Camera (April 1921-April 1922)

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Copyrighted 1921, by Raymond Cannon C'^mera! V rhe ff/gosi of the Motion Piciuna Musiry DEVOTED TO THE NEWS OF THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY RAYMOND CANNON, PUBUSHKR Entered as second class matter. Augrust 11, 1918, at the postoffice at Los Angeles, C»i., under act of March 3, 1879. Fanchon Royer — Athene Sterling.... -Managing Editor -Assistant Editor Grace M. Adalr..._ Advertising Sales Manager Ora Brook _ Circulation Manager Price 10 cents per copy, $2,00 per year In Los Angeles County. Outside Zone One, $2.50 per year Edited and printed on Saturday afternoon of each weeic at 4613 Sunset Boulevard, in Lo» Angeles, CaJifomla. (Holly 1S39.) Vol. IV. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1921 No. 23 Another Jolt Once more the motion picture industry has been horrified by a bolt of terrible misfortune that has come crashing down from the apparently peaceful heavens into its paralyzed midst. Once again the world, from as many viewpoints as it may claim possession of, shakes its head dubiously, revengefully or disappointedly in our direction, while inevitably placing another mental black mark beside our name in its Book of Public Favor. And why ? Because one of our oldest and most popular representatives has been indicted for a hideous crime, brought about under unspeakable conditions; because several formerly well thought of picture men and women were party to the disgraceful orgy that occasioned whatever vileness really took place; and because unsavory, even disgusting, records of the individuals in question have been brought to light, shattering all faith that may ever have been held in them. We haven't the slightest idea as to whether or not Roscoe Arbuckle killed Virginia Rappe unintentionally or othei'\\'ise ; but we have several unpleasant ones concerning the loathesome debauchery that could bring about any such circum.stances as those which attended this sensational tragedy. We have nothing but the deepest scorn, not only for the participants in this degrading "booze party" about which the entire hemisphere is talking, but for every male and female in the motion picture business who so lowers himself or herself ever as to regard a high salary, popularity or even achievement as a license to act in a manner that would not be a commendable pattern for any private citizen to follow. The sooner that every drunkard, dope addict and degenerate is thrown out of the studios into the gutter where they all belong, the better it will be for each serious minded, self-respecting worker in our enterprise. Art can never excuse rottenness anywhere, and the profession is at last fully awake to that fact, for there is no keener bitterness felt over the entire affair in any section of the country than there is in the Hollywood film colony today. The hundreds of decent actors about whom the world has so little opportunity to hear, who are happily married, home-loving, honest-to-goodness people, are finally on their feet to eradicate the filth that causes resentment to be directed toward their perfectly legitimate activities. They are the fathers and mothers of little children whose heritage is as clean and chances as rosy as any other babies' in the world. They must see to it that these innocent souls do not pay for their parents' art with any demonstration of disrespect from the prejudiced offspring of those who are too earthy to understand, to differentiate ; and see to it they will, according to dozens of vehement expressions that have come to our attention this week. We are justifiedly proud of these people and their worthy new determinations which, if carried out, will make it pretty hot for the deliberate sinners about us. Perhaps, after all, this nightmarish experience with dirt and dregs will lead to a housecleaning that will sweep the unworthies far over our doorstep. In any event, it should be made thus to profit us. For all of the indiscretions and errors which she could have committed Virginia Rappe has paid the greatest price known to man. Roscoe Arbuckle must now settle, is settling, in fact, his accounts. No matter what he may have done his greatest injury has been to humanity. Humanity will exact full repayment. Meanwhile if such a painful lesson was needed by us in our extreme tolerance of conditions, let us receive it as philosophically as possible, while realizing that we must guard against the necessity for another. Hereafter it is imperative that all the entrances to our highly desirable circle be closed save the one that is only to be reached through unquestionable merit, artistic and moral. Only upon an uncompromising foundation of this kind can our structure stand. It has to stand! F. R. A Feiv Statistics The Exhibitors' Herald furnishes us with .the following statistics: "In the' fiscal year ending June 30 the government collected $6,008,108 on the five per cent film rental tax. For the preceding year the same source yielded only $4,381,276. These figures reveal that for the year preceding June 30 the amount of domestic film rentals was $120,162,160, and for the preceding year, $87,625,520— meaning an increase for the year ending with the past theatrical season of $32,536,640. "There doubtlessly .is no set of figures available at this time which more graphically depicts the tremendous commercial development of the industry during the past season. The exhibiting branch of the industry can admit without hesitancy that during the period in question it witnessed its period of greatest commercial gain, yet it contributed more than thirty-two million dollars additional for film rental over the preceding year. "The government statistics have placed the amount of film rentals at a figure which is from ten to fifteen million dollars greater than the average estimate of grade experts — a matter which is both surprising and encouraging. (Continued on Page 18)