Camera - April 14, 1923 to February 16, 1924 (April 1923-February 1924)

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Page Sixteen "Pulse of the Studios" CAMERA! Pulse of the Studios For Week Starting Monday, August 13 Camera! intends to keep the Pulse of the Studios accurate in every detail. You can help by reporting any error to Pulse Editor, 4I9-S(fl Director Star Cameraman Ass't Director Scenarist Type Progress BERWILLA STUDIO. 582 1 Santa Monica Blvd. Ashton Dearholt, Pro. Mgr. Holly 3130 Eddie Lyons Productions (Arrow release). Eddie Lyons Eddie Lyons Ramsey Cooke Collins 2-Reel Comedies Schedule Eugene De Rue Bobby Dunn Ramsey Cooke Collins 2-Reel Comedies Schedule Ben Wilson Productions (Federated release) Wilson All-Star • Linden-Stevens Geo. Carter A. Statter "Leave It to Gerry" 1st Week Feature Pictures Co. Denver Dixon All-Star Jack Fuque M. J. Andrus Wm. Lester "The Mystery Trail" Editing Dearholt Productions. Neva Gerber Productions Dearholtz-Dillon Neva Gerber Hutchinson Wilbur McGough Dillon "Sante Fe Trail" Editing BRENTWOOD STUDIO. 48 1 1 Fountain Ave. 598-146 BRONX STUDIO. 1745-51 Glendale Blvd. Kenneth Bishop, General Mgr. Wilshire 4275 BELASCO PRODUCTIONS, INC. 69 1 2 Hollywood Blvd. All-Star Special Fea hires Preparing LiUSTER KEATON STUDIO. 1025 Lillian Way. Eddie Cline, Casting Holly 2814 .Jack Hlystone Buster Keaton E. Lessley-Thorp Rose Mitchell "Hospitality" 7th Week Lou Anger Productions. HARRY KEATON PRODUCTIONS. 302 Luckenbach Bldg. 148-55 Harry Koat on Harry Keaton Elmer Edwardson H. Prudhom i: win.. ■ i ll Evidence" 3rd Week FRED CALDWELL PRODUCTIONS. 4513 Sunset Blvd. 593576 Fred Caldwell All-Star Geo. Crocker Raymond Hounsaville J. S. "Hogan of Hollywood" 4th Week Fred Caldwell Ail-Star Geo. docker liounsaville J. S. Wood house "Milkman of Hollywood" 2nd Week CENTURY STUDIO. 6100 Sunset Blvd. Julius Stern, Gen. Mgr. Bert Sternback. Casting. Holly 96 Century Comedies (Universal release). Al Herman All-Star Win. Hyer Herman Hernia n entitled 3rd Week CHAPLIN STUDIO. Alfred Reeves. Gen. Mgr. 1416 La Brea Ave. Holly 4070 CHOICE STUDIO. 6044 Sunset Blvd. Martin J. Heyl, Prod. Mgr. 439-764 W. l !. i MifTord All-Star Kay June Warren Fromme W. II. Clifford feature Story 5th Week CHRIS HE STUDIOS. Harry, Edwards, Casting. 6101 Sunset. C. H. Christie, Gen. Mgr. Holly 3100 Sidney Dorothy Devore (ius Peterson .Ion Clemens Graham .'"Reel Comedy 2nd Week Al Christie Hobby Vitiium Xacy-Phillips 1 1 auemim i ionklin entitle,] Editing COSMOSART STUDIO. 3700 Beverly Blvd. J. E. Bowen, G en. Mgr. Fran k M. Willard. Studio Mgr. Wilshire 2115 CULVER CITY STUDIO. Ralph M. DeLacy, Mgr. 6529 Venice Blvd. Cul ver City. Renalles, Inc. Clarke Renalle, Director General. All-Star Staff "The Elk's Tooth" Preparing Irvinj? CuniminRs Productions. Holly. Sec. Dank Bldg. I'lXF. ARTS STUDIOS. 4500 Sunset Blvd. E. H. Allen, Gen. Mgr. Scottv Cleethorpe, Casting. 598-163 Jack White Corp. (Educational Release) (Mermaid Comedies) Fay Conley Corby Linkofi Staff "Hign Life" Editing Tanrog Conley Meehan Taylor Staff Comedy Schedule Kerr All-Star .Meehan I.inkoff Staff Comedy . Schedule Milliard ' Lee Moran Corbv Sharpless Staff ( omedy Schedule Jack White Corp. (Educational Release) (Novelty Juveniles) Taurog All-Star Corby Al Alt Staff "Yankee Spirit" Editing Pratt All-Star Xeehan Dewar Staff Comedy Schedule Lloyd Hamilton Corp. (Educational Release) Gil PraCI Hamilton McGill Dcwar Staff "The Optimist" Editing FOX STUDIO. James Ryan, Casting. 1401 X. Western Ave. Fred Kiev, Studio Mgr. Holly 3000 Edmund Mortimer John Gilbert Don Short McKenzie lohn Russel "The Exiles" 1st Week Mayo Stock Sid Wagner Jas. Tinling Staff Coined leu Schedule \l St. John Al St. John Ernest S. Depew Benny Stolon* Al St. John Corned iea Sohedule ilim Summerviile Stock J. A. Schmidt Arthur Cohn Comedies Schedule Erie Kenton Lew Brice Vic Scheurich Max Gold Comedies Schedule Henry Otto Phylis Haver Joe August Hollinghead Carr "The Temple of Venus" 12th Week Roberts-Foy Stork Jay Turner Bob T insey Comedies Schedule FRANCIS FORD STUDIO. 6040 Sunset Blvd. Holly 2632 Rocky Mt. Production Co. G ARSON STUDIOS. 1845 Glendale Blvd. Wilshire 81 Metro Release. GOLDEN WEST STUDIO. 4011 Lankershim Blvd. Lankershim 132-J GOLDSTONE STUDIO. 1426 Beechwood Dr. Phil Goldstone Productions. (State Rights release). Duke Worne Wm. Fairbanks R. Price Harry Tenbrook 8' aft "Blind Bargains" 2nd Week GRAND STUDIO. 1438 GowerSt. Ben Verschleiser, General Manager. Holly 162 Monte Banks Productions, Inc. II. Edwards Monte Banks B. Williams Goodman Herman Haymaker Monte Banks Hill Williams Goodman Sid Smith Productions, Inc. Chas. Lamont Sid Smith K. MacLcan Rollie Asher Chas. Lamont Sid Smith K. MacLean Hollie Asher Joe Rock Productions. Reggis Morris Joe Rock Jerry Ash • Murray Rock Reggie Morris Joe Rock Jerry Ash Murray-Rock Staff Staff Lamont Lamont Morris Morris "Kids Wanted" Untitled Big Game "Built on a Bluff" Comedy "The Bill Collector Editing 1st Week 1st Week Editing 1st Week Editing