Camera (May 1922-April 1923)

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ESTABLISHED 1918 — A FILM MAGAZINE AND A FILM NEWSPAPER IN ONE Entered as second class matter, August 11, 191S, at the postofflce at Los Anpeli s, Cal., under act of March 3, 1879. S. W. (DOC) LAWSON Publisher and Manager DELBERT E. DAVENPORT _ Editor DORIS MORTLOCK Studio Editor FRED W. FOX Advertising Manager C. NEIL LYKKE, JR —.Associate Editor Marbridge Building NEW YORK CITY H. H. CONGER COMPANY: National Advertising Representatives First Nat'l Bank Building CHICAGO Holbrook Building SAN FRANCISCO Price 10 cents per copy, $2.00 per year in Los Angeles County. Outside Zone, $2.50 per year. Canada, $3.00; Foreign, $3.50 Issued on. Saturday afternoon of each week at 631S Hollywood Boulevard, in Los ,\nK( l. s, California. I'hone 439-8G9 Address All Communications to Camera! Vol.V. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 192.'} No. 46 Ever}) Little Comment Has a Meaning All Its Own "Griever Buys Rights to 'Only a Shop Girl,'" reads a trade paper head-line. Was it because he grieved for her? They say youth-restoring glands can be purchased in London now for $15 apiece. Just wait a while longer — the ten-cent stores will have 'em on sale yet. We frequently receive letters requesting information on how to get into the movies. You tell 'em, ceiling — they look up to you, and they can't get at you so easily. If it is true that about seventy-six especially popular photo players get the bulk of the engagements, the screen still has it on Heinz. He boasts only fifty-seven varieties. Motion picture production is at a standstill throughout Europe now. Why stand still, European producers? Why not move — to Southern California! It being just as human to air views as it is to err does not justify the implication that it's perfectly all right to air errors proudly. In other and plainer words, he who boasts of having been intoxicated is foolish. Hollywood is not booming. It is merely growing into the proportions of a great, large city rapidly and consistently. In about another five years, this chee-ild will be nearly as big as its Pa, L. A. Perchance M. Coue's reason for hastening back to his native France was to undertake curing some of the ills besetting his country. It is extremely obvious that France is not getting better and better in any way any day nowadays. The subject acknowledged to be the most popular with the American public is, the screen. This makes it inexplicable why most newspapers give sports twice as much space as is devoted to the movies. It would be interesting to read the explanation of some newspaper manager. If indications mean anything, the prospect of the motion picture doubling in size and importance within the next three years is a very bright one — far too bright to make dark views of pessimists tolerable in the least way. Wherein there must be perfect harmony in the unending rendition of the Song of Optimism. It is reported that the drug ring has organized to fight "government persecution." Presumably the dope magnates are demanding the full right of "the seize" of human lives without interference and with immunity to the punishment meted out to other murderers. Someone has suggested the abolition of all forms of slapstick comedy and now we are breathlessly awaiting the startling news of a serious uprising among bakers of custard pies, who will naturally resent having their bread and butter snatched right out of their hands by a lot of reformers. Predictions of a new screen technique are being made in many quarters with increasing persistency. Now if there were only a few predictions of the early change of policy which makes adaptations such a popular sport among producers, the cup of the advocates of the well-known "original" might not be so devoid of cheer. According to the newspapers, when a pretty girl lifted her skirt so very slightly in crossing a muddy street, two passing automobiles were wrecked. All of which proves there is no such a thing as a sphinx driving automobiles in these ultra-modern days of woman's greatest achievements in putting men into a daze! Commercial avarice and the cinema art will not mix, which explains why the motion picture industry has been cursed with so many oily and watered blue-sky propositions none of which have ever panned out anything except grief to the deceived investors. Meanwhile the film industry still owes it to itself to be rid of fly-by-nighters in this day of its greatest importance. Rodolph Valentino is now resorting to public speech-making in waging his campaign against Famous Players-Lasky. This is more than could be expected of an exponent of the silent art. Perchance Ruddy is bent on showing 'em how a screen sheik can shriek. Nevertheless, Lasky or Zukor are still dodging the ordeals of waxing forensic. Now since everybody is in favor of keeping salacious photoplays in disfavor, it's high time for the chap who would chase dollars at the expense of public morals to repair to the tall timbers for extensive repairs of his code of ethics. Whoever puts suggestive scenes on the screen is a bane to the cinema as a popular art and his removal from the sphere of activity will be a boon much deserved by the whole industry.