. Durand as instructor. The club in- tends presenting a light opera in the near future. A. H. M. MARYSVILLE, Feb. 2.—January 31, 1914, at the Marysville Theatre, The California Jubilee (Quartette gave a good entertainment. February i, Lady Kilties Band was the attraction. Their playing was more than enjoy- able, everything from rag-time to classic music. I'lic band was greeted by a big house. I'.efore Cecil DeMille, the young American author of The Royal Mounted, which .'\ndrcw Mack is to produce at the Alcazar next week, put pen to pai)er for his highly .success- ful story of the mounted i)olice in the Canadian Northwest, he spent six GOLDSTEINS CO. COSTUMERS Golilsteln'sHair and Wif? Store Make-vip. Play Books. K.stablislied 1876. Lincoln Building-, Market and Fifth Sts. Theatre Chairs and School Desks at One Dollar Each Write for Particulars Whitaker & Ray- Wlggin Co. "Everything in Seating-" SAIT FBANCISCO H. Lewin 11. Oppenhelm GOKDAN TAILORING CO. 928 Market St., het. Fo-nrell and Mason TINE CLOTHES MODEBATE FBIOES No Branch Stores The Butler-Nelke Academy of Dramatic Arts Now located in Golden Gate Commandery Hall, 2137 Sutter St. Most complete and thoroughly equipped dramatic school on the Pacific Coast. Courses in Dramatic Art, Voice Development, Vocal Expression, Pan- tomime, Literature, French, Dancing, Fen- cing and Make-up. Amateur clubs re- hearsed; entertainments furnished. Send for catalog. Miriam Nclke. director; Fred J. Butler, principal (stage director Alcazar Theatre). weeks living in the open, up in the great woods of Canada, drawing in- s])!ration, local color and atmosphere under the stars and amidst the per- fume of the trees.