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The Canadian Film Digest
Digest Casting
and Positions
Are you looking for actors, technicians, teachers? We will provide a FREE listing in this column to help you. Send your information to Casting, The Canadian Film Digest, 175 Bloor St. East, Toronto 5. ANY personnel, not only movie people,
May 1973
are eligible.
Actors’ Showcase
Actors’ Showcase urgently needs local male and female dancers and singers for a contemporary ‘“‘dance choral’? company being formed. Applicants should have some dance (jazz, ballet, etc.) or singing training or experience. Contact Actors’ Showcase, 322 Smith St., Winnipeg (204) 943-2689.
The Bomar Group
Casting for two leads in low-budget action feature. Shooting early summer. Professional experience not necessarily required. Male 3045, overweight factory worker type. Female 1823, dark-haired, defiant, childlike look. Send pictures and resume to: The Bomar Group, 20 Prince Arthur Ave., Suite 3G, Toronto 5.
Community Producers
Community Producers have a LIP grant and are looking for actors who are looking for a play, playwrights who are looking for actors and directors looking for both. In short they have openings for all for the use. of VTR and filming of local, non-commercial community affairs programming, as well as cross-Canada non-commercial and educational programming. Contact: Jon Stanley, 736 Bathurst St., Toronto 4, Ont.
Eldon Associates
Montreal pals Performers needed (AF of M members only): singing pianists/ organists-accordionists. Male or female bilingual (French and English); Mariachi groups (5-7 members); young exotics (singles or duos); ethnic musical groups; all girl (or mostly girls) show and dance groups; comedy musical combos; black duos or trios, organ/ piano and drums — and if a third instrument — bass,-guitar, or horn; experienced female nudes for lounge work (body .paint by numbers). Please forward resume, sample photos, price and availability dates to: Eldon Associates International Ltd., 3465 Cote des Neiges, Suite 1, Montreal 109, Quebec.
Globe Theatre Productions
Globe Theatre is now accepting resumes and photos for their 73-74 season for two companies: school tour, Sept. to Dec. and Jan. to June; adult company touring, Sept. to Dec. and Feb. to Apr. Auditions in the Toronto/ Montreal area are May 21 to 25. Appointments to be made from Regina and place of auditions to be announced. Send photos and resumes to: Mr. Kenneth Kramer, Globe Theatre Productions Ltd., 200 Lakeshore Drive, Regina, Man. S4S 0A4.
Hobel Leiterman Productions.
Toronto ‘
Screenplays or script-outlines for feature length dramatic productions wanted. All submissions will be given careful reading with a view to production in Canada. Please mail with self-addressed return envelope to: HobelLeiterman, 573 Church St., Toronto, Ont. M4Y 24.
Intercom Productions
Intercom Productions is looking for actors to play: a singing fairy (Julie Andrews type); a “friendly little old toymaker”’ role; and a boy between the ages of 8 and 12, for a children’s TV show. Accomplished actors only.Resumes and photos to 1623 Yonge St., Toronto 7, Ontario.
Italian Edu-Art Service
Semi-professional group with LIP grant looking for non-Equity actors and actresses preferably bilingual (Italian). Photos and resumes to Italian Edu-Art Service. Frank Spezzano, 33 Brandon Ave., Toronto, Ont. (416) 536-2343.
Land Of The Young
Land Of The Young is participating in Festival Canada presenting Robin Hood by Peter Mannering and Ahtushmit by Jeremy Gibson. Contact the Equity office for appointment (416) 924-1133 or write to A.E.A., 35 Hayden St., Toronto 5, Ont. ;
McGill University
Applications are invited for a one-year temporary appointment in the English department’s Drama and Theatre program for the academic year 1973-74. Applicants expected to offer courses in a least two of the following: directing; period and style in the theatre; voice and speech; modern acting. Direction of a major production is also a possibility. Appointment would be at the rank of assistant professor, salary in the range of $11,500. Applicants should hold Ph.D. and have a strong background and interest in both English literature and theatre. Deadline May 1. Ap
‘plications to Director of Drama, Department of
English, McGill University, Montreal, P.Q.
