Canadian Film Digest (May 1973)

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The Canadian Film Digest May 1973 On April 29, 1945, in his air-rald bunker in Berlin, Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun. Martin Bormann was the best man. Each of the wedding guests received a silver-framed sauciakaan of the Fihrer bes two cyanide capsules. TOMORHOW ENTERTAINMENT, INC. PHESENT ois HE LAST TEN DAYS ADOLFO CELI-DIANE CILENTO-GABRIELE FERZETTI-ERIC PORTER ana DORIS KUNSTMANN asaya sraun Screenplay by ENNIO DE CONCINI, MARIA PIA FUSCO, WOLFGANG REINHARDT. English Adaption by IVAN MOFFAT Directed by ENNIO DE CONCINI AWOLPGANG REINHARDT PRODUCTION A JOHN HEYMAN PRESENTATION IN COLOR-A PARAMOUNT PICTURE | ; MAY 18 ee ee ee a ee ee