The Canadian Independent (Dec 1, 1937)

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“page 6 Aturbi Willing If Script oO. K. Stokowski’s Following democratic lead of first rank musicians to lend themselves to the popularization of great music through the medium of the screen, Jose Iturbi, eminent Spanish pianist and conductor has expressed a will_ingness to make a film if a suitable script can be found. Hollywood representa tives are busy overhauling script possibilities since Iturbi has switched from a previous disinterested state. The attitude of ‘art for the ivory tower’ was _ recently said to be upheld by ‘the father of Yehudi Menu-hin, world-famed violinist. -He is quoted as having made ‘the statement that “when a concert artist exhibits himself in a film play .it can only be for money. Cecil B. DeMille has been chosen to do ‘‘Hudson’s Bay” as his next picture. This new Paramount feature will be partly filmed at the Bay in order to get authentic backgrounds. The picture will be based on a story ‘by Paul Schofield “The Long Traverse.” FOR THEATRE REQUIREMENTS PONTRA( FATONS COT L LON Phone 3 AD. 5471 THE CANADIAN ISSUED FOR THE BENEFIT OF _ NR DEPENDENT THEATRE OWNERS SRE ISNT EP le | German Film Industry In Red The Reich Film Chamber is in a serious mood over the figures for the 1936-7 season showing a net loss of $4,200,000. This loss, in spite of a marked increase in theatre attendance is expected to result in a complete change in the administration of the two principal companies, Tobis and Ufa. German made_ pictures now command 52% of the playing time in the home market. The United States is a close second, but may drop back further because of political pressure. Germany is attempting to expand its foreign market to increase its film revenue, also thoroughly overhaul its production set-up with a view to. eliminating loss through inefficiency of technicians and artists. TELEVISION TO BRING HIDEOUS FACIAL COLORS » Television will produce the most hideous actors ever to strain the human eye! Terrifying green and yellow gargoyles will caper and sing before the television, when this form of enter | tainment becomes an estab lished custom. But listeners and watchers before their television sets will see only handsome and beautiful faces. All of this was demonstrated today by Hollywood make-up experts who have perfected television makeup. The most beautiful “suinea pig’ ever experimented upon, Betty Grable, star of “Thrill of a Lifetime,’? aided in the demonstration at the Paramount studio, submitting her lovely blonde physiognomy to the application of weird colors. Miss Grable’s countenance became a green and yellow mask, under. the hands of Wally Westmore, director of make-up for Paramount. Westmore explained that infra red rays of the televisor ‘‘burn up” all red coloring in the human complexion, “Headline Huntress,” a eR RRR pA NEN TNR LL =. see ee INDEPENDENT ' PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS WHO MAINTAIN |. —— Too busy to write up new copy for this issue-- “I’m busy with an out-of-town customer. anything you like in this issue and bill me.” tisers. Canadian Premium Distributor 279 VICTORIA STREET ——— 20th Century Start 8 Pix. The 20th Century Fox Studios, now grinding away on three pictures, will start eight more within the next month. “Blind Moll,” ‘Love On A Budget,” with the Jones Family; ‘Shanghai Deadline,” with Delores Del Rio, Peter Lorre and June Lang; with Lyle Talbot, Michael Whalen and Gloria, Stuart; “Jean,” the first Annabella picture with William Powell; “Six Girls And Death” for which the cast is yet to be picked; “Her Masterpiece,” with Tyrone Power and Loretta Young and “Women With Wings” from a story by Genevieve Haugen. Cagney Gets $150,000 For Next Film James Cagney is guaranteed $150,000 flat for making his next Grand National feature, “Angels With Dirty Faces.” William Cagney, brother of the star will produce the picture,’ and Rol| and Brown will direct. “Its An Ill Wind-” | The Circle Theatre, Toronto, previously a subsequent run house held “Stella Dallas’’ for ten days with overflow audiences and is now playing “Dead End” to big business. l’ll say, that’s how we like to see our adver Dec. 1, 1937 Say | — J.C. — The Editor. TORONTO | South African | ‘Monopoly’ Invaded Associated Film Co. Ltd. is said to be threatening the so-called ‘Schlesinger monopoly” of the South African exhibition field. Associated is a co-operative organization of. exhibitors that plans to distribute and to build a chain of theatres in key cities. « on Last year several American companies stepped into the South African field, Loew’s with the building of theatres in Johannesburg and Durban, Twentieth Century-Fox, sent a representative to open. distribution cffices and also to investigate building possibilities there. United Artists are said to be perfecting a deal with Stuart Doyle, Australian film. magnate, to. erect a chain of theatres in Soutn Africa, and handle U.A. distributions in that territory. FIRST MOVIE AUTO CAMPS Humphrey Bogart, Warner’ Bros. star, will soon ‘start construction work on the first movie village auto camp for tourists. Cabins will be authentic movie sets purchased from _ various studios and made livable. A distinct movie atmosphere will prevail. Guests will put on makeup if they desire and a 16 mm. film of their visit will be made as a souvenir to take home with them.