Camera - April 14, 1923 to February 16, 1924 (April 1923-February 1924)

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Page 20 "Camera!" The Digest of the Motion Picture Industry February 16, 192 Doctors FORD & FORD Palmer Graduate Scientific Spinal Adustments Individual Rest Rooms Aim Mat Ford Office D.C., Ph. C. Ground Floor 6. Henry Ford DC, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTORS 5911 Hollywood Boulevard 10 to 12 — 2 to 5 Mon, Wed., Friday Evenings, 6 to 8 MOVIES and ~Shin£/CSi^ 5^AonServjce Mtwd 16TX SAMUEL C. SHINE6568^^,, General Trucking and Hauling HOWARD GAYE Walter Frederick Seely PHOTOGRAPHY 1448 No. Wilcox Telephone 439-774 DONNA HALE Starring in Roy Hughes Prod. MARY RUBY Ingenue 594-774 HUGH HOFFMAN Scenarist and Production Supervisor Laura La Plante unit. Universal Current Production ''An Old Man'n Darling." Recent release*, "(;ohbIp," "Cromsed Wire*." "Town Scandal," "The Untame able," "The Wild Party, I'he Near Lady," "Excitement." ART LEE SPECIALIST ON MAKE-UP Will teach you how to Make Up Correctly. Read my references Telephone 598-207 1712 St. James Court, Hollywood, at Western Knowledge By ERIC MAYNE A little knowledge may be a dangerous thing, but much ignorance is far more dangeroui. Knowledge develops the strength and in rreases the value of our opinions. Knowledge gives us the power to be of service to our fellowmen. Unless wisdom accompanies our knowledge, we are in danger of vanity and arrogance. Eric Mayne Knowledge is the intellectual recognition of facts; and the mental companionship of truth. Knowledge enables us to practice what we know and to know what we practice. The first step to knowledge is to know that we are ignorant. We often try to gain a knowledge from books which we can learn only from experience. Real knowledge, like everything worth having, is not easily acquired. It must be worked for, thought for, studied for, but it is worth the investment. True knowledge is the foundation of individual and national liberty. We are so far removed from the Garden of Eden that we are beginning to perceive die infinite purpose of the serpent's suggestion. We know good and evil. We need knowledge that will enable us to cherish the good and conquer the evil. A Quiet Way By a. h. shirk Methods of directing motion pictures differ as much as do the methods of stage directors, but after several years it has become more or less the accepted custom to employ a calm and confident demeanor. This, it is generally conceded, reflects itself in the acting of the players, whereas an excitable, nervous manner is pretty likely to get the actors on edge and consequently result in jerky acting. R. William Neill, who is now producing high class screen dramas for Grand-Asher is regarded as one of the pioneers of the profession. He directed many of Dorothy Dalton's earliest successes for Thomas H. Ince, released by Paramount; he did much of the actual megaphonic work on "Civilization." H went to Italy and made "Toilers of the Sea" and other productions. Recently he produced "By Divine Right" starring Elliott Dexter for release by F. B. O. Now he is to make a series of five pictures for Grand-Asher, first of which is "Rose of the Ghetto" with an all star cast. Neill, on starting a picture, gets his continuity well in hand. He studies it conscientiously and in this particular picture collaborated with Jos. von Sternberg on the script. He draws his own sets — that is he roughly sketches the sets with their angles and favors very large settings, with rooms which are conjoined. This of course obtains where the interiors are of sufficient richness to warrant great size and luxurious furnishings. When he directs, he does so with quiet courtesy. Usually he rehearses a scene pretty thoroughly bfore taking it and while working almost invariably sits in a rocker and rocks violently ■. neceiiove tit back and forth. This is his only exterior siga of concern; otherwise he is calm and self-pi sessed and seldom lifts his voice unless 0^1 sary to summon some actor on the set abc noise of the studio. Mr. Neill is a stickler for detail and al much importance to the smaller touchetj intimate scences, and bits which approach the whimsical. He would be an admirable interpreter of Barry on the screen; he possesses tht same instinct for the quaint and out-of-thcordinary. Mr. R. William Neill was born in Dublin, Ireland, but his parents were Spanish. This combination undoubtdlv is responsible for his artistry and his sense of proportion. In handling mobs and big scenes, he seems to hav almost a magic quality,, getting the most out of every individual in the atmospheric crowds, finding some whom he can bring out for a moment in closeup, to get over a point; working up to the culmination by adroit use of dramatic tension and that greatest of all tht dramatists' wapon-suspense. Oddl\. in "r^^e of the Ghetto," it is not a person but an inanimate, if articulate, thing which helps along this suspense — a siren whistle Its frequent blasts, interspersed and illustrated by the jets of steam escaping from the valve, in closeups, keeps the spectator rigid with aniiery for the outcome. Mr. Neill will next make the following four big features for Grand-Asher releases: "The Furnace of Life," "Back of the Beyond," "The First Violin" and "The Way of All Flesh." Each will have an all star cast DO YOU WANT A RELEASE? I can give you quirk results on your picture. HEDDEN and BISHOP 1745 CLENDALE BLVD. Phone Drexel 4275 it';your living is in motion pictures CAMERA! — ~J Sou need ever.y weefc ml