Northern College
Kirkland Lake, Ont.
Northern College is seeking applicants to teach secondary school-age students and adults at a 10-day summer school. All-round background in theatrecraft is desired. Excellent classroom
Patti Payne
Shooting has begun for CBC-TV’s eight onehour episodes of Pierre Berton’s National Dream. Casting here and points west — mostly men in the 30-60-year-old range. Documentary to be shot across Canada from the end of February until mid-July. Director is Eric Till and producer is Jim Murray. Photos and resumes to Patti Payne, 2264 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto 500, Ontario.
For a CBC one-hour anthology drama: a German couple in their midto late-thirties; businessmen in their forties and fifties; thirtyish lawyer-type with contemporary look. Another Anthology is to be announced soon.
Playwrights’ Workshop
Montreal : Playwrights’ Workshop is looking for a director of theatre workshop classes; a good administrator who can, if he likes, teach as well. Some 10 to 15 classes from basic acting for teens and adults, through specialty courses such as. voice, movement, mime, etc. Playwrights’ Workshop has three areas of concern: development of plays; production of the best of these and training of actors and production people to fill the various on and offstage roles. With their recent move to new quarters, expanded program of classes, productions, etc. are planned. Resumes to Carol Libman, Executive Secretary, Playwrights’ Workshop, 410 St. Pierre, Montreal 125, P.Q.
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C.
Applications are invited for positions of university co-residents in theatre arts: acting/ directing and _ technical/ design. Coresidents in theatre arts head the theatre area of the credit-free arts program of the Centre for communications And The Arts. The theatre area will emphasize workshops in all aspects of theatre. Small productions will arise from the on-going workshops. The co-residehts may accept freelance assignments in December 73 and April 74 with the prior approval of the director of the Centre for Communications And The Arts, They are particularly interested in recruiting the co-residents in Theatre Arts from Canada and applicants are encouraged to apply in pairs. Salary for each position $7,500 per 8-month contract. Dates of employment August 1, 73 to April 30, 74. Deadline April 27. Resumes should accompany the application and list three referees who would have a knowledge of the applicants’ work as well as noting details of recent and forthcoming performances in the Lower Mainland where appropriate. Apply to: Director, Centre for Communications And The Arts, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby 2, B.C.
Theatre for the Physically disabled Toronto Volunteer actors and actresses, professional or
and theatre facilities available on campus. .amateur wanted to work with the newly formed
Availability dates: Aug. 11 to 22. Salary: $510 or $40 per instruction day, plus $15 per day to cover room, board and roundtrip transportation. Send confidential application in writing, with resume and references by May 2 to: Junior School of the Arts, c/o Alan Raeburn, Theatre Ontario, 559 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont. M4Y 2J1.
Palisade Arts
Palisade Arts (formerly Summer Playhouse, Jasper) is now casting for the coming summer season in Jasper. Applicants should be available for rehearsal from April 17. Season opens June 15. Three shows cycle-repertory plus variety shows. Graduate theatre students or non-Equity actors preferred but all applications considered. Fall tour planned, therefore applicants must be available until November. Auditions in Calgary. Please submit detailed resume and photos to D. Michael Dobbin, Administrative/ artistic director, 1 — 517 13th Avenue S.W., Calgary T2R 0K4. (403) 269-2037.
Paul Newman is catching up on the First Artists story in the Digest. Make sure YOU don’t miss any important stories and news. Subscribe Now.
. Toronto 5.
Theatre for the Physically disabled, regarding social consciousness of minority groups in society. Please send a resume. with recent picture to: Theatre for the Physically Disabled, 596 Church St., Apt. 2, Toronto 5, Ontario, or phone (416) 922-9207.
