Camera (April 1921-April 1922)

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CAMERA! ^'The Digest of the Motion Picture Industry" Page Fifteen Who's Where HIPPODROME— Sunday Lewis J. Selznick presents Eugene O'Brien in "BROADWAY AND HOME" By John Lynch Directed by Alan Crosland CAST Michael Strange — Eugene O'Brien Mary Bruce — Elinor Fair John Stephens — Warren Cook Paul Grayson — Prank Losee Linda Greer — Eileen Cassidy Howard Crampton will have a part in Ellis Parker Butler's Philo Gubb camedies. Harry Todd is cast in the series of Ellis Parker Butler's Philo Gubb comedies. Tom Gubbins has just finished an engagement as technical assistant to Mr. Stanlaws at the Lasky studios. "Black Sheep," featuring Neal Hart, will be released on the independent market May 15th. Vernon Walker is in charge of the phototographic work for the Norman Manning productions. Charles Parrott, director for the Harry "Snub" Pollard Comedies, has just signed a long term contract with Hal E. Roach. Rupert Hughes lately played the score of his recent dramatic song, "Cain," before the Gamut Club. Charles Meakin has been cast to play the leading comedy role in Eileen Percy's next picture, which will be directed by Philo McCullough. Harriet Laurel, who has been portraying vamp types for Metro, is now supporting William A. Howell at the new Gerson studios in San Francisco. Lavena Buchanan is assisting Edouard Wesykal, art designer, who is making the sets for the Ruth Roland serial being produced at the Hal Roach studios. Mary Garden, General Manager of the Chicago Opera, was a recent visitor at the Goldwyn Culver City studios as the guest of Rupert Hughes. New York hereafter will be but a temporary visiting place for June Mathis, as the Metro scenario writer has purchased a home in the Hollywood foothills. An authoritative book on the growth of the motion picture industry is in course of preparation by Joseph de Grasse and Ida May Park, who in private life is Mrs. de Grasse. The entire zoological collection of the LKo studios, where Century comedies are produced, is being moved to Universal City. There it will be under the care of A. C. Stecker, chief of the studio arena. Boris Karloff has been cast in the role of Ahmed Khan in Rudyard Kipling's "Without Benefit of Clergy," now in the course of production under the direction of James Young at the Robert Brunton Studios. On the completion of her current production, Mildred Davis will take a motor trip through the High Sierras with her mother and small brother. This will be her first real vacation since she came to Los Angeles two years ago to play opposite Harold Lloyd. Champion Boy Swimmer and Diver Playing in "The Little Clown" With Mary Miles Minter Coming Releases: "Passing Through" Katherine MacDonald (No. 1) Cecil de Mille (384) Just Finished with "THE BEVERLY SYNDICATE" REGISTER WITH KINEMA BUREAU DIRECTORS AND PRODUCERS Openly Acknowledged that KINEMA BUREAU Has Solved the Problem of Casting Pictures GET YOUR ACTION TEST MADE BY US "NOW" MORE ENDORSEMENTS MARSHALL STEADMAN. Head of Dramatic Dept., Egan School. "I am more than pleased to learn uf your success in this new field. Having seen you direct one of your test pictures I can speak knowingly of your careful work. Had your Bureau been in operation durincr the two years in which I was CastingDirector at one of the Los Anceles Studios, it would have saved me much worry and have been of much value in selecting good screen types." GEORGE H. KERN. Author and Producer of "The Unfoldment." Hollywood Studios. "I most heartily endorse Kinema Bureau's plan for a Library of Screen Tests and shall be clad to avail myself of its service when casting my pictures." TOM GIBSON. Director, Mo rante Comedies. "Your plan of submitting Screen-Tests of any talent we may require is indeed a long step ahead of the usual and unsatisfactory photograph. We assure you that this idea meets with our heartiest approval and we will be glad to avail ourselves of this service. Assuring you of our sincere co-operation in making your plnn a success." We Supply Only the Best DIRECTORS, CAMERAMEN, TECHNICAL STAFFS, ARTISTS, SCENARIO AND EXPERT CONTINUITY WRITERS Besides ACTION TESTS of PROFESSIONALS we make COMMERCIAL PICTURES and ALL YOUR UNSOLD PICTURES MARKETABLE REMEMBER If You Are Not Listed Here, We Cannot Cast You 6111 Santa Monica Blvd. (Member of Chamber of Commerce^