Camera - April 14, 1923 to February 16, 1924 (April 1923-February 1924)

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I • CAMERA ! 'The Digest of the Motion Picture Industry' Page Twenty-one FAN PICTURES beautifully colored at very low cost. I have special rates for this type of work and the greatest care is taken to insure absolute perfection. Investigate this now ! EMMA G. HOFFMAN 907 Central Bldg. Phone 142-38. HOUSE PETERS HAS EDWIN BOOTH'S BUCKLE Walter Frederick Seely Shadowed Photography 1448 North Wilcox (One-half block west of Cahuenga at Sunset.) Telephone 439-774 MARION WARDE Acting and Make-Up for the Stage and Films Classical, Character, Ballet and Step-danciut/ 423-4 MUSIC ARTS BUILDING 233 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 821-181 KIRKLAND, Hardee, Holly 6298 Gold Plate YOUR PHONOGRAPH will reproduce in soft Mellow Tone Without Scratch and Surface Noises by using a Deflexograph Fits any Phonograph or Victrola Using Changeable Needles Play after hours — will not disturb. Deflexograph attaches to needle holder, filters sound oscillations, prevents scratch and surface noises entering sound box. No metallic noises. $1.50 ee Cut) Nickel Plate $100 VANTONE CO., Dept. 416 110 W. 15th St. New York, N. Y. All Legal Matters Attorney and Counselor-at-Law JACK P. 340 Douglas Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal. LEONARD Consultation Free Telephone 659-42 Stage and screen stars are so used to the compliments of an admiring public that they often become more or less calloused to personal praise. While House Peters, who is enacting the leading role in Metro's production of "Held to Answer" is no exception to this rule, he has just received what he considers one of the most sincere compliments of his long and successful career. The compliment in question came in the form of a somewhat rusty buckle, on the face of which was carved the profile of Julius Caesar. It had been originally used to fasten the toga of Edwin Booth, whom many consider the greatest actor in the history of the theatre, when he was appearing in Shakespearian plays. With the buckle was enclosed the following note : "Presented by Edwin Booth to Cecile Rush in the year of 1857 — who was then starring through the country. "Later it came into the possession of her niece, Mrs. Julia Jackson, who presented it to Mr. House Peters with sincere regard." House Peters, who is enacting the leading role in Metro's all-star picturization of "Held to Answer," has appeared on the stage in everything from "East Lynne" to "The Squaw Man." Although he has never appeared on the stage west of Chicago, he has never appeared in a motion picture produced in the East. Every time the sewing circle at the Congregational Church back in Columbus, Ohio, needs a new chair in the church parlor, or whenever the pipe organ needed fixing, Warner Baxter put on a show and raised the money to supply the need. And that's how Warner started on a theatrical career. At the present time he is appearing opposite Viola Dana in "In Search of a Thrill," her new Metro picture. "Bull" Montana, who portrays the role of a crook in Metro's all-star production, "Held to Answer," is the proud owner of two new trick suits direct from an exclusive San Francisco tailor. Grace Carlyle insists that she was not chosen to enact a leading role in Metro's all-star picturization of "Held to Answer" because she once testified in court, any more than she was once selected for an important role in the sta<?e production of "The Warrens of Virginia," because she was born in Richmond. Billy Elmer, well known lightweight boxer, portrays the role of an Apache in "In Search of a Thrill," Viola Dana's new Metro picture. Doctors FORD & FORD Palmer Graduate Scientific Spinal Adjustments Individual Rest Rooms Office Ground Floor Anna Mae Ford O.C.. Ph. C. G. Henry Ford D.C.. Ph.C. CHIROPRACTORS 5911 Hollywood Boulevard 10 to 12—2 to 5 Mon., Wed., Friday Evenings, 6 to 8 Coy Watson, Jr. Age 10 Wilshire 3616 No Luck. You Never Know. Right of the Strongest Featured in Campbell Comedies HOLLYWOOD PERMANENT WAVE SHOPPE 5164 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. All ever head wave, $15.00. The permanent waving done at this shop is most wonderful. Their special method of wrapping produces a marcel effect on top with ringlet curls in back, without any additional water waving. Mrs. Ella Connor's ten years' experience makes her an expert in this work. A guarantee with every wave. Phone. 432-927. Former owner Hotel Alexandria Beauty Parlor CHIROPODIST FOOT SPECIALIST Dr. Earl A. Davis 6514 HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD Hours 9 to 5. Holly 0259 J — for good photos for the casting director, consult BRUNO, at 6412 Hollywood Boulevard, whose telephone number is 431-929. COLBURN'S Taxidermy Studio Phone 643-13 1033-37 Broadway Place . . . excells in mounting of fish . . . trout our specialty . . . see samples at our studio . . . Especially for Motion Picture People. THE HILLVIEW GRILL Hillvicw Apartments Bldg. Hollywood at Hudson Holly 7980 Holly 6626 MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11:30 to 2 DINNER 5:30 to 8 SCREEN SERVICE (formerly The Service Bureau) 1036 SOUTH HILL Phone 821-071 E Selected Antiques ^urton's Antique Shop I Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Cal.