Camera - April 14, 1923 to February 16, 1924 (April 1923-February 1924)

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P«fe Two ■ = 'The Digest of the Motion Picture Industry' » * ■» CAMERA UNO AUTHEN T I C DETAILS AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF FOREIGN INTERIORS AND EXTERIORS O F EVERY DESCRIPTION. ASSOCIATE CORRESPONDENTS IN ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES rational Cinema Res L.A.HOWLAND *ARCH J Phone 438-761 m 300-301 HOLLYWOOD SECURITY BLDG. Mrs. A. Metzner announces tke opening of "Trie Diet Skop" where she will be prepared to handle all your diet problems • Whether you are overweight; underweight; have difficulty in maintaining normal weight; diabetic or whatever your particular problem may be. Her "Zero" Products .absolutely starch free — palatable, having no food value take the place of bread and crackers on any diet; add bulk, satisfy hunger and relieve constipation. Consultation h$ Appointment 5621 Hollywood Boulevard The Atmosphere and scenic effects of a picture oftimes have created a success of what might have otherwise been a complete failure. Appropriate and beautiful settings are vital factors in present day film production, and those producers who want to insure perfection in their settings will find our shop of inestimable value. We maintain a complete collection of art works, oil paintings, bronzes and bric-a-brac from all corners of the earth. The 20,000 feet of floor space in our estabilshment is filled with all manners of unusual and beautiful antiques. We're IN HOLLYWOOD; come in and meet us when you're down here. Antique Shop 4534 Hollywood Blvd. Phone 598-030 "Make -Up Headquarters of the Motion Picture Industry" HAT this shop has universal appeal is evidenced by the fact that film folk of widely varying importance in the profession make it their make-up headquarters. Thus has it earned its title of "Make-Up Headquarters of the Motion Picture Industry"; catering to all who love fine things. It is exclusive, but not expensive. Yet the products sold here are of the best manufacture. Years of experience and endeavor, efficient management and modern methods, have enabled us to grow to our present size. ZAN Make-up Shop WSmShm Pico498