The Canadian Independent (Dec 1, 1937)

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-Dec,.1, 1937 Ribbon — “The Life of Emile | Zola” was chosen by | .the National Screen | |}.,council, the International Catholic Alumnae and the state motion picture chairman of the General Federation | of ‘’ Women’s Clubs as the ‘outstanding picture of © merit for the whole — family for the moe of a 6 (October, . Canadian Produc> tion Planned By Vernon eRichatd: Vernon, fomerly | an associate producer | with Atlantic Films of London, England, is expected in Can -ada shortly where he will -arrange for the production and distribution of a picture to be filmed in Victoria, Bs: C. next spring. Mr. Ver‘non has announced his in‘tention of ultimately estabishing production studios in Canada for the making of Canadian quota pictures. It has been reported on edd authority that the total ‘boxoffice take for motion picture theatres across the line has taken a serious dip following the stock market’s ‘magnetic needle in its recipitous decent. Hit pictures that were grossing 65 to 75 percent above average six months ago, are said to be hitting only 20 percent above, and just so-so stuff is going below the deadline of the average take. In spite of this gloomy outlook in end column figures, the cost of pictures is still mounting. Alert exhibitors are sounding alarm gongs, but so far, Hollywood has durned a ‘deaf ear. The fore-see-ers and fore-tellers are painting a gloomy picture of the eventual day of reckoning. PERF. RIGHTS ’.. (Continued from Page 1) when objections and. suggested modifications on the part of individuals and groups effected will be heard. THE CANADIAN we 15 SUFD FOR THE BENEFIT OF — INDEPENDENT THEATRE OWNERS ! A i turned from a trip to Buffalo |) Mounted” ~Nevill and Carol Hughes. with Stuart Erwin Zola Gets. Blue’ yy ea Zola Banned In Quebec “The Life of Emile Zola” was banned by ; «the Quebec censor. G rand: National Federation. of |. To Release Five. In Canada Shortly Hi’ J. Allen, just re where he checked over available product, announces the early Canadian release of the following: “Renfrew Of The Royal with Jimmy ‘“Here’s’: Flash Casey” with Erie: Linden, Boots Mallory ‘and Cully Richards. ““Mallaby Jim: Of :. The Islands” with George Hus ton and Ruth Coleman. “Mr. Boggs Steps Out” and Helen Chandler. “Tex Rides With The Boy Scouts.” ‘Actors’ aii to Join In Academy Awards The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has invited the Screen Actors’ Guild to join in the selecting of future actors to receive the Academy Award. By allowing the 10,000: members of the Guild to help in the selection of this prized award, the choice becomes a more representative one. It is expected that writers, directors, and other guilds will be invited to join in the voting for this coveted honor. F. P. Asks Gov’t. Conciliation In Labor Trouble Mr. F.. H. Kershaw, regional manager. of the Famous.Players Canadian Corp. has applied to the Labor Department of the Provincial Government for appointment of a conciliation | board to handle the dispute over employment of projectionists belonging to the Winnipeg local of the IA T SE: in five. Winnipeg the atres, «°* Dee eee eee renee eee ee ene NN . —————————————————————————————————————— BRIT. QUOTA... (Continued from Page 1) hibitors and distributors to comply with the quota for the excellent reason ‘that there will not be enough British pictures made to fill out. the prescribed percentages. London financiers turned thumbs down on film productions as an investment, and the Bank of England has recently issued a confidential statement to stock banks warning them against local film investments. Insurance money, Ane too, has been made doubly: shy by considerable lossés in the last three years, and companies American investment in the production field for bosgibley recuperation. This leaves the Quota ae hung on a dead _ financial: limb, unless the Government: is willing to back its Say-so! with cash. G.N. In Film Exchange | Building the Grand National Building recently erected by the Hudson’s Bay Co. (Sonny) Allen. LOEW’S — SHEA’S — UPTOWN — are looking to: The Winnipeg Office of. Film. Exchange has been moved: to the New Film Exchange’ The Vancouver office of: Grand National will soon be. in charge of Mr. Leslie A. TEE SENDES i= PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS WHO MAINTAIN IT. =i, .28 years gi Page 3 ee Top Man In. A. “The new “Goldwyn-Keida‘United. Artists deal is Settiing down to a cut and dried ‘proposition . with Goldwyn definitely in‘ the Badal as top: man of the outfit. One “ of the. fiibortaaht parts.of the deal , financed by English money “calls. for the distribution | ‘of ‘twenty “British films in all. parts. of the ‘world, _ outside of. ‘the United Kingdom, by the new “United Artists Company. . “Mr. Goldwyn..was. dubious. about .the. ability... of British producers. to furnish more than 15. ‘pictures. for world distribution . for. the next Season., A compromise was reached between the.25 first. suggested .and.:. Mr. Goldwyn’s figure. of 15.. But the matter. of operating control was settled in Mr. Goldwyn’ S favor. a | Graucho and Chico Appeal $1, 000. Fin ine Infringement. on a’ “eoipyrighted radio script brought a sentence bearing a $1,000 fine each, for ‘Groucho’ ‘ard Chico Marx by Fedéral Judge Cosgrave: of” California. The brothers will taker ‘an appeal and have expressed great distress and’ humhiliation over the incident. . “In in show business we have never been accused of taking. anyone’ S. BLOperty.” . TORONTO THEATRES FIRST RUN IMPERIAL — “THE AWFUL TRUTH” =~ coum. BIA — Irene Dunne and Cary Grant. “STAND IN’ — Leslie Howard and Joan Blondell. “BACK IN CIRCULATION” — BROS. — Pat O’Brien and Joan Blondel. “LOVE IS ON THE AIR” — WARNER BROS. a3, Ronald Reagan and June. Travis. “EBB TIDE” Frances Farmer ‘and: Ray Milland. EGLINTON — “DANGER, LOVE AT WORK” — 20TH CENTURYFOX’ — Ann Sothern, Boland and Edward Everett Horton. |. RADIO CITY — “BULLDOG DRUMMOND: COMES BACK” — PARAMOUNT .;-— John Barrymore. UNITED ARTISTS —_— WARNER | PARAMOUNT — Mary