Camera - April 14, 1923 to February 16, 1924 (April 1923-February 1924)

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Page Fourteen Weekly IV ake-Em-Up— CAMERA'S News Section CAMERA I Who's Who and What's What in Filmland This Week John Griffith Wray kept Blanche Sweet. William Russell and George Marion, the three principal actors in "Anna Christie," which ne is directing for Ince. rehearsing all one day for a scene which is probably the longest continual emotional scene in the films. They were then too tired for the filming, so Wray sent them home for a night's rest before using the camera. Richard Dix has joined the pick and shovel gang, and it is no new task for him. either — all in the modern version of C. B. De Mille's "The Ten Commandments." As a school boy, Dix spent two summers working on a road gang, rising the second year to boss of his crew. Eddie Phillips has started work as a young college boy, a leading role in "George Washington, Jr.," for Warner Brothers, before completing his underworld part of the Glad-Rags Kid in "The Daughter of Mother McGinn," for Cosmo politan. However, the remaining scenes in the latter are night one, so by strenuous work he can han die both at once. Tom O'Brien has been loaned by Trimble-Murfin to RobertsonCole for the leading character role of "LeMoyne," in "Born of the Cyclone," the adaptation of "Daughter of the Storm," the successful stage play, being directed by Emile Chautard. Alyce Mills, who just completed "Below the Mason-Dixon Line." in which she will be featured, will make a number of personal appearances in conjunction with the picture. She will appear in Boston. Buffalo and her home town, Pittsburgh. Immediately upon her return to New York she will start work on "Qn a Side Street," her next feature for trie independent market. Joseph Schildkraut celebrated a birthday by giving a party at the studio, and was the guest at a dinner given that evening in his honor, in the home of Mr. an I Mrs. Jos. Schenk. Mr. Schildkraut is playing opposite Norma Talmadge in her latest feature. Maurice (Lefty) Flynn is once again a football player, having signed to play the lead in "The Touchdown." Following her remarkable workin "Loyal Lives," a Whitman Bennett production, Faire Binnev has signed a two-year contract to make six special productions in the east. Robert Fdeson has just completed "Red Courage," in which he will be starred Mr. Edeson will shortly leave for New York, where he will make two special features. Bill Francy has been added to the cast of Joe Rock's latest drand Asher comedy, as yet untitled. Reggie Morris is director and Betty Gallagher is leading woman. Tom Murray, well known woman comedian, is also in the cast as the heavy. Ben Lyon has been signed by First National for a series of pictures to extend over a period of five y«.ars. Jfc Robert Edeson has been signed by Martin Hlye for a series of special productions. Mr. Edeson recently completed "The Silent Partner.'' which will shortly be release' 1. and in which he will be featured. The life of Charles Cruz, debonair juvenile leading man. seems to be made up of a series of 'IPs." He was born on the 11th of July, has 11 letters in his name, made his theatrical debut when he was 11 years old, lias played important parts in 11 screen -uccesses. was with the 11th Iniantry in Kansas during the World War, and — oh, yes. the name of his favorite brand of cigarettes has the figure 11 in it. Dorothea Wolbert, popular screen comedienne, who has just finished a twelve weeks' engagement at Universal as one of the principal players in Virginia Valli's latest picture. "A Lady of Quality." is the daughter of the late Capt. William A. Mintzer of the United States Navy, who figured so prominently and heroically in the historic battle between the Merrimac and the Monitor. Peggy Cartwright. eight-yearold film artist, whom critics are prone to predict will become one of the brightest stars in the cinematic world, due to her remarkable ability to portray difficult dramatic roles, is to play the featured role in a new Jack White production. Having recovered a mahogany makeup box and several other valuable things which were stolen from his home recently during his vacation at one of the Ix>s Angeles beaches, Lewis Sargent is more at ease. He is now preparing to start work as one of the principal players in a new feature to be produced by Universal. David J. Dunbar is the recipient of an offer to return to the legitimate staue. The producer of a stock company in Sydney, Australia, having viewed the actor's vork in a recent film production, i is become seriously impressed ith's magnetic personality and ability to meet difficult r< and has offered him one of the leading roles with his company. Dunbar, however, declares that he 'trends to concentrate his talents t'-r the next few years at