The Canadian Independent (Dec 1, 1937)

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Dee, 1, 1987 INDEPENDENT ™ THe CANADIAN quent /6SUED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ee EATRE OWNERS Goi on INDEDENDENT eS VOL. 2, NO. 22 — DEC. '1,,1937 ——— Pat? SH. -FALK ” :: ‘Managing: Editor Published Semi-Monthly by The to THEATRES © SSOCIATION _ hy, Hermant Building 31 Dundas: Square, Toronto, Canada SoS Rates: Canada and }. $5.00 ‘Per Annum =) pres all oa ke to i The ‘Managing, ‘Edi ‘Edi tis » CANADIAN INDEPENDENT 21 Dundas ‘Square, " Toronto, ‘Canada 2 TEL 3 .. “EDIT. VIEWS. (Continued from Page y a." fied with the way fines work. Inefficiency bothers him. ‘Things should be bet ter, work should be easier, . progress should be swifter. This kind of» given ‘us’ ‘our present age of science ‘and machinery: “Then ‘there: isthe social : crank’ who says that our. social machinery is inefficient. It should work better, not scrap so many human beings,’ old and young, for seems to be no’ place in the scheme:of things ‘today. We shouldn’t have recurring depressions ° and poverty: in: a’ world «of. plenty.:’ © Such cranks want ‘to -redistribute wealth, to restore a more normal “economic balance. They. are fighting out these issues. on .the labor-union and: political front today. . re) O20 0; “Phen there are “cranks,” “radicals,” in. the’ motion. picture.field. Organizations ; and. individuals who-will not let: “well-enough” alone. Recently these groups have been called) .bad names, labeled, by one of our publishers as “selfish radicals.” He is no: doubt irked and irritated by these people who ,enforce: progress and justice, willy-nilly. There is no peace , -where they. are. But “selfish radicals!” Now, that’s a new one! Radicals have beévi*called all manner of names, but selfishness has not. often. ‘been imputed to them. , What have, they. to gain by the tough groundwork that they do? Occasionally _martyrdom, fre -erank — has +‘ “whom there: | fight for their very exist quently persecution, and armost invariably, tne hatre4 and emity of the majority who want peace, rest and quiet; who do not want to be disturbed in the habitual grooves of their accustomed living. 0.08 © In. the motion picture field the so-called radicals are not exposing: themselves as drastically as in the economic field, and the. resulting repercussions are not so violent:But to call them selfish is the grossest mis ‘understanding of their mot ives. One faction has nothing whatever to gain for itself. It is made up of groups who are seeking to.improve and promote the function of | motion:. pictures To:make it fill a more honred place in the affairs of the world, handmaiden to peace, ment. generally. to become a education, art and enlighten “Such “radical cranks,’’ together with the far-seeing ‘geniuses-at the top of the profession, have helped to boost the standard of the motion picture to the envied and imposing position it is fast achieving. They will go down together in the history... of the industry, one, recognized and_ respected, the other, the ‘‘radicals,” an unrecognized but potent. force in igniting the spark that touched off the wheels of progress. The radical faction within. the industry itself, is composed of independent groups who are banding together to ence. They refuse to let the industry drift toward a complete monopoly. They are putting up a necessary struggle for survival. In that struggle there possibly is some trace of selfishness. So much is necessary to life itself, and not a patch on the selfishness it encounters on the part of competitors who have long passed the survival stage of the struggle and are battling for power and big money. That is where the dangerous element of selfishness enters in. Labeling is a great aid to orderliness in thinking as well as in business routine. But heaven help those who get their labels mixed. Our good friend, the publisher, PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS WHO MAINTAIN IT. CONCILIATION Konuaee from Page 1) information as may be ‘available in cases under dispute, end request both parties to appear before them for a general hearing. It shall also have authority to consider such matters as premiums, games, contests, children’s matinees, length of programmes, © .and matters pertaining to the welfare of the industry. Exhibitors are invited to forward suggestions or grievances to the Motion Picture Branch of ‘the Edward Hotel, Toronto. If the hopes of. the men lending their time and efforts to this work are realized, well become an important pees, in furthering the genera Record ‘Run “The Awful Truth” ‘is playing for the fifth week at the Imperial theatre, Toronto, Famous Player’s. biggest first-run house, This is the first time any picture has stayed longer than three weeks . at this theatre. certainly slapped the “selfish | tag’ on the wrong bottle. Some day he might misplace the skull and crossbones if he gets into such careless habits, and swallow a deadly dose for a simple hangover. | PRODUCTS THE COMPLETE LINE. OF MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SUPPLIES FOR YOUR THEATRE _ Cleaning Compound, Deod_orant Blocks, Paper-Towels, | Cups, Toilet Papers, Soaps, Disinfectants, Brooms, Brushes, Mops, Etc. 72 Don Esplanade ELGIN 6259 = Toronto. all To-: ronto Board of Trade, King’ this committee may improvement of the. ‘Zanuck. Musical, lessons are by way of prep motion picture business and in seeing a larger measure of justice done. The independent faction acting on this committee 1s joining in this renewed attempt at handling problems from within the industry with the hope that the other’ representatives are acting In the same good faith thar prompts them; that the SPIRIT OF CONCILIATION will be an invisible put potent force at subsequent meetings, making it possible for members representing competing and conflicting’ interests to find a middle grouid where JUSTICE ‘ts monarch instead of business expediency. — The Conciliation Committee is to meet at least once a. month. . — Quints Get Song . Tutoring ' A voice teacher has been sent from Hollywood ‘to’ teach the Dionne Quintup-' lets to sing for their next: picture. They are to appear ina and the, aration before. the Movie troup arrives in Callander: to begin shooting on the, third film in which the fam-. ous five will appear. The lessons start with the new year, the picture will follow. in the early spring. COMPLETE THEATRE EQUIPMENT AND 3 SUPPLIES | *% Coleman Electric Co. |} 258 VICTORIA STREET * TORONTO