Camera - April 14, 1923 to February 16, 1924 (April 1923-February 1924)

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Page Eighteen "The Digest of the Motion Picture Industry' CAMERA! Director Star Cameraman Ass't Director Scenarist Type Progress ROCKETT-LINCOLN COMPANY. R. R. Rockett, Pres. Chas. Huber, Castin cr S* Holly 2 1 76 Phil Rosen All-Star Kurrle-Broening Al. Davis Francis Marion "Life of Abraham Lincoln" Schedule RAV QTI iniO A lkovt A V\AA»r Tr P.»r>'l Mot 1 A ? Flomino r\/\ I j 1 uuiu. /AiDert /A. Muucr, Jr., vjen i ivigr. rieming Cf iji. CAD 1 A 1 jyo1 41 RUSSEL STUDIO. B. D. Russell, Mgr. 1439 Beachwood Dr. Hollv 7945-6 Al. Nietz Franklin Farnum Al Mohr Fred Allen HJgclH-OclJIlIlclIll I lUUULUUllb. Tom Gibson Morante MacManigal Kane-Walsh C. W. Patton Productions. H. F. MacPherson, Mgr. Goo. B. Seitz Ray-Miller U'.-ilki r-lluran Wm. Rerl rnm Hively Sr-ilz Feature 2-Reel Comedy "The Way of a Man" 1st Week Schedule Schedule SENNETT STUDIO. 1712 Glendale Blvd. Wils. 1550 Mack Sennett Comedies. (First National Release). Campbell Johnnie Lucas Staub Del I.oril Ben Ttirpin Itlake Wagner Mack Sennett Mack Sennett "Rough and Ready" "The Extra Man" 7th Week 3rd Week SUNSET PRODUCTIONS. 7425 Sunset Blvd. UNITED STUDIOS. 5341 Melrose. M. C. Levee, Pres. Nan Co llins, Casting. Holly 4080 Louis B. Mayer Productions, Clune's Studio, 5360 Melrose Ave. Frank Borzage Productions, Arthur H. Jacobs Corp. (First National release.) Edwin Carewe Productions. (First Nation*) release). Joseph M. Schcnck Productions. (First National release) Heermnn Constance' Talmadge < Hen Mc Williams Marion-Franklin Norma Talmadge Tony Gaudio Sam E. Rork Productions. First National Productions. McDermott Chaplin All-Star Jack Dillon All-Star Maurice Toui-neur ProductionsMaurice Tourneur All-Star Arthur Todd 13. Brophy David Fisher James Chapin Jimmy Dunn Will arc] Mack Mack-Sullivan Wm. Dowlin Dowlin Scott R. Beal Fred Myton 'The Dangerous Maid" 'Dust of Desire" "Temporary Marriage" "Flaming Youth" "Jealous Fools" 9th Week ■4th Week 3rd Week 6th Week 4th Week UNIVERSAL STUDIO. Fred Datig Casting. 570-081 Universal Film Manufacturing Co. (Universal Release.) Archainbnud Priscilla Dean Herbert Blache Gladys Walton Wm. Duncan Duncan-Johnson Robinson Wm. A. Seiter Baby Peggy Robt. N. Bradbury Wm. Craft Ed. Sedgwick Nat Ross Wm. Parke Leon Lee Productions. Dinky Dean Productions. Andy Gump Productions Jimmie Aubrey Productions W. Hayes Aubrey Lyons Miller Asher AH Star Hoot Gibson Roy Stewart Herbert Kawlinson Leon Lee Manager. Lew Lipton, Production Manager. McCarey-Wyler Sullivan Clarke Wright Nordlinger Taylor-Ricks Cumin el Webb Dorian Zimmerman Hugh Hoffman Geo. Dlympton SedgwickSchrock Staff "The Storm Daughter" "The Near Lady" "The Steel Trail" "The Burglar's Kid" "Riders of the Moon" "Beasts of Paradise" "The Extra Man" "The Man Tracker" "The Noblest Roman" Comedy "th Week Preparing 16th Week Editing 5th Week 6th Week 2nd Week 3rd Week Preparing Schedule VITAGRAPH STUDIOS. 1 708 Talmadge. W. S. Smith. Gen Mgr. 5981)1 Dave Smith Productions. Dave Smith _ All-Star D. Smith, Jr. Bill Dagwell J. P. Smith Larry Semon Productions. L. Semon Konekamp Joe Basil Semon "The Man From Brodneys** Comedy 2nd Week 2nd Week WARNER BROS. STUDIOS, 5842 Sunset Blvd. Holly 4181 Mai St. Clair Wesley Barry Johnny Hines Johnny Hines Wm. A. Seiter Marsh Gillingwater Harry Beaumont John Barrjmore Sidney Franklin Productions. Sidney Franklin Lenore Ulric Chas. Rosher Ernest Lubitsch Productions. E. B. Dupar Chas. Gilson Dave Abel Geo. Webster C. Hines Roth Tenny Wright Frank Strayer "George Washington, Jr.' "Conductor 1492" "Daddies" "Beau Brummel" 3rd Week 3rd Week Scheduled Sept 1st Sept. 1st Wm. McGann Edmund Gouldlng "Tiger Rose" 6th Week Ernest Lubitsch All-Star Homer Scott Flood Blanke Harry Rapf Productions. Jack Conway Monte Blue-Irene Rich David Abel Sutherland-Hawkes All-Star "The Marriage Circle" "Loveless Marriages" "Broadway After Dark" Scheduled Aug. 14th 3rd Week I 'reparing WILNAT STUDIO. 6090 Sunset |lvd. Al. Brandt, Mgr. Holly 7940 E. J. Le Saint All Star King Grey Geo. E. Reehn ■•The Marriage Market" 2nd Week DR. W. L. SCHUSTER Chiropractor— Nerve Specialist "Where the sick go to get well' 203 Bogardus Bldg., Sunset at Western Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 5 Phone 436-724 WHEN YOU NEED A DOCTOR Phone 572-88; 430-205, or Holly 102-82 H. W. WALL, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Formerly of New York City 6548 Hollywood Blvd. Near Armstrong & Carlton's. From Hollywood to Down-Town Hotels 578-280 or Shopping District SUNSET TAXI 578-307