Camera - April 14, 1923 to February 16, 1924 (April 1923-February 1924)

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Page Two 'The Digest of the Motion Picture Industry" CAMERA UNO AUTHEN T I C DETAILS AND EXTERIORS O F FOREIGN INTERIORS AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ASSOCIATE CORRESPONDENTS IN ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES .^national Cinema Resiw I*11 L.A. HOW LAND aMl * Phone 438-761 * 300-301 HOLLYWOOD SECURITY BLDG. Courtearle Park Courtney Foote — Conway Tearle THE SUBURB BEAUTIFUL — with a wonderful vista of the Santa Monica and green Verdugo hills, it makes an ideal homesite. Values are increasing daily. A visit will convince you! LOTS FROM $475 UP Ventura Boulevard Frontage $40 Per Front Foot and Up Drive out Ventura Boulevard to Sherman Way, then three blocks west to tract office. CLEVELAND-BLAIR REALTY CO. A heading Role In motion picture production is being enacted by this shop, and it is conceded to be without parallel in the scope of its service. The proper embellishment of a set is accomplished only through the most intensive study, and great care in the selection of appropriate furnishings. We are equipped to aid the most painstaking producer in the business. We buy, sell, rent and exchange. Antique Furniture — Oil Paintings Bronzes — Statues — Bric-a-Brac Antique Shop 4534 Hollywood Blvd. Phone 598-030 "Make-Up Headquarters of the Motion Picture Industry" 0 UR GOAL is not quantity. We are concentrating our efforts and resources to produce goods of extraordinary [beauty and lasting quality. In so doing, however, we have employed the most modern and efficient manufacturing and merchandising methods, which enables us to sell at very low costs. We have attained our greatest renown as wigmakers, retaining in the preparation of hair goods all the fine details of the old wigmakers' art and blending these details with our modern facilities for rapid production. We believe that our greatest recommendation is found in this; we have been employed by some of the foremost producers and directors; we take great care and pride in our work; each and every one of our patrons MUST be satisfied. ZAN Make-up 819 South Hill Shop ■Pico498