1. Who was the MGM costume designer, married to Janet Gaynor, responsible for the square-shouldered dresses of the Forties?
2. What was Judy Garland’s real name?
3. Name two actors who played Cole Porter, and the films they played him in.
4. Later to become a popular novelist, this actress’ early writings also aroused interest. At her 1935 divorce trial, her diaries created headlines because they contained the names of Hollywood’s best lovers. Name the star.
5, Who played the title role in the film of L’il Abner?
6. Identify the movie from the dialogue and name the actor or actress who said it: ‘‘We’ll start with a few murders. Big men. Little men. Just to show we make no distinction... Even the moon is frightened of me, frightened to death.”
Do you have an article to sell, a service to supply, a position to fill? Place your ad in the Digest Classified for only 80 cents per line. Send your copy to Classifieds, The Canadian Film Digest, 175 Bloor St. East,
Digest Movie Quiz .
Page ‘7 Theatre Calgary Calgary Applications are being sought for Theatre Calgary’s 1973-74 season. Interviews will »e scheduled later this spring: Production manager (seasonal to annual,) experienced; resident set designer (seasonal) possikly combined with costume designer, experienced; technical director and lighting designer (seasonal), experienced; costume designer and/ or cutter (seasonal), experien:e desirable; experienced Equity stage manager (seasonal); carpenters (seasonal); technical assistants who in exchange for minimal sala*y will receive first hand experience working under professionals in active theatre. Openings in areas of shop assistants (sets and props); sound and light operators and costunie assistants. Send all applications with resume and references marked confidential to: Haroid G. Baldridge, Artistic Director, Theatre Calgary, 211 — 11 Avenue S.W., Calgary T2R 0C2, Alberta.
Toronto Film-makers Co-op
Toronto Film-makers Co-op is looking for scripts for low-budget feature films. All scripts will be read by at least three film-makers and critiques and will be returned to each writer. Investments for the films will be sought through the CFDC and private investors. Deadline is May 1 for fall production. Next deadline September 1. Contact: Toronto Filmmakers Co-op, Room 201, 341 Bloor St. W., Toronto 5, Ont. M5S 1W8.
University of Alberta
Drama Department requires M.F.A. in design or professional equivalent, to teach in areas of undergraduate stagecraft, production, design and graduate design. Experience in professional theatre desirable, competence in costume, scene and lighting design, teaching experience desirable. Will design one or two main stage productions per season. Salary and rank negotiable to $12,900 at level of assistant professor (subject to budget approval). Position available July Ist, 1973. Write: Thomas Peacocke, Chairman, Department of Drama, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. Also:
Drama department requires M.F.A. or M.A. (drama or equivalent to reach oral -communication, voice and speech, improvisation and/ or creative drama, and possibly introductory course in theatre art. Teaching experience necessary. Salary and rank negotiable to $12,900 at level of assistant professor (subject to budget approval). Position available July Ist, 1973. Write: Thomas Peacocke, Chairman, Department of Drama, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta.
Video Theatre
Somewhere in this country someone is quietly or not-so-quietly making video tapes. Where are you? Speak. We are looking for materia. of good quality to rent for viewing in videc theatre. Opening Apr. 26. Contact: 15 Video, Box 878, Postal Station A., Toronto, Ont. MSW 1G3. (416) 869-1589.
7. Who was the actress who married the Marquis de la Falaise de la Coudraye?
8. In one of his first films, he tried to win Katherine Hepburn away from Spencer Tracy in Adam’s Rib. Name him.
9. Who played Mickey Rooney’s father in the Andy Hardy series?
10. All the following stars played the same role in cither the original or a remake of a certain film. Name the film and the remake (s). Bebe Daniels, Bette Davis, Mary Astor, were the stars.
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Wanted: Collector will buy old Film Ds ly Yearbooks, posters, stills, films. Geo’ e Hoskins, 111 Chudleigh St., Toronto 2. Phone (416) 928-3784.
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