Camera - April 14, 1923 to February 16, 1924 (April 1923-February 1924)

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imera! "The Digest of the Motion Picture Industry" Page Nineteen Catering" to those who have an innate love for the fine things of life, we have been accorded the privilege of serving the most distinguished artists of the stage and screen during the past half -score, or more, of years that we have been established in this city. In accordance with our desire to be of the utmost service we have priced our selection of superlative quality preparations at sums well within the scope of everyone. ,Hait goods &Mik^up 819 South Hill . . Metropolitan 0498 Buried deep in filmland's paper. In the center is Margaret Morris, new Universal star now playing the stellar role in "The Ghost City." To the left is Jay Mar chant, director of this feature and of the recently completed two-reel westerws ivith Miss Morris and Pete Morrison in the principal roles. The elongated chap to the right is simply the atmosphere of the picture, Gene Woohvay, studio representative of "Camera!" Publicity Man Wanted! United Producers and Distributors, Inc., wants a capable, experienced publicity man. Position holds excellent future for right man. Write to C. R. Stuart, 1403 Detwiler Building, and state experience, age, references, etc. Please do not call personally until requested to do George Rizard. formerly Chas Ray's chief Cameraman. At Liberty. Hotel Woodward. 870124 The constantly increasing audiences here attest to the supremacy of our programs. We are exerting every effort to give you clean, snappy boxing. Hollywood Stadium Hollywood Boulevard at El Centro Ave.