least on film work, where he has made an auspicious start and has every chance of becoming a leatured player in the near future. Ruby Miller, famous English stage and screen star, is the delighted possessor of a native Hawaiian costume, the gift of Princess Panga Panga of Hawaii. Virginia box. one of the featured players in "Itching Palms," has just purchased a California bungalow in Laurel Canyon. A swimming pool will be one of the features of the property upon its completion. Grace Darmond, one of the featured players in "Alimony," is spending a vacation of three weeks at Carmel-By-the-Sea, in company with Jean Acker. When a director is in neecd of a real comedian to portray special character parts in his production, he usually sends out the call for Floyce Brown, one of the best known funsters of the silversheet. Miss Brown has portrayed over a hundred different parts in a similar number of features and has created many striking characters for the screen. Von Hits Celebrates. Theodor Von Eltz is fittingly celebrating the third anuversa.-y of his arrival in the film colony by playing the male lead in a picture, "The Tiger Rose," starring Ignore Ulrich, which promises to be one of the most notable of th; Warner Brother classics The young actor lias played a variety of roles since he came to Hollywood, but as the manly engineer in "The Tiger Rose," he has an opportunity he has long coveted. For here is a splendid lie-man role, brilliant and brainy, and sine." Mr. von Eltz is negotiating it with such credit, it bound to put hiin forward as stellar material. Taurog Back With While. Norman Taurog. one of the leading comedy directors in pictures today, made his start with Jack White several years ago when the latter rose to screen fame overnight as the director of the first "lion" comedy. Today Norman Taurog has rejoined Jack White to direct comedies under his supervision. For three years he was responsible for the direction of many of Larry Semon's greatest film successes, and more recently he directed a series of Universal comedies which bring to the screen "Andy Gump" and the Gump family, of cartoon fame. Taurog was first entrusted with the production of "Yankee Spirit," the initial Jack White production of a juvenile series of pictures for Educational release. He is now directing the second Mermaid comedy. Moran With White. Lee Moran. one of the leading comedy stars of the screen, has been signed by Jack White to play the featured role in a current Mermaid comedy under the direction of Fred Hibbard. Hk comedian has just completed a series of eight comedies in which he was starred by Universal Jack White is surrounding Moras with an exceptionally strong cast in the comedy which marks nil debut on Educational release.' These include Ruth Hiatt, erst1* while Lloyd Hamilton's leading lady. Hank Mann, Andrew Ar* buckle. Sunshine Hart, Roberl McKenzie and Brownie, the dog] Dangerous Days Ahead. Vola Yale has received an offer to go to Mexico City and play the leading feminine role in an elaborate screen production gloria fying the late bandit chieftain. Villa, which a group of Mexican financiers are planning to produce. Miss Vale is fearful that the screen players might all get killed off by Mexican rebels before the drama could be completed. Ph onogra f>h ic lnspira I ion. Finis Fox is using a phonograph] in his editing room while cutting and editing his latest production, "Bag and Baggage," featuring Gloria Grey. Finis says the mu^ sic from the phonograph acts as an inspiration to him, while edit-j ing the film, but it is more or less of a handicap when he is direct-^ ing. Finis runs records of heavyj operas when editing the tragic scenes, but puts on jazz records! when cutting the comedy episodes. Frankie Darrow Starring. Talent wins out. This might, with truth apply to the recent announcement issued from the Graf Productions Company offices that Frankie Darrow will be starred in their forthcoming play, "Haifa-Dollar Bill." Although Frankie is young in years, he has already packed a noteworthy lot of screen triumphs into his life under producers of national repute. However, it was Max Graf who capped them all with his offer to star the youthful actor on the merits of his screen work. Being the possessor of parents who were not forcing him into parts that were unsuitcd to his dynamic little personality for exploitation purposes, he has been somewhat slower In arriving, considering his talent, but the reward, his parents feel, is most gratifyin. Returns to Filmland. After a successful plunge into the financial world, where he has managed many campaigns. Doctor Roberts, well known member of the local film colony, has returned to filmland once more, ready to answer the director's call. Doctor Roberts is a distinct type of leading man and is also a clever delineator of character roles.